How to remove discoloration with home remedies?
How to remove discoloration with home remedies?

Holiday “sins”, such as excessive sunbathing of the face or without the use of an appropriate cream with a filter, contribute to the formation of flat, dark spots on the skin. They become more visible as the tan gradually fades, but this does not mean that we should go to the tanning bed and try to “even out” the color. It happens that the cause of discoloration is simply aging of the skin, hyperthyroidism or taking certain medications. How to get rid of discoloration?

Melanin is responsible for their formation – its overproduction or lack of this pigment in the skin. They’re easy to spot – they’re just darker than the rest of your healthy skin. Although the causes of such skin condition may lie in diseases, hormones, inflammatory changes or contraception, the most common reason is excessive solar radiation.

Carefree on vacation, exposure to the sun, not using sunscreen – all this contributes to the formation of unsightly spots. Among other things, that is why it is so important to follow the rules of healthy tanning, or (preferably) sun protection.

Home remedies to get rid of discoloration

Although in some more difficult cases, professional help in a beauty salon will be necessary, we can first try a few home remedies to get rid of unsightly stains.

First, gently exfoliate the epidermis using a gentle scrub. Such a treatment will prepare the skin for better absorption of subsequent cosmetics, as well as partially wipe off dead skin and discoloration. One of the most effective products to remove this problem is something that we can buy almost everywhere – ordinary lemon. It has skin brightening properties and will be a great ally in the fight against discoloration.

The easiest way is to wash your face with a cotton pad soaked in lemon juice (avoiding the eye area, eyebrows and hair). You can add a little natural tomato juice. In addition, you can mix half a teaspoon of lemon juice and apple cider vinegarwhich contain a valuable combination of alpha-hydroxy and citric acids. You can leave this mixture on your face overnight. Another homemade cosmetic made of lemon is a combination of its flesh and peel yogurt or buttermilk. Leave the mask on your face to dry and then wash it off with cool water.

Another method is to use aloe gel, which, when used regularly for eight weeks, can reduce the appearance of discoloration. It has a protective, moisturizing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. You should also try the zucchini method baking sodawhich will brighten the epidermis and at the same time exfoliate it a bit – add a little water to it until a thick slurry is formed, rub it into the skin and wash it off after a few minutes.

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