How to remove deodorant stains

Undoubtedly, an antiperspirant is a must. But, unfortunately, this effect has a flip side of the coin. And it will not be an exaggeration if, in our case, almost all women in the world do not unanimously exclaim: “Damn white spots on black and yellow on white!”

Using deodorant, you always come across the same problem: how to get rid of stains on a dress, a blouse, armpits and their unaesthetic appearance that cause every woman a lot of trouble. However, you should not be particularly upset about this: in nature there are many ways to successfully combat them.

1. At first, in order to start working on removing stains, we must take care of the precautions. For example, in no case should you use bleach when washing white or colored clothes. You need to remove the hated stain on clothes from the edges to the center. When you took a breath and got rid of it, do not forget about rinsing your clothes thoroughly. Let the example of a raccoon always stand before your eyes.

2. White spots after using deodorant usually appear on black and dark clothes. If you try to remove them, you can use vinegar, lemon juice and salt, ammonia, aspirin tablets and even vodka. The last remedy, by the way, is used when getting rid of a whitish defect on a black silk dress or a thin blouse of the same color. You can moisten the stain with vodka and pause for about half an hour. Then, feel free to wash your clothes in clean water.

3. Often, experienced women resort to a proven folk remedy – ammonia, which successfully copes with many clothing stains. To remove the unfortunate stain from it, it is enough to mix it with water – 100 ml each. We wet the appropriate section of clothing – and wait hard for five minutes. Then they rinsed, washed – and the dirt disappeared. Let’s note one of the advantages of our product: ammonia removes any odors.

4. Yellow spots on white clothing are very difficult to remove and require special efforts and techniques to deal with. As practice shows, the best means for removing yellow spots are hydrogen peroxide with soda, laundry soap and oxalic acid, soda gruel, saline solution, pure alcohol, gasoline. Take baking soda, for example. To prepare a gruel that is killer for a yellow spot, you need to mix 4 tablespoons of baking soda and 50 ml of water, preferably at room temperature. Then, using a brush or hand, we apply the resulting product to the contaminated surface of the clothing. Rub the gruel into the stain vigorously – and leave it alone for 1-2 hours. Then we remove the dried soda with a brush and wash it in water.

5. Pure rubbing alcohol is the easiest and most affordable method to combat yellow spots. To make sure of this, it is enough to moisten a cotton pad and intensively process the dirty place for 3-5 minutes. Finished the work – it’s time to start hand washing in order to breathe a sigh of joy and relief – the ill-fated stain is gone.

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