How to remove dark circles under the eyes? Reasons for the appearance

The color and elasticity of human skin are a reflection of the state of the body: you can easily notice malfunctions in its work by observing the color of the epidermis under the eyes. After all, it is there that the skin is the thinnest and penetrated by capillaries. The darker it is, the more likely it is that one or another organ is included in the pathological process. Therefore, it is so important to know and be able to determine the causes of dark circles under the eyes.

Often, dark circles are taken as a sign of fatigue and general malaise, but in some cases they can also signal more serious problems.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

How to remove dark circles under the eyes? Reasons for the appearance

The causes of dark circles under the eyes can be concluded in the following:

  • An allergic reaction of the skin to a new, incorrectly selected cosmetic product, or its irrational use;

  • Genetic predisposition to dark circles. The reason in this case lies in the fact that the area of ​​skin under the eyes is very thin. The coloration of the periorbital zone in a dark color is due to the translucence of capillaries, which are located too close to the surface of the skin;

  • Frequent stress and constant nervous tension affect the appearance of a person and can provoke unhealthy pallor of the skin, against which the existing dark circles under the eyes become more noticeable;

  • Excessive tension of the visual apparatus, in particular, a long stay at the computer, reading in poor lighting – all this can provoke the appearance of dark circles under the eyes;

  • Iron deficiency in the body, anemia of varying severity. To determine the level of hemoglobin, it is enough to pass a routine blood test;

  • Lack of sleep or poor daily routine. A night’s sleep of an adult should last at least 8 hours. In addition, it is important to follow the regime and go to bed every day at the recommended time. Doctors advise going to bed no later than 24 hours. Failure to comply with this rule leads to the fact that the body begins to experience constant stress, which means that dark circles under the eyes will appear very quickly;

  • Diseases of the urinary system. With kidney pathology, there are not only dark circles under the eyes, but puffiness also appears. In this case, both the lower and upper eyelids swell. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the combination of symptoms, for example, problems with urination, combined with increased thirst, may indicate diabetes;

  • Pathologies of the pancreas affect the appearance of a person, including the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. They are joined by symptoms such as pain in the right hypochondrium, vomiting, stool disorders, nausea;

  • Infection of the body with parasites, in particular helminthiases. With the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, accompanied by pain in the abdomen, swelling and itching in the anus, it is worth passing feces for the presence of parasites;

  • Such an inflammatory disease as sinusitis always causes the formation of dark circles in the lower eyelids. They are especially pronounced in the chronic nature of the disease. This pathology is accompanied by pain in the forehead, in the depths of the eyes, sometimes passing to the teeth;

  • Hormonal disruptions in the body associated with disruption of the endocrine glands often provoke the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. An accurate diagnosis can only be made after a thorough examination. So, diabetes insipidus is always accompanied by bruising in the periorbital region, intense thirst and an increased volume of urine;

  • Age also causes dark circles under the eyes. This is due to the thinning of both the subcutaneous fat layer and the skin itself. Blood vessels eventually begin to shine through from under it. The structure of the face also changes, the eyes sink deeper into the eye sockets, which creates a visual effect of shadows under them;

  • Diseases of the internal organs, in particular, the liver and heart;

  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation enhances skin pigmentation. If in other places its darkening is not so noticeable, then in the area located under the eyes they appear more clearly;

  • Violation of the water balance in the body, the causes of which can be many, ranging from diabetes insipidus to iron deficiency anemia;

  • Pollinosis, or a seasonal allergic reaction to plant pollen;

  • Taking medications, in particular, to dilate blood vessels;

  • Unbalanced diet, abuse of salt, coffee, spicy foods. This also includes strict diets and dramatic weight loss, leading to thinning of the fat layer under the eyes;

  • Skin diseases, which include dermatitis and eczema;

  • Lack of oxygen or tissue hypoxia. This occurs with diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as due to pathologies of the lungs;

  • Low physical activity leads to stagnation of lymph, which is manifested by dark circles under the eyes;

  • Dark circles under the eyes can be caused by an injury to the bridge of the nose or the eye itself. Most often they appear from a direct blow, at first they have a dark color, and then brighten over time.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes?

How to remove dark circles under the eyes? Reasons for the appearance

In order to remove dark circles under the eyes, it is important to identify the cause of their occurrence. If the diagnosis itself is not difficult, and a visual inspection is enough to detect this defect, then in some cases the identification of the cause is available only to a narrow specialist.

When there is any pathology in the body, the change in skin color cannot be corrected with the help of cosmetic procedures. A thorough medical examination and the appointment of appropriate treatment are necessary.

Salon procedures offer the following options for solving the problem of dark circles under the eyes:

  • Lymphatic drainage, which is a procedure using microcurrents. Thanks to such electrical stimulation, the muscles of the face acquire a tone, lymph outflow from the lower eyelid area occurs;

  • Laser resurfacing. The problem area is affected by rays emanating from a special device, due to which the skin acquires a lighter shade. The disadvantage of this method is that one procedure, as a rule, is not enough to completely eliminate dark circles under the eyes. And after a certain time, the course must be repeated;

  • Mesotherapy involves the introduction of drugs directly under the skin around the eyes. They act on cells, promoting regeneration and metabolic processes. Most often, products based on embryonic extract, plant extracts, a complex of vitamins and caffeine, lysine, etc. are used to eliminate dark circles. The effect of mesotherapy lasts for six months or more, depending on the individual characteristics of the skin;

  • Lipolifting. A modern popular procedure for removing dark circles under the eyes, which is based on the introduction of the patient’s own adipose tissue into the area under the eyes. The intake of fat is most often carried out from the hips. The skin acquires density, and dark circles under it become invisible. The effect persists for a long time – up to two years. After that, the procedure will need to be repeated;

  • Plastic surgery, called “blepharoplasty”, which is performed by a surgeon and requires general anesthesia. This method allows not only to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, but also to remove excess fat and skin from the upper and lower eyelids, to rejuvenate the face as a whole.

In order to normalize blood circulation in the area under the eyes, you can use ice cubes. To do this, you must first freeze the water, it is important that it be purified, you can use mineral water. After waking up, you need to do a light massage with the resulting cubes around the eyes, and then all over the face. Restrictions to such a procedure are rosacea and sinusitis. This method allows you to tone the vessels, make the skin under the eyes more elastic and firm. It is important to observe the direction of movement – from the outer corner of the eyes to the inner. After the procedure, the skin should be moisturized by applying a special cream for the skin around the eyes.

To get rid of dark circles caused by stagnation of the lymph, a regular acupressure is suitable. The direction of movement is the same – from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. Two minutes is enough to speed up lymph flow and reduce visible dark bags under the eyes.

Contrasting washes are also useful, the difference between the water temperature should be at least 10 ° C. After the procedure, it is recommended to use creams containing vitamins K, A, C, and E, antioxidant complexes.

In order to prevent the formation of dark circles under the eyes, preventive measures are important. They should include:

How to remove dark circles under the eyes? Reasons for the appearance

  • A complete rest in suitable conditions for this. Night sleep should not be disturbed by extraneous sounds and light sources. Its optimal duration for an adult is at least 8 hours;

  • Daily intake of sufficient water. Its volume, excluding teas and juices, must be at least 2 liters;

  • Refusal of bad habits, such as drinking alcohol and smoking;

  • It is important to give your eyes a good rest when working at a computer monitor for a long time, watching TV and reading books. There should be a break every hour. At this time, it is useful to perform gymnastics for the eyes;

  • You should limit the consumption of sweets. According to the latest WHO recommendations, the daily amount of sugar consumed for an adult should not exceed 6 teaspoons;

  • It is important to include in the diet fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and fiber;

  • Salt intake should be minimized;

  • Before a night’s rest, you need to remove all cosmetics from your face so as not to provoke the appearance of irritation and allergies;

  • Spend as much time as possible outdoors. The bedroom should be regularly ventilated to exclude hypoxia, which provokes the appearance of dark circles under the eyes;

  • When choosing cosmetics for facial care, preference should be given to those that are natural, age-appropriate and match the skin type;

  • Before leaving the house, especially in the summer, you should apply sunscreen to your skin. It is better to wear glasses with dark lenses on your eyes.

Dark circles under the eyes, which arose as a result of a blow, deserve special attention. Their treatment is to apply cold to the affected area as soon as possible after the injury. It is better if it is ice wrapped in cloth. In this way, it will be possible to create a spasm in the damaged vessels. As a result of narrowing, the blood from them will stand out in a smaller volume, which means that dark circles will be smaller the next day. From a strong blow, a hematoma will still appear, but it will not be so bright.

The next step in the treatment of dark circles resulting from a blow will be the use of ointments that help relieve swelling and eliminate pain. For this, tools such as Troxevasin or Heparin ointment are suitable. Iodine mesh is another tool that helps to quickly dissolve dark circles after an impact. It is important to remember that on the first day the injured place requires cold, and on all subsequent days it requires heat.

If the cause of dark circles under the eyes is an allergy, then it is advisable to take antihistamines. However, their selection should be carried out by an allergist. Often they are prescribed in combination with vasoconstrictor drugs. It is important to find out what exactly is causing the allergy. In the event that a reaction has occurred to a cosmetic product, it is enough to simply stop using it. If dark circles are the result of hay fever, then you should limit your time outdoors as much as possible and stay indoors with closed windows and air conditioning as long as possible.

In conclusion, it must be said that it is possible to get rid of dark circles with the help of cosmetics only if they are an anatomical feature of a person or the result of banal fatigue, but not when they are caused by a pathological state of the body. The disease must be cured, then the appearance will return to normal.

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