How to remove carbon deposits from a frying pan. Video
The hostess cannot do without a frying pan in the kitchen. These are the necessary utensils, the “face” of the kitchen, which must always be perfectly clean. It is quite difficult to clean carbon deposits from it, but if you follow certain rules, your pan will always be a matter of your pride, and not shame.
How to clean a frying pan
How to clean teflon and ceramics?
Carbon deposits are oxidation deposits that occur when high temperatures are applied to the fat used to lubricate the bottom of the pan. It eats firmly into aluminum, as a result of which it is difficult and long to remove carbon deposits – if fresh deposits can be cleaned with a hard washcloth and abrasive agents, then old carbon deposits will have to be washed off with great effort.
It is much easier to clean Teflon from carbon deposits, since it has a fluoroplastic coating that prevents sticking and formation of carbon deposits. The problem is that this coating is absent on the outer surface of the pan, so you still have to take care of it using special means to remove carbon deposits from the outside of the pan.
Never use steel wool or coarse abrasives to remove carbon deposits from a Teflon frying pan – they will scratch the coating and ruin the item.
The most suitable products for removing carbon deposits from pans are Shumanit and Amway, which also clean ceramic pans well. They should be applied to the smoked surface with a special brush and washed off with a soft sponge according to the instructions in the instructions.
Cleaning cast iron and aluminum pans
A cast-iron pan is much more reluctant to part with carbon deposits than its modern counterparts. First of all, it must be removed from a thick layer of plaque by carefully removing it with a knife. Then the pan must be boiled for several hours in water, to which a handful of soda, detergent powder and a tube of PVA glue have been added. After that, the carbon deposits will easily come off under the iron brush.
Before using a cast iron pan for the first time, it is advisable to ignite it with kitchen salt over high heat until the salt darkens, after which you need to spread the bottom with vegetable oil and re-ignite the pan in the oven.
Another effective way to clean old cast iron contamination is salt, vinegar and soda. Put the pan on the fire, put a few tablespoons of salt in it and pour the salt with vinegar so that the mixture completely covers the bottom of the dish. When it boils, add ¼ cup baking soda to it and reduce heat. After most of the solution has boiled away, the pan must be removed from the heat and cleaned with an iron washcloth and baking soda.
If the carbon in the aluminum skillet is not too hot, pour the bottom of the pan with a mixture of two teaspoons of citric acid and water, boil it, hold it in the pan for a while, and then pour and rinse the pan.
Are there ugly burnt spots on the aluminum frying pan? Cut open a fresh apple and rub the burnt well – stains should be removed.
You can also clean aluminum with 10 grams of borax, filled with a glass of warm water and diluted with a small amount of ammonia. Soak a sponge in the solution and wipe the dirty surface thoroughly. After that, rinse the pan under running water, completely removing the remaining solution from it.
Removing fat from the pan
To get rid of old grease stuck in the pan, drip a little detergent onto the cold surface of the pan, fill the bottom with hot water and wipe it with a nylon sponge. Then rinse the pan with lukewarm water and pat dry.
Great for removing grease and oven cleaner – spray it on the inside and outside of the pan, wait for it to absorb grease stains, wrap the pan in plastic and let it sit for 12 hours. After the expiration date, remove the dishes, wash thoroughly with warm water and detergent and dry.
Old grease around the grooves on the handles is perfectly cleaned with detergent powder, a toothbrush and some effort
A slurry of soda and water, which degreases and cleans the surface of the pan without damaging it, helps to get rid of fat no less effectively. You only need to use a soft kitchen sponge.
Removing rust from the pan
How to remove carbon deposits from a frying pan
The appearance of rust on pans is associated with their prolonged contact with water. Stainless steel and cast iron are washed off rust with white vinegar – apply it to rusted areas, wait half an hour and rinse. To achieve the perfect effect, repeat the procedure several times.
Lemon with salt or brown also copes well with rust. Apply a mixture of lemon juice and borax to the stains and leave it there for a few hours. A mixture of lime juice and salt is applied in the same way, but will remain on the stains for at least three hours. The pan is then thoroughly rinsed and dried with a dry towel.
Take good care of your pans so that you never have problems cleaning them. Rinse off all grease as soon as it appears, wipe the inside of the dishes with a nylon sponge and hot water, and never wash a cast iron skillet in a modern dishwasher.