Blueberries are a tasty and healthy berry, but traces of their juice can cause a lot of problems. Knowing how to remove blueberry stains, a damaged item can be easily rehabilitated without going to dry cleaning.
Knowing how to remove blueberry stains can help you enjoy the berries safely
If you are faced with a capricious spot, feel free to take note of the following rules:
• removing a fresh stain from such a berry is much easier than doing it with old pollution. The first and most effective step is to rinse the stained area in cold running water;
• To prevent the stain from spreading, dust the area around it with flour or talcum powder;
• carefully study the composition of the fabric and use only that method and those means that will not cause even more damage to the damaged thing;
• Give up toilet soap: under its action, the coloring pigments are absorbed even deeper into the material.
There are many products for removing blueberry stains, and they can be divided into groups according to the period of soiling and the type of fabric.
How to remove blueberries from clothes if the stain has just been planted? You can treat the contamination with boiling water. This method requires special care and consists of the following steps:
• rinse the item in cold water;
• stretching the area needed for processing over a saucepan or basin, pour boiling water over the stain abundantly. You will be surprised how quickly the blueberries disappear. The technique is suitable for white and permanently colored fabrics. Lightly colored synthetic materials will change color at the site of exposure.
Another popular method is vinegar and lemon, taken separately or mixed together. Clean the stain with a clean kitchen sponge dipped in vinegar or lemon juice, then send it to the wash and rinse thoroughly. To enhance the effect, you can leave the stain soaked in these products for 15-20 minutes. By mixing these 2 components in equal proportions and applying the mixture to the dirt, you can also achieve an excellent result.
Sour milk, whey, kefir have an equally effective effect on berry stains. The contaminated item is placed in a basin with one of these liquids for a period of half an hour to 2 hours, waiting for the traces of the berries to completely disappear, then washed in any usual way.
A universal method for all types of fabrics spoiled by stains from blueberry juice is a mixture of ammonia and salt. This product is rubbed into the stain and left to act on the fabric for half an hour, then sent to the wash.
Alcohol will help in the fight against dried berry blots.
The thing must be soaked in it for 15 minutes, then washed with laundry soap.
Borax mixed with water in a one-to-one ratio is also ideal for blueberry stains. The mixture is applied with a cotton swab to the place of pollution and left for a while – the stain will either disappear or become much lighter. The last stage of this procedure will be washing with ordinary detergents.
And finally, do not forget about stain removers, in a wide variety of products available in any supermarket. With their help, getting rid of traces of blueberry juice will be even easier and faster.
Arm yourself with useful knowledge on how to wash blueberries, and enjoy the taste of these wonderful berries: after all, now blots from berry juice on your clothes are not a problem for you!