How to remove black circles under the eyes? Reasons for the appearance

Black circles under the eyes – This is a significant indicator that something is unfavorable in the human body. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the skin that is located around the eyes is very thin and sensitive. Therefore, a change in its color to a darker side indicates a problem, more often than not even an aesthetic one, but a medical one.

It is not difficult to visually determine such a defect as black circles under the eyes. The skin of the lower eyelid becomes very thin and darkens by several tones. However, it will not be possible to meet a person with absolutely black circles under the eyes. The epidermis in this place can take on a variety of shades: from grayish-pink to blue-violet, and in some cases yellow-brown.

Causes of black circles under the eyes

The most common opinion regarding the cause of the appearance of black circles in the periorbital zone is lack of sleep and non-compliance with the daily routine. Indeed, this phenomenon occurs quite often, but sometimes the answer lies in more serious health problems.

In order to recognize them in time and start treatment, it is worth considering all the possible causes of the appearance of black circles under the eyes:

  • The breakdown of hemoglobin can provoke the appearance of black circles under the eyes, even without prior injury. It is known that the area under the eyes is permeated with the smallest blood vessels – capillaries. However, they are so narrow that in order to move along them, red blood cells (erythrocytes) need to stand in a row, one after another, and in some cases even split into two parts. Sometimes the capillary does not withstand such pressure and bursts. The blood is in the subcutaneous space of the eye. There is nothing dangerous in this, the body copes with such a situation on its own. However, the process of resorption and utilization of the released blood is accompanied by the formation of black circles. In the same way, the bruise gradually disappears after a blow, but it is under the eyes that they can form without any injury;

  • Allergic reaction to environmental stimuli. Allergy itself cannot provoke a bruise, but it causes itching and irritation in the eye area. A person begins to rub them vigorously, as a result of which the delicate skin is injured, and the capillaries penetrating it break, releasing blood. This explains the appearance of black circles and bags under the eyes with allergies;

  • Excessive exposure to the sun can cause dark circles under the eyes. It is the tan in this case that becomes the cause of their occurrence. This is explained by the fact that during exposure to ultraviolet rays on human skin, the body begins to produce melanin in order to protect itself. The longer the exposure time, the more melanin is produced, and the closer to the upper layers of the epidermis it is excreted. Since the skin under the eyes is the thinnest, it is there that the tan is visible in the first place. Therefore, after a long stay in the sun, a person often develops “black glasses” on his face;

  • Common reasons such as insufficient rest and improper daily routine do not directly lead to the formation of black circles under the eyes. However, they are becoming more visible. The thing is that during the period when the body experiences excessive stress, for a number of reasons, the skin of the face becomes paler. It is against this background that the circles under the eyes look darker, creating a visual effect of chronic fatigue;

  • Age is another natural cause of black circles under the eyes. Similar changes in the periorbital region occur due to the fact that the skin there becomes thinner the older the person is. This problem is especially noticeable in women during the period of extinction of sexual functions;

  • Often, black circles can be seen in pregnant women, as well as in girls during the next menstruation. This is due to the same blanching of the skin in a stressful situation for the body. Then the dark circles that always exist under the eyes become almost black;

  • An unbalanced diet and a lack of important trace elements and vitamins, in particular vitamin C, also sometimes lead to the appearance of black circles under the eyes;

  • Chronic kidney disease. If, with violations in the functioning of the urinary system, a person has black circles in the periorbital region, this indicates that the body is suffering from severe intoxication. It arises due to the fact that waste products are not completely excreted;

  • Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;

  • Pathology of the pancreas;

  • Diseases of the respiratory system, leading to tissue hypoxia;

  • The cold season can cause darkening of the skin under the eyes. This is due to the fact that subcutaneous fat begins to melt under the influence of the climatic factor. Under the eyes, the fat layer is already very thin. Therefore, its disappearance is so noticeable, against the background of which the smallest capillaries penetrating the skin in this area become brighter;

  • Drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco contributes to the fact that all vessels, including those under the eyes, become thinner, become fragile and brittle. In this regard, the risk of their injury and the release of blood increases;

  • Various diets leading to drastic weight loss always result in the fact that black circles under the eyes become more noticeable. The problem can also be aggravated by the fact that the body will most likely lack vitamins and trace elements;

  • Negative reaction to skin care products;

  • Iron deficiency in the body, that is, such a pathological condition as iron deficiency anemia;

  • Stressful situations, increased nervousness, excessive psycho-emotional excitability.

How to remove black circles under the eyes?

In order to remove black circles under the eyes, it is necessary to find out the cause of their occurrence. All further actions to eliminate the defect will directly depend on this. In the case when the cause is a disease of the internal organs, not a single cosmetic product will be able to help. It is mandatory to undergo a full examination and course of treatment to eliminate the pathology.

In the case when black circles under the eyes are not associated with a disease, cosmetic procedures and pharmaceutical products can come to the rescue:

  • Lipolifting. This technique helps to effectively deal with black circles under the eyes. Its essence lies in the fact that a person’s own fat cells are introduced into the periorbital region, thickening the subcutaneous fat layer. The result is visible almost instantly, but it is short-lived. Over time, the procedure will have to be repeated. This is precisely its main drawback;

  • Lymphatic drainage. Another modern cosmetic procedure that can help eliminate black circles under the eyes. It is carried out using a special device that acts on problem areas of the skin with microcurrents. This leads to improved blood circulation and promotes the resorption of black circles;

  • Mesotherapy – Another effective way to make dark circles under the eyes less noticeable. In this case, a special drug is injected under the skin with a thin needle that stimulates cell regeneration. Cosmetologists note that the final result will directly depend on the individual characteristics of the body and on its reaction to injections;

  • Cosmetics. In order to make black circles less noticeable, you need to use special cosmetics sold in pharmacies. These include nourishing and moisturizing creams designed to care for the sensitive skin around the eyes. Penetrating into the inner layers of the epidermis, they contribute to the rapid resorption of hemoglobin, thereby quickly relieving a person of black circles under the eyes. In addition, such creams can strengthen the walls of capillaries, make them less brittle, which is an excellent prevention of hemorrhages in this place in the future. Moisturized eyelid skin will not dry out, it will have fewer wrinkles, which means it will become more resistant to external factors. Together, this will get rid of black circles under the eyes and prevent their appearance in the future.

Prevention of black circles under the eyes

As for preventive measures aimed at preventing the appearance of black circles, these include the following rules:

  • Rest should be complete. If a person sleeps less than seven hours a day, then the black shadows under the eyes will become much more noticeable against the background of pale skin;

  • The daily routine, that is, the habit of getting up, going to bed, eating and being awake at the same time, is a guarantee that the body will be in good shape, which means that black circles around the eyes will not appear;

  • In the case when professional activity is connected with the constant presence at the computer monitor, it is necessary to take a short break every hour. At this time, you can just sit with your eyes closed, do a set of gymnastic exercises. This will relieve tension from the eyes and not injure the delicate skin under them by constant rubbing;

  • The more a person spends in the fresh air, the better his blood is saturated with oxygen. This helps red blood cells move more actively through the vessels, including under the eyes. If there is no possibility of a long-term stay in the fresh air, you should ventilate the room as often as possible;

  • It is best to wash your face when you wake up with cool water. It is useful to wipe the face with ice cubes. This helps to strengthen the blood vessels. Before going to bed, it is useful to do contrasting washings. To do this, it is convenient to use two basins filled with water of different temperatures;

  • Nutrition should be as balanced as possible. This is the only way to keep the vessels in good shape and avoid their ruptures;

  • It is important to get rid of bad habits, if any;

  • It is worth avoiding stressful situations whenever possible;

  • If you plan to spend a lot of time in the sun, then you should take care to protect your face from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. To do this, you need to use special sunscreens, wear glasses with dark glasses and wide-brimmed hats;

  • It is not recommended to apply on the skin of the face, and even more so on the area around the eyes, low-grade heavy and oily creams. They are only able to harm the sensitive skin of the lower eyelids, and not protect it, and in adulthood – cause sagging and the formation of bags;

  • To prevent and eliminate black circles, it is important to start the day with a facial massage. Thus, it will be possible to improve blood flow, increase skin tone, accelerate the process of hemoglobin breakdown;

  • In order to remove black circles under the eyes caused by disturbances in the functioning of the body, it is necessary to visit the doctor regularly and undergo full courses of treatment as needed.

There is a gymnastic set of exercises that helps to relax the muscles of the face, relieve fatigue from the eyes and improve blood circulation in the eyelids.

These simple steps will help you quickly get rid of black circles under the eyes caused by the tension of the visual apparatus:

  • It is necessary to sit up straight and alternately raise the eyeballs up and down. In this case, the head should remain motionless;

  • Without turning your head, you need to look first to the right, then to the left. It is important that only the muscles that regulate eye movement are involved;

  • You should try to draw various geometric shapes with your eyes. You can, as an option, drive them along the contour of furniture or other surrounding objects;

  • It is necessary to firmly squeeze the eyelids, leave them in this state for several minutes, then relax without opening the eyes. Repeat three times;

  • At the end, it is recommended to close your eyes, and put straight palms on top of them so that your eyelids feel the warmth emanating from your hands.

This set of exercises should be performed daily, depending on the degree of visual tension and the severity of the black circles under the eyes.

Cold will help to remove black circles under the eyes that have formed as a result of an injury. It must be applied to the damaged area within the first hour after the impact.

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