How to remove bags under the eyes: massage, gymnastics, cosmetics

What means and exercises will come to the rescue if you are tired of swelling under the eyes, read in our article. At the same time, we will tell you why these edemas appear in you and how to prevent them.

What are bags under the eyes

Bags under the eyes are called two different phenomena. However, both of them are associated with the physiological characteristics of the periorbital zone, which tends to accumulate fluid due to loose subcutaneous fat.
  1. Fatty hernias – is adipose tissue that has increased in size and became noticeable. Hernias are permanent, can appear at a fairly young age, and often have a hereditary origin.

  2. Edema is a direct consequence of fluid stagnation. They are familiar to everyone, and with age, puffiness from a temporary problem that is faced the next morning after a party can turn into a permanent one.

Find out what kind of eye care you need.

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Why bags under the eyes appear

In most cases, we ourselves provoke swelling. This means that the situation can be controlled and changed for the better.

But first, let’s talk about what we’re doing wrong.

  • Abuse of salty foods

    As you know, salt retains water, and the hernial sac and loose fiber are conditions suitable for fluid stagnation.

  • Drink plenty of fluids at night

    Yes, doctors advise drinking at least 1,5 liters of water per day (at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight) so that all processes in the body proceed optimally. But it is necessary to distribute this amount so that a small part of the daily norm falls on the evening. And in general, by 19.00 it is better to finish eating and drinking. And certainly do not drink tea, coffee and alcohol before bedtime – they retain fluid in the body.

  • We sleep a little

    With a short and poor-quality sleep, the eyes do not have time to recover and look red and swollen. An unhealthy regime negatively affects the condition of the skin as a whole (on its protective functions, moisture level, immunity), and especially on the fragile and weak skin of the eyes. In addition, with lack of sleep, we involuntarily begin to rub our eyes, injuring the eyelids.

  • We move a little

    While we are lying on the couch, sitting in an office chair, or driving in a traffic jam, the muscles that help eliminate fluid are inactive. As a result, it stagnates where it is easiest for her to do this – in the area around the eyes.

  • Getting older

    Of course, we are not to blame for this. But it is worth remembering: with age, metabolic processes in the body slow down, the production of collagen and elastin decreases, which causes the skin to lose elasticity. Especially quickly and noticeably, these changes occur in the eye area.

In people with hereditary severity of the hernial sac, as well as with naturally large eyes, puffiness worsens with age.

Methods of struggle

Bags and puffiness around the eyes age, so I want to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Hernia – These are well-defined bags under the eyes, which are difficult to correct, especially after a certain age. They can only be removed by surgery.

But to remove swelling and reduce edema quite real if:

  • adjust lifestyle;

  • choose cosmetics for the skin around the eyes and use it wisely.

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No, we are not agitating you to join the army of healthy lifestyle fans and completely change your habits. To unload the eyelids from bags and “open your eyes”, just remember two words: “water” and “movement”. It is this combination that is the key to optimal fluid circulation in the body.

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Care instructions

Skin care around the eyes has its own characteristics. Check if you are doing everything right.

  1. Use only products for the skin of the eyelids. A regular face cream or gel applied under the eyes provokes swelling.

  2. Apply evening care products 1,5-2 hours before going to bed.

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How to quickly deal with bags under the eyes

  • Contrasting wash. The change of cold and warm water activates the blood and lymph flow, helps to speed up the outflow of fluid from the eyelid area. For the contrast procedure, “compresses” from cotton pads soaked in water of different temperatures are suitable.

  • Massage. Special manipulations stimulate the outflow of fluid.

  • Motion. Walking at a brisk pace is one of the most effective ways to quickly relieve puffiness.

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Signature massage elements Decléor will benefit the eyes and relieve puffiness.

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Gymnastics for the eyes

These simple exercises are good for both skin and vision. Their goal is to give the circular muscle of the eye an unusual job.

  1. Slowly move your eyes as far to the right as possible. Hold your gaze.

  2. Do the same while looking to the left.

  3. Look up, hold, look down.

  4. Look as high as you can diagonally up to the right, then down to the left.

  5. Repeat the same, starting from the upper left point diagonally.

  6. Repeat the whole cycle, but with your eyes closed.

During the exercise, only the eyes move: the eyebrows, head, neck remain motionless.

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Bags under the eyes in men: methods of elimination

Men’s skin is thicker than women’s, it has more collagen and elastin, so it ages more slowly. But the blood flow in men is more active, and this is reflected in the state of the area around the eyes, which is equipped with a dense network of capillaries responsible for local blood supply and lymph movement.

Due to physiological characteristics, the periorbital zone in men is more likely to accumulate fluid. Hence the frequent swelling. There is only one conclusion: all the rules for the prevention of edema and eyelid skin care concern men in the first place.

Let’s highlight the main recommendations:

  • to refuse from bad habits;

  • drink water during the day, not in the late afternoon;

  • do not overeat (first of all, this applies to semi-finished products and fast food);

  • lead an active Lifestyle;

  • buy cosmetics with marking Men / Homme / “for men”.

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Cosmetical tools

Do you want to remove bags under the eyes and get rid of edema? You will need these two types.

  1. caffeinated

    Cosmetics manufacturers have long known that this substance improves local microcirculation, so it is always included in the formulas of anti-puffiness sticks and gels.

  2. With cooling effect

    The effect of the “ice cube” is provided by products with an applicator made of smooth cool metal. The second way to cool the skin of the eyelids is to use cosmetics with menthol and mint.

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Salon procedures

Cooling cosmetics and procedures relieve puffiness.


Weak pulses of electric current tone the blood vessels and accelerate metabolic processes. This technique works great in the area around the eyes to activate blood circulation and lymph flow.

Lymphatic drainage massage

It is carried out both separately and as part of a multi-stage care for the eye contour. The result will be instant, but to be sure, it is better to take a course. Success largely depends on the professionalism of the cosmetologist and the duration of the course.

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Cosmetics Review


Cream for the skin around the eyes with a cooling effect against swelling and dark circles Aquasource Total Eye Revitalizer, Biotherm

Cools the surface of the epidermis by two degrees, contains vitamin B3 and sakura leaf extract.

Caffeinated products

Intensively moisturizing cream-gel Hydraphase Intense Yeux, La Roche-Posay

The refreshing texture, as well as the formula with hyaluronic acid and caffeine, provide an intense moisturizing effect and reduce puffiness.

Eye care Revitalift Laser X3, L’Oréal Paris

Caffeine and a cool applicator tip help reduce under-eye bags, while hyaluronic acid hydrates skin and fills in wrinkles.

Care Activator of Youth for the skin around the eyes Advanced Génifique Yeux Light-Pearl, Lancôme

Advanced Génifique Yeux Light Pearl Eye Serum textured treatment with a 360° flexible massage applicator smoothes wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

Moisturizing, wrinkle-smoothing eye cream “Hyaluron Expert” with two types of hyaluronic acid, L’Oréal Paris

It is distinguished by a high concentration of two types of hyaluronic acid: high molecular weight promotes hydration and helps smooth the surface of the skin, low molecular weight replenishes moisture reserves in the skin, penetrating into the epidermis. As a result, the skin is filled with moisture, and wrinkles are smoothed out. Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive.

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