How to remove bags under the eyes?

Usually, the owner knows exactly the cause of such a problem as bags under the eyes. Chronic lack of sleep, fatigue, or deterioration in general health can contribute to the appearance of this defect.

Another common cause of swelling under the eyes can be alcohol abuse and smoking. As you know, the eyes are not only a mirror of our soul, but also fully reflect the internal state of the body.

The appearance of puffiness under the eyes may indicate growing problems in the work of the urinary and cardiovascular systems.

What are bags under the eyes?

How to remove bags under the eyes?

There is nothing particularly tricky behind this name – the bags are nothing more than a banal accumulation of fluid that has lingered in the body for a number of reasons. The thing is that the skin around the eyes is very thin, and the accumulation of fluid under it leads to sagging skin in the form of small bags. Women of middle and older age are more prone to the appearance of this defect, when the skin no longer has its former elasticity, and a slowdown in metabolic processes can reduce the rate of removal of excess fluid from the body.

Another factor that provokes the development of swelling under the eyes is the excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in this area. The subcutaneous tissue around the eyes is a favorable environment for the deposition of excess fat in case of an increase in body weight in general.

A rarer, but still possible cause of bags under the eyes may be an anatomical feature. If at the gene level a person has such a phenomenon as sagging of the skin in the area around the eyes, then ordinary cosmetic manipulations are indispensable here. Definitely need the help of a qualified plastic surgeon and high-quality blepharoplasty.

What are the methods of struggle?

After a detailed acquaintance with the definition and causes of this phenomenon, the question arises of possible methods for eliminating bags under the eyes. The answer to it is rather difficult due to the variety of possible options. One thing is clear: the optimal way to get rid of bags under the eyes directly depends on the reason that caused their appearance.

Let’s start with perhaps the most difficult cases. If puffiness under the eyes is caused by serious problems with the urinary or cardiovascular system, then you should initially set yourself up for the lack of a quick result when using even the most effective cosmetics. In this situation, it is only possible to slightly reduce the bags under the eyes, and only a comprehensive treatment of the disease will help to eliminate them completely.

Cosmetics to help

If the cause of the development of puffiness under the eyes lies not in the internal pathology, but in the loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin, then you can use special cosmetics. Their action is directed, first of all, to increase the outflow of excess fluid from the area around the eyes, as well as to increase the elasticity of the skin.

The composition of cosmetics in this group must include collagen, coffee extract, elastin, hyaluronic acid and extracts of certain medicinal plants (sage, horsetail, chamomile and parsley).

If there is no hypersensitivity to essential oils, then it is possible to use them as a nourishing agent for the skin around the eyes. Hazelnut, ginger, and almond essential oils are good options.

At home, you can use the following simple tool: prepare ice cubes in advance from ordinary drinking water or from decoctions of medicinal herbs and wipe the area around the eyes immediately after waking up in the morning, only in this case the expected result will come. Cold has a tonic effect and has a stimulating effect on the lymph flow in problem areas.

If you do not want to spend time making ice, then you can always find special gel masks on sale that can be frozen and then applied to your face. The effect of such an ice mask occurs literally in a matter of minutes.

The use of masks should be combined with the daily application of a good cream for the skin around the eyes. Such creams are an excellent addition to cosmetic procedures, and are also able to independently have a tonic effect on the skin of problem areas. So that the skin around the eyes does not lose its elasticity and elasticity for a long time, it needs daily moisturizing. This is an excellent prevention of the occurrence of mimic and deep wrinkles.

Salon procedures

How to remove bags under the eyes?

Modern cosmetology has several of the most effective methods of dealing with bags under the eyes:

  • Mesotherapy. This procedure is a gradual subcutaneous injection of special preparations, which after a while begin to be released and have a stimulating effect on problem areas;

  • Electrostimulation. The method consists in the impact of low-frequency electrical impulses on the surface of the skin around the eyes. This procedure has a positive effect on the tone of the circular muscle, thereby improving the general condition and appearance of the skin around the eyes;

  • Lymphatic drainage. Using this method, you can increase the lymph flow from the vessels of the area around the eyes. The result of the procedure is a rapid visual reduction of the bags. Lymphatic drainage can be carried out using a special apparatus or by the usual manual method. It is impractical to carry out this procedure, covering only the area around the eyes, so it is done on the entire face area. Only 8 procedures are enough to achieve the desired effect.

A little about blepharoplasty

Such an operation is a radical solution to the question of how to get rid of bags under the eyes. The essence of the procedure is the surgical removal of a small skin flap and subcutaneous fat in the area around the eyes. Postoperative scars in this case are practically excluded. The first time after the operation, there may be additional swelling and cyanosis in the area under the eyes, but this phenomenon disappears over time, leaving no trace.

An alternative and more gentle version of this procedure is possible – laser blepharoplasty. The invasiveness of the impact is minimized, in contrast to the surgical method. In addition, any scars and scars in this case are excluded.

Another alternative method of removing bags is resurfacing the skin around the eyes with a laser. The invasiveness of this procedure is also practically zero, and the effect is obvious from the very first minutes.

Eye massage

If you have doubts, or you are simply not yet mentally ready to go for one of the above cosmetic procedures, then simple techniques of special cosmetic massage can help get rid of bags under the eyes at home. It is important to remember that any massage manipulations are possible only if there are no contraindications to their implementation.

Daily self-massage of problem areas around the eyes can serve as an excellent alternative to the hardware lymphatic drainage procedure. In order for the effect of the massage to be maximum, it should be carried out strictly daily, without any time gaps.

Before starting the massage, you need to take into account the peculiarity of the area around the eyes. The skin in these places is quite delicate and requires a delicate approach. Start the self-massage procedure by applying a moisturizer to the infraorbital region. Massage manipulations are performed exclusively with the help of fingertips. This effect is the most optimal, because it excludes any injury to delicate skin.

The massage procedure should begin from the upper eyelid, and at the same time perform light tapping movements with the fingertips in the direction from the inner corner to the outer. Then you need to smoothly move to the lower eyelid and make all the same tapping movements with the help of fingertips, but already in the direction from the outer corner to the inner.

Massage manipulations in the area around the eyes should be carried out until the complete absence of the cream on the surface of the skin is felt.

Special gymnastics

How to remove bags under the eyes?

Of the non-operative methods of getting rid of bags under the eyes, it is considered that special gymnastics for the circular muscle of the eye is considered the most effective. The only condition for achieving the maximum effect from these exercises is the constancy of their implementation in combination with massage.

What are the benefits of these exercises? The answer is quite simple: throughout our life, the circular and other muscles involved in facial expressions do not receive sufficient load, and therefore quickly lose their tone. Loss of muscle tone leads to sagging of the skin around the eyes and the formation of bags. In order to return the muscles to their former tone, they should be forced to work with an increased load.

As a result of the increased work of these mimic muscles, a double effect is achieved, which includes an increase in lymphatic drainage from the area around the eyes, as well as a strengthening of the overall skin and muscle tone. The result of special gymnastics will be the complete elimination of the problem of bags under the eyes, and even an increase in visual acuity.

Let’s move on to the very complex of exercises, consisting of 4 stages:

  • Stage number 1. Try to close your eyes with maximum force, and then open them as wide as possible. Repeat this exercise up to 10 times;

  • Stage number 2. Try to keep your head still and at the same time move your eyeballs up and down, and then right and left. It will be better if you supplement the exercise with rotational eye movements. Wherever you are, at home or in the workplace, such an exercise will be a great way to relieve excessive eye strain and maintain vision for many years;

  • Stage number 3. The exercise consists in rhythmic blinking, which alternates with closing the eyes and complete relaxation of all facial muscles of the face;

  • Stage number 4. Let your eyes rest. Sit with your eyes closed for at least 10 seconds, then try to open them as much as possible while looking up. Any movement of the eyes should be carried out without the participation of the head. Repeat this exercise at least 5 times, after which you need to look into the distance several times.

How to quickly deal with swelling under the eyes?

If, after waking up in the morning, going to the mirror, you suddenly find bags under your eyes, do not fall into despair, because getting rid of them is not difficult.

There are 3 most effective express methods that will take a minimum of precious time and help you say goodbye to this problem:

  • Method № 1. Cold water will help you! Just wash yourself with it, while splashing liberally on your face. This simple procedure will have a restorative, tonic and invigorating effect. The pores will become noticeably narrower, and the puffiness will disappear;

  • Method № 2. Stock up on a couple of fresh cucumber or potato slices and put them in the freezer for a few minutes. While they are turning into a decongestant, let yourself drink a cup of green tea. Cold vegetable slices are applied to closed eyelids, and aged for at least 10 minutes. After removing the pieces of vegetables, you need to re-wash and apply a moisturizer to the area around the eyes. It is better to use a cream based on herbal ingredients, which includes extracts of parsley, coffee, sage, horsetail, chamomile, string. Such creams have not only a decongestant effect, but also significantly increase skin tone;

  • Method № 3. Apply self-massage. Using the middle and ring fingers, perform circular movements in a clockwise direction, covering the entire area around the eyes. Movements should be slow and smooth so as not to cause additional stretching of delicate skin. It is necessary to repeat this self-massage technique up to 10 times, while the eyes should be closed.

Prevention recommendations

How to remove bags under the eyes?

Before starting a detailed discussion of methods for solving this problem, it is necessary to find out the immediate cause of its occurrence.

If cyanosis and swelling under the eyes is the result of some internal pathology that provokes the retention of excess fluid in the body, then after a preliminary consultation with a doctor, you can resort to taking diuretics (diuretic drugs). Keep in mind that excessive salt intake is one of the most common causes of edema.

Puffiness under the eyes can be the result of colds and viral diseases, such as SARS and influenza. Bacterial eye diseases and allergic reactions are also common causes of bags under the eyes. In this case, tea, potato or cucumber compresses that are applied to the area around the eyes can help. Although, as you recover, the problem of puffiness disappears by itself, and the appearance returns to normal.

In the event that cyanosis and swelling under the eyes is not the result of any internal pathology, you should use some tips that represent a general algorithm for the prevention of many cosmetic defects.

Such tips include:

  • Healthy and regular sleep, which lasts at least 7 hours a day. Do not deprive your body of proper sleep, because this can lead to a number of serious internal problems;

  • You need to sleep properly. It is the wrong position of the head that is one of the reasons for the appearance of morning swelling under the eyes. During sleep, the head should not be significantly higher than the level of the body. To ensure the correct position, you can use special orthopedic pillows. They will help get rid of the problem of edema and will be an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;

  • Minimum salt in the daily diet. It is salt that has the property of retaining fluid in the body. The result of an excessive passion for salt can be seen in the morning in front of a mirror;

  • Don’t limit your water intake. Drinking at least 2 liters of water per day will help regulate metabolism and eliminate the problem of bags under the eyes;

  • Choose the right cream for the area around the eyes. The question of the selection of cosmetics is purely individual. For some, the best option is a nourishing cream, for someone – a moisturizer. In any case, before going to bed, it is necessary to remove the remnants of cosmetics from the eyes with a cotton swab;

  • Use only high quality cosmetics. In the matter of choosing cosmetics, saving is inappropriate, because low-grade cosmetics can lead to the appearance of not only swelling under the eyes, but also more serious problems;

  • Don’t neglect your sunglasses. It’s no secret that ultraviolet radiation can cause some skin imperfections. An important condition for choosing a day cream for the skin around the eyes is the presence of an ultraviolet filter of at least 30;

  • Say no to bad habits! This concept includes not only the abuse of alcohol and smoking, but also systematic overeating during the day and at bedtime;

  • Approach the process of eating properly. The daily diet should be complete and contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Spicy, salty and fried foods should be limited or eliminated as much as possible. Instead of a cheeseburger or a hamburger, it is better to give preference to natural vegetable and fruit salads, cereals, dairy products, low-fat meat and fish homemade dishes. The result of a healthy diet will not be long in coming;

  • Use eye compresses. An ideal option would be tea, potato or cucumber compresses. Regular use of such compresses will allow you to forget about the problem of bags under the eyes in a short period of time;

  • Perform lymphatic drainage self-massage. This will increase the outflow of excess fluid and solve the problem of bags under the eyes. The technique for its implementation has been described above;

  • Use a concealer. All the above procedures are unable to get rid of edema and cyanosis in a matter of minutes, so a little trick should be applied to achieve an instant effect. Alas, only masking cosmetics can visually eliminate bags under the eyes when it is urgently needed.

[Video] Dr. Berg – EYE BAGS: how to remove them? What is the cause of swelling under the eyes?

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