Roundworms are roundworms belonging to the class of nematodes. Roundworms provoke a disease such as ascariasis. The disease is characterized by the migration of parasite larvae throughout the human body with the further formation of sexually mature individuals. The main symptoms of ascariasis are allergic reactions, pulmonary and abdominal syndrome.
Worms are of different sexes, at sexually mature age they parasitize in the human small intestine. Infection occurs by the fecal-oral route. Roundworms cause damage to human health, provoking inflammatory reactions, exhaustion, nervous disorders, and impaired immunity. Infection with these worms is especially dangerous for children and for weakened people. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to remove ascaris from the human body.
It should immediately be noted that ascariasis is a serious parasitic disease that only a doctor should diagnose and treat. This can be a pediatric or adult infectious disease specialist, or a general practitioner or pediatrician. Therapy is selected taking into account the age of the patient, his weight, as well as the phase and duration of the invasion. To get rid of ascaris, you will need to take anthelmintic drugs. All modern medicines from this group are highly effective, and if medical recommendations are followed, recovery occurs in 80-100% of cases.
How to remove ascaris from the body?
If roundworms were found in a person in the migration phase, then he is prescribed broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs:
Decaris (Levamizole).
Preparations Arbotekt, Trezaderm, Tetusim, Trezaderm, Mintezol with the active ingredient Tiabendazole.
Preparations Wormin, Vermakar, Thermox, Mebex, Vermox with the main active ingredient Mebendazole.
When a patient has a parallel broncho-obstructive syndrome, then he can be prescribed bronchodilators and glucocorticosteroids.
If helminthiasis is diagnosed in a patient in the intestinal phase, then one of the following drugs is prescribed:
Pyrantel, Kombantrin, Nemocide, Helmintox, in which the main active ingredient is Pyrantel pamoate.
A single dose of the drug Decaris is possible.
Piperazine has a weaker effect, but it is approved for use in pregnant women.
Wormin, Vermox, Termox, Mebex, Vermakar, Vero-Mebendazole.
Two weeks later and a month later, all patients should be re-diagnosed for the detection of ascaris. In addition, people who have had ascariasis are put on a dispensary record. Every year they will need to donate feces for the detection of roundworm eggs. Three years later, patients are removed from the register.
In rare cases, surgery may be required to rid the body of parasites. This applies to such complications of ascariasis as: obturation of the intestinal lumen, biliary tract with the development of cholecystitis, appendicitis or intestinal obstruction.
Side effects of treatment
Since the parasites themselves provoke a general allergization of the body, which can be enhanced by taking anthelmintic drugs, the patient is prescribed the latest generation of antihistamines (Zodak, Zirtek, Erius, etc.).
To eliminate dyspeptic disorders and to normalize the function of digestion, a short course of taking enzyme preparations is recommended. It can be Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim. Most often, the patient has violations of the intestinal microflora, to correct this condition, the patient is prescribed probiotic preparations Linex, Bifiform, Bifidum forte.
Enterosorbents (Polysorb, Polyphepan) are included in the treatment regimen for ascariasis. They are recommended for admission a few days after the completion of anthelmintic therapy.
During treatment, the patient must adhere to a dietary diet. It comes down to limiting carbohydrate foods, while the emphasis should be on animal proteins and foods containing vitamins. Recommended table number 13 according to Pevzner. You should give up fresh bread, fatty broths and fatty meats. It is not recommended to consume chocolate, cocoa, sausages, white cabbage, milk and cream during treatment.
Preventive measures
To avoid re-infection with roundworms, the following recommendations must be observed:
Hand hygiene after using the toilet, after the street, before any meal, even before a snack.
All fruits and vegetables, berries and herbs should be thoroughly washed under running water. It should be remembered that worm eggs are covered with a sticky substance that allows them to be securely fixed on the surface, so you can additionally use special detergents to process fruits and vegetables.
Children from an early age need to explain the rules of personal hygiene.
Gloves should be used when working with soil, and it is important to wash hands thoroughly after digging. This is due to the fact that roundworm eggs become ready for human invasion in the ground.
Regular loosening of sandboxes allows you to destroy roundworm eggs in them, as they are afraid of ultraviolet rays.
Uncomplicated ascariasis is treated on an outpatient basis, those patients who have complications requiring surgical intervention are most often subject to hospitalization.