How to remove an ingrown toenail without pain

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Unhealthy nails are a real problem, and not just for women. After all, external beauty is, first of all, not fashionable clothes and not bright makeup, but health, and nails play an important role here.

In the summer, when we put on open shoes, we can often observe a very unsightly picture: yellow, thickened, ugly nails peep out of sandals, sandals, and slippers. In addition to spoiling the aesthetics of appearance, some diseases, for example, ingrown toenails, also cause excruciating pain.

Until recently, the problem of an ingrown toenail could only be solved surgically. The surgeon removed part of the nail and nail bed tissue, followed by a slow and painful recovery. Today, the Self Perfection salon offers a more humane, but very effective, bloodless and completely painless way of solving this problem – orthonixia (stapling).

The staple is a durable surgical stainless steel wire that is attached to the surface of the nail. It relieves the pressure of the lateral edge of the nail on the soft tissue and, due to its elastic properties, corrects its shape. Installation of the system does not require a rehabilitation period, you can go about your business and lead a normal life immediately after the procedure. The efficiency of the method is very high – 98%!

In addition to super efficiency, the undoubted advantages of this method are:

– its absolute painlessness;

– the bracket relieves the nail not only from ingrowth, but also returns it to its original beautiful shape, removing all irregularities and excessive bulges;

– after installing the bracket with it, you can visit the pool, gym, bath;

Ingrown toenails are far from the only problem that Perfection itself will help get rid of. Here they successfully fight against nail fungus, an aggressor that, despite its painlessness, destroys and disfigures nails and closes many doors for a full life: open shoes, a pool, a bathhouse, beaches, etc.

Therefore, in order not to aggravate the problem and not drive the disease inside, it is better to contact the specialists of the clinic. After all yellow and misshapen nails – not always a consequence of fungal infection. This may indicate a number of diseases of internal organs and requires urgent diagnosis and treatment. And this can only be determined by a specialist, to whom one must go urgently. At Perfection itself, it is fast and professional.

Address: Sormovsky district, st. Dmitry Pavlov, 13

Тел.: 273-23-87; 415-23-87

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