How to remove acne spots. Video
In the fight against acne, all means are used, including not too sparing ones, as a result of the use of which traces remain on the skin. After that, the problem of how to get rid of acne spots becomes no less urgent, which is quite difficult to do, but it is quite possible.
Get rid of acne blemishes
Before choosing a set of measures to combat these defects on the skin, it will not be superfluous to find out from what the spots appear. This will help prevent their formation in the future and keep the skin smooth without scars and discoloration.
There can be two reasons for this phenomenon:
- lack of acne treatment, when inflammatory processes penetrate deep into the skin and injure it
- mechanical squeezing of acne, which also leaves scars on the face
As a result, an excess of melanin forms at the site of the former inflammation and a dark spot appears. Therefore, if you do not want to subsequently try to even out the complexion, you need not start treatment and do not try to squeeze out acne on your own, trusting the skin to professionals in beauty salons. Such cleaning is safe and does not lead to scarring.
The sun’s rays increase the production of melanin, so when treating acne, it is advisable not to appear on the street without sunscreen on your face.
Ways to deal with stains at home
The principle of action of all folk remedies is to whiten and brighten the skin, therefore, essential oils and cosmetic clay are often included in masks that help get rid of acne marks.
To prepare masks with clay, take green or white clay and still mineral water. The components must be mixed in such an amount that a homogeneous, not too liquid mixture is obtained. The mask is applied to the skin for a quarter of an hour, after which it is washed off with cold water. To enhance the whitening effect, you can add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the water.
Masks with essential oils work no less effectively, but they must be applied with care, testing on a small area of the skin so as not to cause an allergic skin reaction. Rosemary bleaches well spots, 2 drops of which must be mixed with a teaspoon of olive oil and apply the mixture to problem areas of the face. Another formulation is olive oil mixed with 2 drops of clove and lavender essential oils.
Also, parsley and tomatoes whiten the skin, which can be used both in pure form, wiping the face with squeezed juice, and as part of masks. A mixture of cucumber pulp and a few branches of parsley removes stains. The mask turns out to be quite liquid, so you need to apply it in a horizontal position. Tomato pulp can be mixed with a teaspoon of sour cream and applied to the skin. After a quarter of an hour, the mask must be washed off with warm water.
Apples cider vinegar lightens acne spots with regular use. It must be natural. It is used to cauterize stains by mixing in equal proportions with water.
How to get rid of acne marks in a beauty salon
If the spots are too pronounced and coexist with cicatricial formations, then folk remedies are unlikely to be dispensed with. In this case, the skin is smoothed with procedures such as laser resurfacing, deep peeling, microdermabrasion. But a specific type of procedure can only be selected by a beautician, since each of them has its own indications and contraindications and is recommended for specific skin problems.
Read the next article for helpful tips on how to get flawless curls for medium-length hair.