How to remove a trace from the iron? Video

How to remove a trace from the iron? Video

Careless handling of the iron can damage the items you iron. If you have such a nuisance, do not rush to get rid of, for example, spoiled trousers. In some cases, iron marks on the fabric can be removed. Is it important to correctly assess the extent of tissue damage and take appropriate action?

How to remove a trace from the iron?

It should be noted that not every stain formed on the fabric from a hot iron can be removed. If in front of you are burnt spots or scorch marks of a bright red hue, then they probably cannot be removed by anything, since the structure of the material is broken. To avoid such situations, when starting to iron trousers and other things, first consider the labels on the product.

Often there is information on the label regarding washing and ironing items.

Before using the iron, make sure that its thermostat is in good working order and inspect the working surface of the instrument. It should be flat and free from defects that could damage the fabric. If the surface of the iron is dirty, it must be cleaned. The modern high-quality coating of the iron will help to save clothes from tan marks.

Removing iron marks with water

If you find that after using the iron there is a mark on the trousers, try to remove it with water. This method is especially effective when you are processing jeans, as well as trousers made of wool with thick fibers.

Place the trousers on a flat surface and rub the tan thoroughly with a clean, damp cloth. If the stain lends itself to such treatment, reddish marks will remain on the rag. Wash your trousers with detergent after repeated treatments.

Wiping with a damp cloth often removes small burn marks without leaving a trace

Removing the stain with hydrogen peroxide

What if the water didn’t help? If your pants are made of light or white fabric, hydrogen peroxide can help. Mix half a glass of water with one teaspoon of peroxide, adding two to three drops of ammonia.

Let the solution stand. Now apply the composition to the reddish iron stain and place the pants in a sunny spot until dry. After this treatment, the trousers must be washed in the usual way.

Other ways to remove markings

Iron stains from trousers with a high cotton content can be removed with a mild bleach solution. To do this, you need to dilute a teaspoon of lime in a liter of boiled water and apply the composition to the stain.

After processing, the trousers must be thoroughly rinsed.

It is recommended to treat colored fabric with iron marks with onion juice. Choose a large enough onion and divide it in half. Carefully rub the resulting stain with a cut of the onion. Since the smell of onions is quite persistent, wash your pants immediately with powder after processing. Tip: Use the onion juice immediately after the markings develop, otherwise the remedy will be ineffective.

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