How to remove a tick? Expert: «we run to the doctor unnecessarily»
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The tick season is in full swing. The prevention of the diseases they transmit is based on protection against bites. But what to do when we see a tick stuck in the skin? Bow. Łukasz Durajski has a simple advice: remove it yourself. – We run to the doctor unnecessarily. (…) Patients often come for a procedure or procedure. This is because, many years ago, removing a tick was just a matter of surgery. (…) But now the specialist equipment we have, these are tweezers, says the vaccinologist.

The guest of the “Onet Rano” program was Dr. Łukasz Durajski, a vaccinologist. The topic of the conversation was ticks, the increased activity of which began at the turn of March and April. The expert explained where they can most often be found, how to protect against them and what to do when we spot it on the skin.

Ticks no longer only in the forest

At the outset, Łukasz Durajski drew attention to the fact that most of us associate ticks only with the forest. Meanwhile, these arachnids are more and more often found in urban space, they “settled” in it and it is not difficult to “catch” them. For this reason, all maps of the occurrence of ticks quickly become obsolete.

Ticks like high temperatures and humidity. – As soon as the temperature starts to improve, patients with ticks immediately come to the clinics The doctor admitted.

How to protect yourself against a tick? Reach for tick remedies that you can buy today on Medonet Market. For example, we recommend the Sanity forceps kit (liquid repellent + removal tool), which will protect you against any eventuality.

Removal of ticks – quickly and independently

When it comes to removing a tick that has already stuck in our skin, Durajski recommends that you take care of it quickly and … yourself. – We run to the doctor unnecessarily. (…) Often, patients come for surgery, a procedure. This is because, many years ago, removing a tick was just a matter of surgery. (…) But now the specialized equipment we have, that is tweezers – indicates.

You can also use a special device that will help you painlessly and safely remove the tick from the body along with its venom. The Anti-tick tool for removing ticks and venom is available at a favorable price on the Medonet Market.

According to the doctor, we should also not worry that some ticks will remain in the skin during the removal of the parasite. When we try to pick out its remnants, we hurt ourselves, enlarge the wound and spread everything that the tick had inside it. – The point is to prevent the tick from returning its food to the wound. (…) The rule is simple: the sooner we remove the tick, the less chance of infection – he added.

How to remove a tick?

The sooner the better – this is the most important rule when removing a tick from the skin. Time and convenience will be provided by the Tick Out – a tool for removing ticks. You will find it in Medonet Market.

Does testing a tick for disease make sense?

The expert also explained why testing a tick for the carrier of pathogens responsible, for example, for Lyme disease, does not make sense. – Even a positive result in a tick is not a reason to start treatment in a patient. The transmission is not synonymous – explains Durajski, adding that such a result in a tick should, however, strengthen our vigilance while observing our body and well-being for several weeks after the bite.

The most important thing, according to the doctor, is prophylaxis. If we have not vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis, this should be done as soon as possible after removing the tick. – Do not confuse it with Lyme disease – noted the vaccinologist. “We do not have protection for that yet, we must be vigilant against it,” he added.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to epigenetics. What is? How can we influence our genes? Do our elderly grandparents give us a chance for a long and healthy life? What is trauma inheritance and is it possible to somehow oppose this phenomenon? Listen:

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