The long-awaited May holidays await us. And the most popular holiday destination has traditionally been nature. Intoxicating spring scent of foliage, a river, a tent – what could be more tempting? However, despite all the delights of such a pastime, it is worth thinking about the main enemy of man – the tick, which is the carrier of many diseases that are dangerous to health.
And now, when the weather has finally become warm and truly May, there is a peak in the activity of these small but insidious pests. And if, despite all the precautions, you are still unlucky and you have found a tick on yourself, then you should not sound the alarm: if you act correctly and quickly, undesirable consequences can be avoided.
By the way, if you have the opportunity to go to a medical institution within two hours, then do not remove the tick yourself. If this is not possible, then you yourself will have to carefully get rid of the parasite. There are several options for this, we present to your attention the five most popular:
1.Using tweezers
To do this, use curved tweezers. Gently and carefully grab the parasite and make several turns to either side. Important: do not pull out the tick sharply, it threatens that it will break into two halves.
2.Using a thread
If tweezers are not at hand, then a strong thread will come to the rescue. However, this method is quite long and difficult: you should make a loop of thread and wind it around the parasite. Then slowly draw out the tick. The complexity of this option also lies in the fact that it is sometimes very difficult to wrap a small parasite with a thread.
3. A syringe without a needle
This method is rightfully considered one of the most proven and reliable. To do this, you need a regular medical syringe, which you can buy at any pharmacy. Cut off the part of the syringe that is just below the level where the needle connects. Place the manufactured device in place of the tick bite so that it fits completely inside the syringe. And then slowly pull the syringe plunger towards you, after which the parasite will come out. By the way, in order to improve the contact of the syringe with the skin, its edges can be smeared with saliva.
4. Special hook (two-pronged fork)
Many specialized tick removal devices can be found in pharmacies. One of these is the hook, which looks like a curved two-pronged fork. The process is simple: the tick is carefully clamped between the teeth of the device and gently twisted out.
5. Special lasso handle
This device resembles a pen with a thread at the base in the form of a loop. Its mechanism of action is as follows: open the loop by pressing a special button, throw it over the parasite. Then release the button and position the handle itself so that it is perpendicular to the surface. Next, you should press the tip to the skin and turn it once around its axis. After removing the parasite, do not forget to disinfect the bite site.
What not to do with a tick bite:
– fill the bite site with oil, gasoline and other substances;
– cauterize the parasite with a match;
– pulling out the tick or squeezing it.
After you have managed to remove the tick, the parasite should definitely be taken to the laboratory for research on tick-borne encephalitis. Research conducts Laboratory of FBUZ “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Samara Region”, located at the address: Samara, st. Mitireva, 1; phone 260-38-21.