How to relieve tired legs and back. Video

How to relieve tired legs and back. Video

According to statistics, 20% of the total number of all patients go to the doctor for back pain. Moreover, half of them are people of working age. It all starts roughly the same for everyone – with pain in the back and legs. To avoid unpleasant consequences, experts recommend paying attention to body fatigue and fighting it as a preventive measure.

Relieve fatigue from legs and back

Fatigue of the back and legs is due to the fact that it is these parts of the body that take on the maximum load to maintain the human body in an upright state. Naturally, the loads that a modern person puts on his body are quite complex, and the body can no longer cope on its own. Hence, there is a feeling of fatigue, pulling pains and many other chronic unpleasant symptoms (for example, constant drowsiness). Fighting them is not only possible, but absolutely necessary. After all, problems with legs and back in the future are fraught with rather serious illnesses.

How to relieve back fatigue

Fatigue and weakness in the back is usually associated with muscle overstrain, which, in turn, occurs against the background of a long working day in one place, nervous tension, etc. In order to quickly remove the feeling of severe fatigue from the back, you need to remember the basic rule of all living things: movement is life. True, it is worth remembering that only reasonable activity refers to life-giving activity – you should not overexert yourself, running from department to department on high heels, or give a cross with bags in hand from the store to the house. A moderate walk (even 10-15 minutes) at lunchtime near work will benefit the whole body as a whole. After all, this will help to disperse stagnant blood throughout the body, saturate tissues and organs with oxygen and contribute to the general rejuvenation and healing of the body. Changing from a sitting position to a straightened one helps to straighten the spine, straighten the lungs, etc.

However, it should be remembered that a medical walk is different from the one that Russian women usually do. During a medical walk, nothing heavy should be in the hands. Otherwise, you will overload your back even more.

In addition to movement, there are a number of recommendations, thanks to which you can return a feeling of comfort to your back. So, for example, after a hard day at work, when literally every muscle is tense, you need to take a warm shower or, better yet, a bath. It is especially good if you add sea salt to the water. The heat promotes involuntary muscle relaxation, and the pleasant aroma of sea salt is an excellent aromatherapy for the whole body. To enhance the effect, give a relaxing massage after the bath. You can hire a massager, or you can ask a husband or a young man for such a service.

When performing a massage, remember that you can massage as you please. The only thing to avoid is spinal massage. This area must be bypassed to avoid back problems.

Exercises are great for relieving back fatigue. For example, lifting the shoulders. Starting position – standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your hands on your lower back. Lift up your right shoulder (the whole body at this moment should be fixed in place), lower it. Repeat with the left one. Repeat the exercise 10 times on each shoulder. Another exercise that helps relieve tension from the back looks like this: stand up with your feet shoulder-width apart. Press your chin to your chest, at this time, begin to pull your back up and forward. Your task is to make your back round. Straighten up, repeat the exercise 10-15 times. You can also do this exercise: lean forward until you are still comfortable. Try to reach the floor. Straighten up.

Experts say that swimming is the best option for quickly relieving back fatigue. Literally 20 minutes in the water, and there will be no trace of fatigue

And, of course, you need to take care of proper prevention, that is, equipping your workplace. Be sure to use a quality chair. If it is not possible to replace it, use modern orthopedic support products – pads, rollers, etc.

The legs cannot be considered separately from the back, because they suffer with it from overload. The legs have to carry the whole body during the day, in addition, they have to move quite long distances: according to studies, the average person walks about 4 km per day. The feeling of fatigue, heaviness in the legs is familiar to many. But especially often ladies suffer from it, since it is they who do not just walk, but move in heels, which in itself is not physiological for a person.

In general, the ways to relieve fatigue from the legs are not much different from those used to restore the back.

The list includes:

  • warm baths
  • the use of salts and herbal infusions
  • special cosmetics
  • gymnastics
  • prevention

An ambulance for the legs is provided with only three components, according to experts: salt, grass and water. The best way to bring your legs to life after a hard day is to make a bath. It is enough to brew the herb, strain it and pour this infusion into a basin, add a spoonful of sea salt and warm water there. The time for taking such a bath is about 15 minutes. After the bath, smear your feet with a special cream.

A contrast bath is an excellent restorative agent. For her you will need two basins: one with hot water, the other with cold. You can add oils, salt, etc. Lower your legs into each pelvis for 5 minutes. Repeat 10 times

You can bring back lightness and a feeling of freedom from fatigue to your legs with the help of a regular piece of ice. Take it and drive it over your feet and legs up to the knee for 3 minutes. You can enhance the effect of ice by freezing the herbal infusion.

Massage will also help your legs recover. Its main advantage is that you can easily do it yourself.

Quickly relieve fatigue from legs and back

The set of leg exercises is quite simple and will not take you much time. So, for example, one of the effective exercises is to stand on tiptoes. Starting position – standing, legs together, hands at the waist. On the count of “one” stand on your toes. You need to stay in this position for a couple of seconds. On the count of two, return to the starting position. The ideal number of repetitions is 10. Popular in kindergartens and schools, walking on the inside and outside of the feet will provide your feet with an simply irreplaceable service. Thanks to such a simple action, the leg muscles relax, and the feeling of fatigue disappears instantly and without a trace.

Well, one of the most enjoyable exercises is as follows: lie on a bed or sofa (alternatively, on the floor) and put your feet on a pillow so that they are higher than your body level. Close your eyes, relax and lie down for 15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, apply a cream with a cooling effect to your feet.

If you do such exercises every day (and they will not take much time), you will no longer remember about the feeling of fatigue in your legs.

Also interesting to read: neck pain.

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