How to relieve painful periods?

How to relieve painful periods?

How to relieve painful periods?
If, like one in two women, you suffer from dysmenorrhea every month, also called painful periods, know that there are solutions!


When you have painful periods, playing sports is often the last thing you want to do.

However, gentle physical activity helps oxygenate the body and activates circulation in the lower abdomen and therefore reduces pain.

Yoga, which promotes mental and muscular relaxation, is also said to have the ability to reduce period pain.

For once, yoga seems to have proved its worth in women who suffer from dysmenorrhea [1].

[1] Chien LW, Chang HC, Liu CF, Effect of yoga on serum homocysteine and nitric oxide levels in adolescent women with and without dysmenorrhea, J Altern Complement Med, 2013.


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