How to relieve muscle tension while driving.

How to relieve muscle tension while driving.

People who spend a lot of time driving a car can experience health problems caused by a sedentary lifestyle, especially if their posture is not correct. In such cases, drivers often suffer from headaches, as well as back and neck pain caused by muscle tension.


There are several methods for solving this problem, for example, you can always learn how to hold the steering wheel correctly (the so-called “ten to two” position – the left hand holds on to the place of the steering wheel where the large arrow points on the dial, and the right hand – to the place where the small). Do not straighten and strain your arms while holding the steering wheel – bend your elbows and relax them.

To prevent the driver’s back and neck from straining, the seat is set so that the back is slightly tilted back, but you should not push the seat too far back: the driver should not make any special efforts when reaching the pedals.


You should also not straighten your legs, but place them so that the pedals are close to the feet. It is also important to keep your back straight and not hunched over in the seat. The driver’s back should be supported by the seat back – check periodically to see if you are doing this. It is also necessary to adjust the position of the rear-view mirrors for maximum ease of inspection.

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If the driver already has back problems, there is a fairly simple way to keep the lower back in a comfortable position. By placing something under your back, you can avoid putting unnecessary pressure on your spine and shoulder girdle. When driving, keep your shoulders relaxed. Do not protrude your chin – this will unnecessarily strain the neck muscles. If you are in a traffic jam, use this time for some light but very rewarding exercise.

To stretch your neck muscles, lower your chin to your chest and try to relax – this stretch should be done several times. The following exercise can be performed even while riding – it stimulates blood flow to the legs and improves posture. This exercise consists of contracting and relaxing the abdominal muscles. Another useful exercise is performed as follows: lift your shoulders and make circular movements with them, while tilting your head slightly forward. To enhance the healing effect, this exercise should be performed several times.

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