How to relieve muscle pain after exercise

How to relieve muscle pain after exercise

Muscle pain after exercise is a common occurrence; you should not be afraid of it. However, one should not think that this is a sign of health either. Muscle pain after exercise usually indicates overexertion, and it can occur in both a beginner and an experienced athlete.

On the one hand, pain in the muscles after an intense workout suggests that you have worked wonderfully well. But such a “useful” pain should go away after a day or two. If pain symptoms in a muscle (or in a muscle group) do not go away for more than 5-7 days, you need to see a doctor – this may be a sign of serious internal injury.

The main thing is rest

Correct attitude towards muscle pain after exercise First of all, it will help to get rid of discomfort, and of course, it will allow you to quickly return to the previous sports rhythm. If the pain does not go away for more than a week, this may already be a sign of injury, in this case it is better to immediately consult a doctor, and not seek advice on sports forums on the Internet.

If a little time has passed, then you can independently find a way to relieve muscle pain after training.

Obviously, after intense physical exertion, the muscles need to rest. Rest is needed to give muscle fibers time to recover. As long as the pain in the muscles after training does not go away, avoid re-tensioning them.

Massage helps to restore blood flow and relax muscles. The massage can be done by yourself, with your hands or with an electric massager. Although, of course, it will be better if you take the time to make an appointment with a professional massage therapist.

How to reduce muscle soreness after exercise: ibuprofen, heat and yoga

If muscle pains after training interfere with your life completely, you can take pain relievers. Simple, over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen may help. By the way, avoid taking too much ibuprofen as it can irritate the stomach lining.

Another easy way to relieve muscle soreness after exercise is with a hot shower or bath. Heat dilates blood vessels, restoring blood circulation and relaxing muscles. A steam room in a spa will have the same effect. When choosing this option, remember to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Sometimes you can take a chance and start doing light stretching exercises. This can be yoga movements or swimming. The point is to prevent the muscles from hardening, from which they can hurt even more pain. Stretching exercises provide blood flow to the muscles and relax them. The main thing is to avoid strenuous physical activity, such as strength training or weight training.

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