How to relieve menstrual discomfort? The most effective natural ways

Each of us is different. We differ in height, weight, facial features, hair color and body composition. And although each of us experiences an unpleasant period of menstruation every month, the symptoms of the period will be more for one and less noticeable for another. It also happens that menstrual pain, deterioration of mood or heavy bleeding prevent normal functioning. If you know what we are talking about, try some natural methods that will improve your comfort these days.

The causes of abdominal pain during your period

Pain is the most common condition that accompanies menstruation. Only one in four of us does not experience it. It can be sharp and violent, or it can be intense but long-lasting. Sometimes it can be unbearable, other times it gives you a break. Menstrual pain it can be a real bane of women, and in extreme cases it can even lead to fainting or vomiting.

It is felt most strongly in the first day of menstruation, then it gradually decreases. Menstrual pain it arises as a result of a hormonal storm that takes place in the body of a menstruating woman. Prostaglandins, which are hormones secreted by the mucosa, cause muscle contractions to prevent excessive blood loss during menstruation. Muscle spasm results in characteristic pain. In this case, we are talking about organic painful menstruation.

A way to relieve cramps during your period is to massage Mollis herbal intimate massage oil into your abdomen, which can be ordered at Medonet Market.

However, if menstrual pain is not caused by a woman’s physiology, but due to disease conditions, we are talking about painful secondary menstruation. Its causes are most often endometriosis, abnormal structure of the uterus, thyroid disease and ovarian cysts. In these cases, menstrual pain makes it difficult to perform the simplest activities and does not go away even when we use pain relieving methods or take painkillers. In such cases, immediate gynecological consultation is necessary.

Pain during the period should be discussed with the gynecologist as they may be a symptom of the disease. Remember that you can use the e-visit option. Consult a doctor without leaving your home and get e-Prescription, e-Referral and e-Release even in 10 minutes.

However, if your menstrual pain appears in waves and although it does not prevent it from functioning, it effectively hinders it, do not immediately resort to pharmacology, and try natural but equally effective methods that will allow you to forget about it.

Remedies for menstrual pain – herbs

Everyone should make friends with chamomile menstruating woman. Although it is an inconspicuous herb, it contains ingredients with a diastolic effect that are perfect for the purpose relieving menstrual pain. All thanks to the flavonoids and terpenoids contained in it. Regular drinking of chamomile infusion, apart from the fact that it has a diastolic effect, also has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces swelling, and when used externally – it soothes skin changes.

  1. Period pains keep you alive? Try drinking chamomile infusion. Here you can buy dried natural chamomile at the best price

How to brew chamomile? You can buy ready-made chamomile tea or dry it and prepare the infusion yourself. Throw a heaped tablespoon of chamomile into a pot of boiling water. Take it off the heat and let it brew, covered, for 20 minutes. Then strain the drink and drink it in small sips.

For other herbs they show diastolic and analgesic effect include valerian and yarrow herb. Yarrow will also help with heavy menstrual bleeding, and valerian will calm you down in case of excessive stimulation. For a more comprehensive action, you can prepare a mixture of these herbs. We recommend Yarrow Premium ™ – support during menstruation – a dietary supplement that also includes chaste and sage.

For female ailments, we also recommend Bioherba Evening Primrose Oil, which you can buy on Medonet Market in 250 ml or 500 ml bottles.

Ways for menstrual pain – massage

Massage on menstrual discomfort he was already known in ancient Indian Ayurveda. This treatment system has already appreciated the health-promoting properties of massage with the use of sesame oil. years ago. Since then, women have used it every month for severe abdominal pain. Its effectiveness is ensured not only by the proper movement of the hands during the massage itself, but also by the compounds and ingredients found in sesame oil.

  1. Buy now sesame oil, which, when massaged into the skin, will help to get rid of menstrual pains

We find in it first of all linoleic acid, which has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, therefore massaged into the abdomen, it soothes menstrual pain. How to massage with sesame oil? Heat 50 ml of oil in a water bath. The oil must be warm, but not hot. Then, pouring it on your hands, massage it into the skin of the abdomen with circular movements, moving down towards the lower abdomen. After the massage, take a warm shower, without using any washing agents. Wash the skin with only water.

Ways for menstrual pain – warmth

There is nothing nicer about the first days of menstruation than to lie under a blanket with a cup of hot tea, and put a warm hot water bottle on the lower abdomen. It has been known for a long time that heat has a diastolic effect, and thus – also relieves pain. However, it should be remembered that the hot water bottle should not be kept on the stomach for too long, because the heat it emits may thin the blood and lead to an increase in the amount of bleeding.

  1. Choose the classic hot water bottle or hot water bottle with cherry stones that is best for you. You can also use the special Vitammy Warm-Up Cushion, which will soothe pain and improve your mood.

For the same reason, warm baths should not be used during menstruation. Warm water can lead to excessive bleeding and even bleeding.

Also try special compresses for making warm compresses. At Medonet Market you can buy them in various sizes:

  1. FLEX Mini compress for cold and warm compresses,
  2. FLEX Standard compress for cold and warm compresses,
  3. FLEX Medium compress for cold and warm compresses,
  4. FLEX Max compress for cold and warm compresses.

Ways to heavy menstrual bleeding – the right diet

Menstrual pain in the abdomen this is not the only symptom of menstruation that can take its toll on us. It can be just as troublesome profuse bleeding. We talk about it when you use more than 10 sanitary napkins during one day during your menstruation, which need to be changed every 1-2 hours. If, in addition, we often experience staining of the linen, we can assume that ours is ours menstrual bleeding it belongs to the more abundant ones.

What we should remember at this time is a proper diet. It should be especially rich in vitamin C, which strengthens blood vessels, iron, and vitamin K which improves blood clotting and B vitamins, which support the production of red blood cells, which is very important in the event of heavy blood loss.

During heavy bleeding we lose 50 to 150 ml of blood. This amount is enough to lose large amounts of iron with the blood. This condition can lead to hair weakening, brittle nails and skin problems, and even the development of anemia.

  1. If we are not able to properly care for the diet during menstruation, it is worth starting taking vitamins in the form of tablets

During these days, it is also worth focusing on easily digestible meals that will not cause a feeling of heaviness and indigestion symptoms, and which will unnecessarily worsen our well-being.

Ways to heavy menstrual bleeding – organic tampons and pads

With heavy bleeding, the need to change hygiene measures is much greater than in the case of an average period. Continuous bleeding, i.e. moisture and higher temperature in the area of ​​intimate zones, can cause irritation and abrasions. In addition, their formation is favored by allergenic agents, including dyes and fragrances, found in many sanitary napkins and tampons.

The average hygiene measures used during menstruation are made of cotton fertilized with chemicals, which is not indifferent to our health. This chemistry can affect our hormonal balance. In addition, many of them are bleached with chlorine.

Being a conscious woman who cares about her health, but also about ecology, it is worth choosing organic tampons and pads, made of organic cotton without any chemicals. In addition, they are much safer for our intimate areas, do not cause irritation, do not sensitize and are much more environmentally friendly. We recommend, for example, Vuokkoset Sensitive cotton pads with wings for the night.

  1. If you care about your own health and you want to care for the environment, choose organic sanitary napkins and organic tampons that will not irritate your skin

Another, equally safe and ecological solution is use of menstrual cups. There are more and more of them on the market, and what type, size or material we choose depends on our preferences, but also posture, height and whether we gave birth naturally. Menstrual cup provides protection for up to 12 hours without the need to empty it. Since we will find models with different capacities, it will also work well for women with heavy bleeding.

  1. Get your menstrual cup now, perfect for women with heavy menstrual bleeding

The cups are convenient to use and are becoming more and more popular among women. Try, among others:

  1. Perfect Cup menstrual cup set,
  2. FunCup menstrual cup set.

Ways of heavy menstrual bleeding – liquid for intimate hygiene

Each of us likes to feel clean and fresh. We also do not want to give up the feeling of freshness during menstruation. Unfortunately, heavy bleeding means that sometimes a pad or a tampon is unable to absorb more fluid. Therefore, underwear and clothes become dirty.

If we spend the most heavy days at home, we will certainly want to be in the shower as soon as possible. However, it must be remembered that on these days the intimate areas require special care. This also applies to the use of appropriate washing liquids. Under no circumstances should body wash gel or soap be used for washing intimate areas. These types of products disturb the pH and lead to the development of intimate infections.

  1. A safe and effective intimate hygiene fluid that will refresh the intimate areas during menstruation

When the bleeding is profuse, it is worth washing yourself several times a day. This will prevent the transmission and multiplication of bacteria. Best used for this purpose intimate hygiene lotions recommended for menstruation. They are odorless and contain lactic acid. They refresh, soothe irritations, have antibacterial properties and regenerate irritated epidermis.

Menstrual pain and heavy bleeding are the most common complaints related to menstruation. Unfortunately, not the only ones. Many women during their period complain of depressed mood, nervousness as well as headache, nausea and vomiting. In the case of a depressed mood, aromatherapy with essential oil, e.g. lavender oil, may be of help. Temple massage will help with headache, and in case of nausea and vomiting, ginger tea will be helpful.

Instead of ginger tea, you can also try dietary supplements with ginger, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system.

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