How to relieve internal mental stress

Nerves like taut strings? You can’t relax for a second: the body doesn’t obey, choosing unnatural poses and slouching? So you have a growing internal tension on your face. It is quite understandable when this is due to a production need, for example, you have an important project “on fire”, a wedding day is “on the nose” or important competitions. And if there are no visible reasons?

How to relieve internal mental stress

On the verge of a nervous breakdown

In fact, they are, but they accumulated for more than one day and grew like a snowball with every “must” and “must”. We can say that internal mental stress is nothing but a load of unfulfilled plans and unjustified hopes. Such a burden may well drive you into a protracted depression. Therefore, the sooner you start to fight it, the better for you and for those around you.

  1. To decide on ways to relieve mental stress, first you need to sort out all your inner desires and protests: “Why do I want to do this and categorically refuse to do so?” Having calmed down and put everything in its place, you will more or less consciously be able to say what causes your rejection reaction, and, as a result, internal mental stress.
  2.  Learn to refuse those who place unreasonably high hopes on you, not justifying other people’s fantasies, and you, in the end, will be to blame for this.
  3.  Master several relaxation techniques: breathing exercises, massage, yoga — this will help get rid of physical stiffness, improve blood supply to the brain and internal organs, and help avoid vasospasm.
  4.  Try to maintain a calm and positive state throughout the day. Simple and affordable over-the-counter sedatives based on herbs that have a sedative effect can help. As a rule, these monopreparations or combined products include: hops, valerian, motherwort and lemon balm. They will not let you “get hung up” on insignificant trifles and will help you soberly assess the situation.

The drugs, subject to the dosage and schedule of administration, do not affect the concentration of attention and are not addictive, but they effectively help relieve vascular spasms, often the result of mental stress. By the way, it is natural sedatives with antispasmodic properties that also help get rid of “meteosensitivity”, regular headaches and muscle pains.

To switch from other people’s ideas of you to your own real desires, try to make time for your favorite activities, whether it’s sports or cross-stitching. Seeking peace in what you love and strive for, you will quickly get rid of the obsessive «yoke» of vain expectations and fears.How to relieve internal mental stress

Everything hurts, nothing helps?

If even a sincerely beloved activity does not bring peace and tranquility, you should not delay, it is better to contact a competent specialist who will help you cope with

internal tension and get rid of unreasonable resentment towards yourself and loved ones. Of course, it is best to seek help early, before internal torment and destructive emotions lead to serious health problems, for example, a malfunction of the endocrine system, the development of various kinds of neurotic conditions.

Believe me, the very first visit to an experienced psychologist will dot the i’s. Working through your own fears and dissatisfaction is the best way to cope with the growing internal tension, find its roots, help yourself break out of the vicious circle of blame and fear. The main thing to remember is that such a state in itself is only the tip of a huge iceberg, which can break not only your own future, but also the future of your loved ones.

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