How to relieve headaches without pills

How to relieve headaches without pills

In the old days, doctors to get rid of migraines were advised to apply a cabbage leaf to the sore spot. Today, there are also many unconventional headache treatments.

First you need to figure out why your head hurts. There may be several reasons. The most common are osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, prolonged stay in a stuffy room, stress, insomnia, excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine, vision problems, high or low blood pressure, oncology and even allergies. To exclude the formulation of a terrible diagnosis, it is necessary to do an MRI. If you are healthy, and the attacks do not stop, and at the end of the working day there is a feeling that a woodpecker has entered you and knocks on your temple monotonously, then you cannot sit back. The tablets, of course, save for a couple of hours, but their regular use causes allergies, and can also harm the stomach and liver. There is a safer solution to the problem.

How to relieve a headache without pills – we find out.

What to do with a headache without pills

Sometimes, to get rid of a headache, you just need to relax and lie down in complete silence. It is possible that the main cause of the headache is constant tension. Get more rest. Walking in the fresh air is very useful, you do not need to lock yourself in a stuffy room and watch serials or read detective stories without interruption. Do not forget about airing and humidifying the room. Water procedures can restore good spirits. You can take a warm sea foam bath. You will feel much better if you add mint or lavender essential oils, as well as rosehip decoctions to the water. It will help relieve headaches and a contrast shower.

If you need to reduce pressure and improve blood circulation, then you need to steam your feet in mustard. Some doctors advise doing cold compresses. So, you can lie down for 30 minutes in a dark room with a cold towel on your forehead. This procedure has contraindications, so it can be done only after consulting a doctor. Compresses made from lavender or rosemary oil work well.

To understand how to relieve headaches without pills, you need to review your diet. Sometimes it is not medicines from the first-aid kit that helps to fight an attack, but certain foods that everyone has in the refrigerator. Improper diet, snacks on the go, overuse of fatty and salty foods can all cause headaches.

The well-being of people directly depends on the amount of water they drink: the less you drink, the worse for your health. Dehydration reduces the supply of oxygen to the brain, which leads to headaches. Those who suffer from migraines, when asked about tea or coffee, should immediately answer: “Only herbal tea with chamomile. And even better if it is not packaged, but freshly brewed. ” Add honey instead of sugar. This healthy product, containing magnesium and potassium, is good for improving blood circulation in the brain.

Cabbage leaves and boiled potatoes are excellent remedies for a painful headache. These products should be applied to the temples or forehead for a couple of minutes.

A decoction of rosemary or cinnamon is another alternative to analgin. Usually a teaspoon of seasoning is brewed with one glass of boiling water. In the case of cinnamon, the medicinal drink needs to be infused for about 30 minutes, and with rosemary it is left for 10 minutes. Then the medicinal broth should be taken in a quarter teaspoon every two hours. You can also make a compress on whiskey from the tincture.

Be sure in the diet of those who suffer from migraines, should be foods that are rich in vitamin B2. Scientists have shown that riboflavin can help promote heart health and prevent headaches. Review your diet and be sure to include beef liver, natural yogurts, spinach, almonds, sun-dried tomatoes, eggs, cheese, mushrooms, lentils, beans. These foods contain the most vitamin B2. Now you know how to get rid of headaches without pills. It is enough to observe the daily regimen, rest more and eat right.

How to relieve headaches without pills

If the back of the head is constantly pulling, then the cause of such pain is most likely cervical osteochondrosis and muscle tension. It certainly cannot be cured by any medicine. In this case, an osteopath will quickly help relieve the headache without pills. It is easy to get rid of seizures if you do exercises every morning and take a course of special massage at least once every six months. Watch your posture. A crooked back is one of the reasons that blood vessels poorly supply the brain with oxygen. We constantly scold children for not sitting upright, and we ourselves often forget about this rule.

We offer basic, but very effective exercises that are easy to do at home.

  1. Deep breath. Press with your palms on your forehead and try to strain your neck. Keep your head straight. In this position, you need to stay for about 5 seconds, holding your breath. Then take a deep breath, letting your head fall on your chest. Repeat this 5 times.

  2. Gently try to rub your collarbone with your chin. The neck should be relaxed.

  3. Head tilts: back and forth, left and right.

  4. Circular head movements. These exercises are familiar to everyone from kindergarten.  

  5. Sit up straight, try to relax. Tilt your head gently back so that you can feel the back of your head. Stay in this position for a few seconds (you can close your eyes).

  6. Use your palms to knead your neck muscles. A slight tingling sensation is possible.

  7. Take your hair into a ponytail, pull it so that painful sensations appear. Repeat several times. Exercise helps to improve blood circulation not only to the head, but also to the skin of the face.

  8. Lie on your back, bend your knees so that they reach your chest. As you inhale, try to wrap your hands around your feet and spread your knees. The neck should be relaxed at all times.

  9. It is useful to hang on the horizontal bar for 30 seconds. If this is not possible, then you can stretch the spine at home. The easiest way is to stand with your heels and shoulder blades pressed against the wall.

  10. Lower your shoulders, while inhaling, stretch upward, trying to stretch your neck. Imagine that you need to spy on what is happening behind the fence, and growth does not allow.

  11. Imagine that your neck is a piano. “Play” on it with your fingers, as if on the keys.

  12. Push-ups from the bed.

After each exercise, take a few sips of water. No drying. Sport should bring joy, cheerfulness and at the same time relieve headaches. Strength training, on the other hand, causes feelings of fatigue and can only worsen migraines.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of a headache forever, each of us literally takes his head every month. Attacks can occur constantly, as they signal some malfunction in the body. For example, if the cause is an allergy, then the headache will go away only when you can overcome the disease. You can’t tell yourself not to be nervous over trifles. According to statistics, most often women who do not know how to rest and relax suffer from migraines. A passive lifestyle is also an enemy to your health. We need a middle ground. When answering the question of how to remove a headache without pills, first of all try to change your own life. A headache is a call that you need a change. Important: if you have tried all the remedies, none of the methods helped: the head still does not go away during the day, then here you need a doctor’s advice.         

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