The cause of muscle pain and a feeling of heaviness is in unspent emotions.
At least once in our life, each of us felt aching pain in the muscles, which prevented us from turning our heads or straightening out. The psychologist Wilhelm Reich was the first to talk about the fact that muscle clamps are a consequence of stress, and he was right.
A muscle clamp is a muscle fiber spasm caused by trauma or stress. The spasmodic muscle constricts the vessels, disrupting the nutrition of the tissues. Edema, tissue degeneration or even necrosis appear. A striking example of tissue dystrophy is ischemic infarction.
The roots of the psychosomatic nature of muscle spasm most often go back to childhood, but they are often found in adulthood. “Boys don’t cry”, “What turned sour? Pull yourself together! ”,“ Say thank you to your aunt ”and other similar statements push the child to restrain his emotions.
Emotion is the energy that the body needs to release outside. And if this does not happen, the body hides the emotion inward in the form of muscle tension. A person can carry it through his whole life in the form of psychological complexes and habitual chronic discomfort at the physical level (sensation). If the etiology of muscle spasm is psychosomatics, neither drugs nor injections will help here, since they cannot affect the root cause, whatever it may be. At best, it will only provide temporary relief from the symptoms of physical discomfort. ⠀
How do you know if you have a muscle clamp?
The clamp can be thought of as a knot that prevents the natural flow of energy in the body. Muscle tension in various parts of the body can be a vivid symptomatology. This can be the cervical region, shoulders, back and other parts of the body. Listen to your body. Feel it. Analyze all the sensations. You may have lived with clamps your entire life, but before reading the article you did not realize it. Pay attention to the facial expressions of the facial muscles, because the clamps are most clearly visible on the face. The sadly lowered corners of the lips, the overhanging frowning eyebrows, the discontentedly pursed lips of many are preserved by the seal of the past. Beauty injections will only fix the mask and temporarily fill in wrinkles, performing the function of symptomatic therapy.
7 types of muscle tension associated with negative emotions:
1. A clamp in the region of the heart is manifested by pulling pains, a feeling of pressure and compression, a feeling of the heaviness of the “plate lying on the chest.” The root cause is the beliefs “they don’t love me, no one needs me, no one cares about me, I am not worthy of love”, the trauma of “rejection and betrayal”.
2. A clamp in the throat, manifested in a quiet or, conversely, too harsh voice, a lump in the throat, hoarseness, caused by the fear of telling the truth, declaring his desire.
3. A clamp in the area of the withers is manifested by problems with sleep, inability to easily turn the head, pain in the occipital region. This is a consequence of the burden of responsibility in childhood, the abandonment of their desires and their path.
4. A clamp in the shoulders at the level of the physical body is manifested by a stoop, aching pain, a feeling of inability to straighten the shoulders. Clipped wings, shoulders as a protective corset, armor from the outside world. More often than not, such a person cannot fulfill his potential.
5. In the area of the eyes, the clamp is manifested by deterioration of vision, cuts, fatigue, wrinkles, bags under the eyes. The consequence of unwillingness to see what is happening: “I close my eyes”, “My eyes would not see you.”
6. In the abdomen, muscle clamps can be identified by pulling pains of unclear etiology, colic-spasms, problems with stool. The consequence of the accumulation of hatred, anger, irritation. It’s hard to digest what is happening. Restraining the fact that it is high time to let go, or, conversely, the distribution of their resources, pity for others.
7. Gynecological problems are the result of clamps in the lower abdomen in women, which have arisen on the basis of difficult relationships with women in the family, most often with the mother.
It is unlikely that you will be able to cope with the clamps on your own. Most often, an integrated approach is needed here:
– from the side of the psyche – working with a psychologist to identify and eliminate the deep causes of stress, work with trauma;
– on the part of the body – body-oriented therapy for the release of emotions, osteopathy and massage, physiotherapy, physical activity (sports, fitness, yoga), meditation;
– on the part of habits – drinking regimen, correctly selected dietary regimen, fasting days, cleansing, sleep and rest. ⠀
Relaxation techniques for those under stress
Listening to light music, immersion in yourself, listening to your body, meditation, as well as yoga classes helps to relieve stress. Find at least 10 minutes to plunge into yourself in this frantic rhythm of life, so that new clamps are not created, pull your muscles, praise yourself, love yourself. The intention to release tension, a well-chosen program and systemic actions on a regular basis will gradually lead to a different, healthier state. A light, flexible, rejuvenated body, a smooth and radiant face, a state of everyday happiness, calmness and inner harmony are worth any effort, isn’t it?