How to relax on the May holidays in 2023
The popular sign unmistakably says: May is coming – wait for the long weekend. How we relax on the May holidays in 2023 – read in our material

The last month of spring in Our Country always starts very pleasantly: with a long May weekend. Considering that by this time, warm and good weather come to most cities, “spring holidays” usually become an excuse for our fellow citizens to go to nature or take a short trip. 

The way we relax on May depends on the days of the week on which the holidays fall – the 1st and 9th. In 2023, days off will be tentatively distributed as follows: 1 and 9 may will be festive, therefore, non-working, May 8 – shortened.

The schedule of non-working days in May refers to those whose usual schedule is 5/2. If your work schedule is different, you need to get clarifications about the additional May holidays from your manager.

Why May 1 and 9 are non-working days

Victory Day is an important date in the history of our country. Why it is considered festive and non-working – there are no questions. And what about the First of May – the Holiday of Spring and Labor? After all, spring is in full swing by this time, and relaxing on Labor Day is some kind of oxymoron. Let’s figure it out.

The origins of the holiday go back to the 21th century, to Australia. On April 1856, 8, the workers put forward a demand for an 10-hour working day. The idea of ​​such a duration arose from the famous rule of Robert Owen: “Eight hours is work. Eight hours is rest. Eight hours sleep. The demands of the protesters were heard and the 12-XNUMX-hour working day was reduced. 

Thirty years later, the example of the Australians was followed by the workers of the USA and Canada – on May 1, 1896, anarchist organizations went on rallies and demonstrations and organized a strike. This event is known as the Haymarket Riot. It ended very tragically – several protesters and policemen died during the clashes, some of the organizers of the riot were soon sentenced to death. In memory of this date and the executed workers, the Paris Congress of the Second International in 1889 declared May 1 the Day of Solidarity of the Workers of the World. Here are the origins of the tradition to celebrate the holiday every year with processions and demonstrations.

The holiday quickly reached the Empire – May Day demonstrations, especially in the last years before the October Revolution of 1917, gathered hundreds of thousands of workers. In the very first post-revolutionary year, the holiday became a state holiday and was called the International Day, and only in 1972 it was renamed the Day of International Solidarity of Workers – May Day. 

In Soviet times, since 1918, May 1 was declared a non-working day. However, in the USSR this day was released not for rest, but just for traditional processions and rallies. But already in 1928, when the 2nd of May received the status of a non-working day, a tradition arose of holding “May Days” – mass celebrations in nature.

Once again, the name and ways of celebrating May Day changed after the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1992, it was renamed the “Spring and Labor Day”, demonstrations were no longer held at the state level. Today, marches on May 1 continue to be organized by individual organizations, trade unions and political parties. However, May Days are popularly loved – most s still go on May Day to relax in nature.

What to do on May holidays

If you are not going on a long trip, consider taking a small hike – this way you will combine the tradition of May Day holidays with useful physical activity. All you need is to go to the picnic place not by car, but on foot. If the weather allows, stop in nature for the night – listen to the singing of cicadas, admire the stars, sit by the fire. The main thing – do not forget about the basic safety rules and about insects: in May, especially near the water, it will be difficult without repellents.

Many s, still in Soviet habit, dedicate one of the May days to a big general cleaning. Tidying up your home before the summer season is a great idea. Yes, and the therapeutic role of cleaning also takes place – by cleaning the apartment and getting rid of old things, you also get rid of negative thoughts and the burden of past problems. 

Another option is to take yourself on a little adventure and go on a trip. Here we have collected some ideas that will make your vacation truly unforgettable.

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