How to relax at work

We all experience stress and overwork at work from time to time. Journalist Lindsey Kolovich spoke with psychologists and prepared a selection of tips that can significantly increase productivity, stress tolerance and happiness levels.

According to a study by the American Psychological Association,

48% of Americans believe that stress has a negative impact on their professional and personal lives;

42% admit that they do not do enough to cope with stress;

20% say they have never tried to solve a stress problem.

I am sure that in most developed countries the statistics are approximately similar. What to do?

1. Drink water (2 minutes every hour)

Our body is at least 60% water. Water allows you to calm the mind, refresh and feel better. Pour a glass of water and look at it carefully. Take a sip and hold the water in your mouth. Feel the temperature and taste of the liquid. Swallow and listen to your feelings.

Why does it work. Small regular breaks will allow the body to restore resources and maintain the required level of fluid.

2. Watch your breath (1 minute 5 times a day)

Paying attention to your breathing is soothing and allows you to gain a sense of control. In order to remember this in the turmoil of affairs, set a timer for every 90 minutes. When the timer goes off, close your eyes, inhale and exhale as slowly and deeply as possible. Breathe for one minute, then return your attention to your surroundings.

Why does it work. Deep, infrequent breathing allows you to gain a sense of control, which significantly reduces stress levels.

3. Cultivate kindness and caring (as often as possible)

Positive thoughts about other people make us feel better. Send a message to your loved one or call them during your lunch break. Think about your family and friends more often. Smile at your colleagues. When you leave work, wish them a good evening.

Why does it work. It’s simple: the more positive emotions, the higher the level of happiness.

4. Listen to your body (3-10 minutes)

Get out of the office to a quiet place or a spare room. Make yourself comfortable. Listen to your feelings. Walk with concentrated attention throughout the body, starting with the head.

Why does it work. This practice allows you to quickly and effectively enter into harmony with your body, listen to it and find out if everything is in order with it.

5. Capture moments of happiness (5-10 minutes)

When you feel happy, remember this moment. Say to yourself: “I feel very good now!” Write down the context or your own feelings.

Why does it work. Compiling and rereading a list of pleasant sensations brings a pleasant change to the routine of the working day. Incorporate these simple exercises into your workday – and don’t forget to share your impressions in the comments!

For more information, on the website Hubspot.

About the Developer

Lindsay Kolowich – Freelance journalist.

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