How to rekindle a fading passion?

What to do if you and your partner have been together for many years and want a renaissance in your relationship? How to overcome the crisis of family life without loss? Advice from Chinese medicine specialist Anna Vladimirova.

My friend’s husband, shortly before their divorce, after drinking a little, became inflamed and demanded to “return” to him the one he met several years ago. Beautiful, perky, sexy. The one that thought only about him, and not about business and children. And, as life has shown, he was moving in the wrong direction.

The bad news is that in a fading relationship, nothing can be “returned”, nothing can be done the way it used to be. The good news is that you don’t need to return anything. You can build a new, even more interesting, lively and deep communication with a partner.

Working on relationships is always working on the future. It is very important to remember this: resurrecting in the imagination of “that” lover and comparing him with “this”, there is little chance of success. But considering and falling in love in a new way with someone who lives nearby … This is a great opportunity to develop relationships!

One question remains: how to do it.

Love management

Remembering this or that person, we represent him in the form of some kind of image. And, what is especially interesting, this image always occupies a certain position in space. For example, one of my friends, a person of endless amorousness, always placed the image of her lover right in front of her, a little to the left, in full growth. And her exes were located a little to the right, lower, in a dimmer light, and their image was always smaller in size.

It would seem that the way we imagine a person is a trifle, a trifle. But practice shows that working with the inner “vision” allows you to regulate emotional experiences. And it is also an effective way to “reboot” the real look at the partner, literally look at him in a new way.

How to work with inner vision?

1. Take a mental journey into the past. Forget about the years of marriage and plunge into the brightest period of your relationship. Old photos or videos can help you immerse yourself in it.

2. Remember how you imagined your partner then, during a period of vivid love. In what situations did you represent his image? Where was it located relative to itself? What size was this image?

Set up multiple reminder alarms per day on your smartphone and practice thinking about your partner in a new way

3. Think about how you imagine your partner now. Where do you place the image, what size is it, how is it lit. What clothes is your partner wearing, what is his facial expression? Note the difference between these two pictures (actually, ways of thinking about a loved one).

4. Create a new mental image of your partner. Put it where you put it before. Make it the right size, change the lighting. Draw it for yourself the way you drew it during a period of passionate love. Make the picture even bigger.

5. Set your smartphone to a regular signal or several reminder alarms a day and practice thinking about your partner in a new way.

Perform the exercise regularly, and after one to two weeks you will notice the result.

Is it really that simple?

Partly yes! Of course, in families where a heap of mutual insults has been accumulated, “thought forms” alone will not be enough. Psychological counseling, family therapy, or at least a joint vacation may be needed.

But from the state of love that you cultivate, it will be much easier to decide on further steps to develop relationships. New feelings that will bloom against the background of the exercise being performed will pave the way for new actions – steps to strengthen the shaken relationship.

Rest assured that over time, this work will bring amazing results. Relationships are worth fighting for, developing and strengthening joint happiness.

About the Developer

Anna Vladimirova – specialist in Chinese medicine, founder of the School of Healing Practices Wu Ming Dao.

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