Many people grow up in times of adversity and become their best version

If we have learned anything during these difficult days, it is to work on our resilience. That ability to resist, to emerge stronger from all adversity that we have to live, is always important, and essential in a crisis like the current one. Some in a couple of months have seen the foundations of their lives shake, and it is not easy to have enough courage to continue with the day to day. But, there are those who assure that circumstances like this are the perfect cultivation field to grow.
It is, we could say, the ideal time to “reinvent ourselves.” Showcasing this idea, “Plataforma Editorial”, due to the impossibility of continuing its activity normally, has founded “Plataforma paralearning”, a way of putting its readers in contact with authors through online conferences. This cycle of talks was opened by the writer and doctor Mario Alonso Puig and the entrepreneur and writer Sergio Fernández, in which they talked about what we mean: reinventing themselves.
Reinvent ourselves between obstacles
In 2010, Dr. Mario Alonso Puig wrote “Reinventing yourself: your second chance” (Editorial Platform), a text that, although it was published a decade ago, maintains an astonishing relevance, since the crisis generated by the coronavirus is a key moment for adapt to obstacles and even come out stronger from it.
“Reinventing yourself is to bring out the greatness of your interior when you need it most,” explained the doctor in the talk organized by the publisher. And this is the point from which all those who want to make a change must start, their interior. Is to look inside and know our virtues the key to building resilience and being able to cope with adversity.
But it is possible rinventing yourself in the middle of the stressful situation we live in? Dr. Mario Alonso Puig emphasizes the idea that in complicated situations we can get the best out of ourselves: “Now is the best time; when we move in a known world it is not necessary to reinvent ourselves, but not to fall asleep. We must remember that our comfort zone is dangerous, if you stay there, even if you succeed you can fail, and keeping this in mind is very important.
Self-knowledge as the key
Throughout the book, the writer and doctor talks about how it is essential to be aware of our own capacities, because, he says that “underneath many of our deepest fears, there is not a real inability to face them, but the conviction that we are incapable of doing it». Remember throughout the pages that there are people who have an extraordinary capacity to endure in the face of adversity. That is why these people are the same people who recover earlier after going through a painful episode in their lives.
Knowing ourselves, working on that resilience, through our “reinvention”, is an essential growth mechanism. But, although it is very easy to explain, developing this resilience is not so easyBecause, the doctor explains in the book, “when emotions such as fear or hopelessness take over us, a true ‘brain sequestration’ takes place.”
Bypass blocking
This blockage that we can experience, the professional pointed out during the talk, is due to the fact that “we have a lack of knowledge of human reality.” «If we were aware of the resources we have, creativity, imagination, ability to feel and be passionate, we would not feel so much anxiety in the face of uncertain situations, “he commented, adding a powerful observation:” In times of extreme complexity, the ability to create is born.
To be able to recognize these “resources” it is important not only to hold ourselves in good esteem, but also to be able to take care of ourselves. The doctor explains that our body is the unconscious, and therefore, when we take care of our body, we also take care of our mind, and when we take care of the mind, we take care of our body. Our greatest enemy can be ourselves, so it is important to “exercise compassion on ourselves.” “Be firm, but don’t be harsh,” recommends the doctor.