How to regenerate your liver after Christmas? The doctor recommends

Our liver should be in perfect condition because it works like a factory. There is not a single cell in the human body that does not depend on it. How to regenerate this important organ for the health of an organ after Christmas and New Year’s gourmets? Read on now.

  1. The liver is a storehouse of vitamins, mainly A and B12, and micronutrients such as iron, copper
  2. It protects us in the process of detoxifying the body. How? It traps harmful and poisonous substances that we eat
  3. Gastroenterologist: After Christmas, we should give our liver a rest. It is best to limit the consumption of sweets, sugar, sweetened drinks, as well as heavy, caloric sauces and alcohol.
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

The season of Christmas greed continues: we eat baked meats, hams, pates, stews, salads, and cakes. And there is also the New Year’s Eve feast ahead of us! In this culinary madness, we forget that an excess of fatty foods regularly watered with alcohol is even killing for the liver.

But be careful! The liver suffers quietly before it gets sick for good. And this is a very important organ that affects the entire body. That is why regeneration is so important to her. It is all the more necessary when our lifestyle is unhealthy: with a bad diet, alcohol abuse and lack of physical activity. These factors most often burden the liver and damage hepatocytes, i.e. its cells.

  1. Symptoms that your liver is sick

Liver – cell regeneration

The liver is the largest gland in the human body. It weighs about 1,5 kilograms and has a dark shade because it is abundantly supplied with blood. The liver flesh is brittle, so any physical trauma can rupture it.

The liver participates in metabolic processes and is a storehouse for vitamins, mainly A and B12, and micronutrients such as iron and copper. In addition, it not only produces heparin, a substance that prevents blood clotting, but also bile necessary for fat digestion.

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The liver protects us in the detoxification process of the body. How? It traps harmful and poisonous substances that we eat.

Few people realize that the liver, when it is in a state of rest, generates heat in our body.

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The liver can regenerate itself …

Provided that we help her regenerate. The lobules are the basic anatomical unit of the liver, and these are produced by liver cells – hepatocytes. It is they who have the ability to rebuild.

Importantly, the regeneration of the liver after alcohol, drugs or an unhealthy diet does not happen overnight. The process of rebuilding liver cells is long-lasting and possible only under conditions that do not burden this organ for a long time and intensively. Because the consequences of not respecting the liver are cirrhosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or drug-induced liver damage.

How to help the liver after Christmas?

– Although it is difficult for us to deny ourselves dishes or baking during the New Year’s Eve, it is worth remembering that after Christmas we should give our liver a respite. First of all, it is best to limit the consumption of sugars: sweets, sugar, sweetened drinks, as well as heavy, caloric sauces and alcohol. I also recommend drinking plenty of vitamin C water – advises Dr. Dariusz Maj, gastroenterologist from the Damian Medical Center.

What else supports regeneration? First of all, a properly arranged daily menu. Doctors advise you to avoid fried, spicy and smoked foods, and to limit your eating of oily fish, as they can contribute to fatty liver disease. She recommends eating easily digestible meals, which should be taken regularly and in small portions. Animal fats such as lard and lard are not recommended.

How to regenerate the liver after alcohol?

In pharmacies, the range of preparations supporting the work of the liver is many. These are usually dietary supplements based on plant substances and plant extracts. Herbs that will support the work of the liver and its regeneration are milk thistle, artichoke and dandelion. We recommend, for example, SteroHerbs liver – a herbal mixture with milk thistle, psyllium plantain and black cumin.

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In addition, preparations with turmeric and phospholipids will help the body replenish the deficiencies in the liver cells, and commonly regarded as supporting the regeneration of this organ, one of the traditional preparations containing dehydrocholic acid and plant extracts should not be used by people suffering from chronic and acute liver diseases.

It is worth checking the condition of your liver. You can buy a diagnostic test package at Medonet Market.

Experts recommend physical activity. It should be taken three times a week, and the necessary minimum is 150 minutes a week. Movement has a beneficial effect on the entire body, as it burns excess toxic fats and carbohydrates. As a result, it improves blood circulation and supports the work of the liver.

Do you want to support the work of the liver? You can reach for a dietary supplement with lipotropic factors that affect not only the functioning of the liver, but also lower blood sugar. You can find the supplement on the Medonet Market.

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  2. The 8 worst foods for the liver. They can cause irreversible changes
  3. How to quickly regenerate the liver? Here are six helpful ingredients you’ll find in your home pantry

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