How to refuse an offer to drink and not offend anyone

A party, wedding or corporate event can be a real challenge for those who are determined to lead a sober lifestyle. Alcohol remains an indispensable element of any celebration, and the reluctance to support the company is often bewildering. Pressure from others is not easy to withstand, especially in groups where drinking is considered the norm. Refusing to drink alcohol and not becoming an outcast is difficult, but possible.

“Sober driver”

The easiest way to stay sober is to come to the party by car. In this case, you will not need to look for excuses, since the phrase “I’m driving” works flawlessly. Everyone, without exception, understands that the driver has no right to drink alcohol, and no one will be offended.

You may have to give a ride to one of the guests to the house, but you are guaranteed to avoid unnecessary questions. Don’t feel like driving? Say that you plan to drive early in the morning – such an explanation will also be perceived normally.

How to refuse an offer to drink and not offend anyone
It’s easier for the driver to refuse to drink

Taking medication

If the company is aware that you do not have a car, refer to the treatment. It is a generally accepted fact that most drugs do not combine with alcohol, so the problem will be solved.

In society, it is considered tactless to find out the nature of the disease, but if such a question is nevertheless received, you should not go into details. Try to switch the interlocutor’s attention to neutral objects – praise the interior or outfit of the mistress of the house.

Sport activities

A healthy lifestyle is now in trend, so diet and exercise can become a reason for giving up alcohol. Alcohol and sports are incompatible things, and misunderstandings in this matter usually do not arise.

Here it would be appropriate to share your sports achievements, discuss fitness clubs, talk about a healthy eating program. During an active discussion, it is unlikely that someone will persistently offer alcohol.


Refusing to drink at corporate events is quite difficult. The teetotaler becomes the object of increased interest of colleagues, and the unwillingness to support the company is perceived negatively.

Fortunately, such events usually take place in a cafe with a large gathering of people. Pretend that you are taking part in a feast. Ask for a glass of wine and wet your lips, then discreetly pour out some of the drink. If possible, order a non-alcoholic cocktail from the bartender – no one will notice the difference, and you will avoid uncomfortable questions.

How to refuse an offer to drink and not offend anyone
In appearance, most non-alcoholic cocktails do not differ from alcoholic ones.

Psychologists’ advice

Refusal of alcohol is a conscious choice of every person. You are not required to explain the reasons for your decision, much less justify it. However, in an unfamiliar company, increased interest in your person can cause discomfort, so psychologists advise you to prepare several explanations in advance and use the most appropriate in a particular situation. Reasons for rejection could be a change in lifestyle, feeling unwell, or a work meeting the next day.

Come to an event with a friend who shares your beliefs, two non-drinkers no longer attract so much attention. In a company, it is much easier to withstand the pressure of others and not succumb to persuasion. Stick together all evening and respond with jokes offering alcohol – humor well discharges the atmosphere. Topics should be neutral so as not to offend the interlocutor.

Do not be afraid to “break away from the team”, behave relaxed and confident. Good friends will respect your choice, even if they drink alcohol themselves. Misunderstanding and resentment on the part of the company is a reason to think about changing the environment. The life goals of a person are more important than the desires and whims of other people.

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