How to reduce the harmful effects of gadgets

What is fraught with. The constant exposure of the skin to radiation from monitors and gadgets was recognized as “invasive”, that is, capable of penetrating into the body and spreading in it. Unfortunately, it increases the formation of free radicals in the skin, and hence the risk of premature aging and increased pigmentation.

What to do. The simplest remedies to reduce harmful effects:

– increase the distance to the blue light source (monitor),

– monitor the humidity in the room (put humidifiers, ionizers),

– use cosmetics with antioxidants, even if you are at your home computer,

– introduce foods high in antioxidants into the diet: blueberries, cranberries, kiwi, spinach, parsley, beets, broccoli, prunes and nuts,

– do not use gadgets two hours before bedtime. For the skin, this is, of course, an insignificant factor, but for the system of melatonin production in the body and for “healthy sleep” it is very important.

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