How to reduce the appetite for sweets? Spices – Dietetics – Articles |

Sweets are your bane? Can’t you deny yourself an afternoon coffee cake and a cube of chocolate after dinner? We have a solution for you. Be sure to try the spices below.

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Did you know that sweets are one of the biggest enemies of losing weight? You know, and yet you cannot cope with this addiction. True, being used to sweets is very often the cause of weight loss failure. So let’s try all the methods to eliminate the problem with sweets. For starters, I suggest spices. They not only improve metabolism and have a health effect. It also turns out that they can reduce your cravings for sweets.



Ginger is a good source of potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese, and vitamin B6. Not only does it reduce the cravings for sweets. It is also invaluable in the fight against colds, migraines, nausea and arthritis. It has antioxidant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. I wrote more about this invaluable spice in the article: Ginger – a treasure from Asia.



Its sweetish taste and spicy aroma can deceive your senses. It also has a significant health effect – it heals cough, heartburn, flatulence, and improves memory. 



Cardamom is another spice with a whole list of positives – from anti-inflammatory effects to improving intellectual performance. This spice also detoxifies and improves metabolism. Thanks to this, it will be much easier for you to lose extra kilos. Its sweetish taste in combination with yogurt or oatmeal will be a substitute for sweetness.



I wrote about the fact that cinnamon, thanks to its warming effect, helps in slimming, I wrote several days ago. Its slightly sweet aftertaste and the ability to lower blood sugar also help in satisfying the cravings for sweets. In addition, this spice protects against anemia, reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and has anti-cancer properties.



Used regularly, it lowers blood sugar levels. It also has a delicate caramel aroma and a sweet flavor.



Its sweet seeds with a hint of orange noticeable by some consumers will successfully reduce sugar in the dishes. In addition, coriander is a source of iron, copper, potassium, calcium, manganese and magnesium, lowers the level of bad cholesterol, and helps with colds – the infusion has an expectorant effect.

If you have a problem with suppressing your sweet tooth appetite, don’t look for miracle pills. There are no such. Start with regular, balanced meals enriched with spices that will become a substitute for sweetness for you.

The title photo is from: rpavich / Foter / CC BY

Picture 1 is from: jimlightfoot26 / Foter / CC BY

Photo 2 is from: Ano Lobb. @healthyrx / Foter / CC BY

Photo 3 is from: / Foter / CC BY-SA

Photo 4 is from: Nomadic Lass / Foter / CC BY-SA

Photo 5 is from: Photo credit: La.Catholique / Foter / CC BY

Photo 6 is from: shout it from the rooftops / Foter / CC BY

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