How to reduce stress with the mbsr program

Hello, dear readers of the site! The mbsr program was developed to help people cope with stress through awareness not only of their actions, but also of thoughts and feelings.

And today I propose to consider in more detail how it works and what it is aimed at.

Introductory information

Mbsr stands for Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, literally a mindfulness-based stress reduction program. For ease of pronunciation, the word Mindfulness is often used simply.

Thanks to this program, people learn without value judgment, which only positively affects the quality of their lives.

For example, have you heard that when a black cat crosses the road, a person fails? If you evaluate the actions of the cat, then predict the future for yourself, simultaneously remembering important planned things and getting upset that nothing will come of it, then you yourself see what a twisted plot comes out.

Or you can just think about the fact that the cat is going about its business, so it turned out to be in your way. Coincidentally, two living beings needed to be at the same time in the same place. Each of which solves its life problems. Everything. No tragedy, you went to yourselves, a cat to yourself. This story is over, and the nervous system is preserved.

That is, it turns out that we not only do not evaluate events and thoughts, but also do not compare them with others. We just watch them, then it becomes possible to see the truth, the layers that are in the subconscious. And which are not visible due to the fact that they are overwhelmed with too much unnecessary information.

History of occurrence

Mindfulness was created by Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979. The biologist and professor of medicine was fond of Buddhism and practiced meditation. Thinking about how to remove the religious component from the practice, so that the benefits of contemplation techniques and conscious breathing become available to a wide range of people, he invented this method.

After all, everyone has a different faith, which is why individuals who really need help simply could not receive it. And so the program even managed to be included in medicine, improving the approach to curing somatic diseases associated with excessive stress in the life of a modern person.

Initially, John intended to invite only patients with complex chronic diseases as participants. But gradually the military, prisoners, police and other individuals who found themselves in difficult life situations and in need of help began to join. Up to those who themselves provided medical services and psychological support.

At the moment, there are about 250 clinics in the world that provide treatment based on the MBSR method. And they teach him not only in specialized courses, but also at Harvard, Stanford.


  • Reducing stress. The technique helps to get rid of stress, unnecessary tension. Which, subsequently, only has a positive effect on overall health. For example, immunity is strengthened, respectively, resistance to viruses and various diseases increases.
  • Prevention of depression and the main way to get rid of it. Being aware of your feelings, aspirations, resources, limitations and needs works like antidepressants. Only without the cumulative negative effect of taking medications.
  • Changes in gray matter. Simply put, our brains are changing. More precisely, the zones responsible for emotions and the ability to learn. They are so often involved in the work that the density of the gray matter changes. That is, your hemispheres become, “roughly speaking”, more pumped and stronger.
  • Increasing concentration and strengthening memory. Due to the fact that a person quite often focuses on his feelings, thoughts and feelings, his attentiveness and ability to remember large amounts of information grows.
  • Manifestation of altruistic impulses. Due to the fact that in the areas of the brain that are responsible for empathy or sympathy, the activity of neurons increases, the person becomes more compassionate than before. She has a desire to help others who need help and support.
  • Strengthening relationships. A person practicing mindfulness understands what he wants and how to achieve it, he appreciates close people and learns to build security in relationships, intimacy. He becomes more relaxed, trusting and optimistic.
  • Decreased levels of aggression and anxiety. And not only in adults, but also in children, especially during puberty, they learn to control their body and emotions, respectively, do not commit stupid and thoughtless acts. Techniques are also useful for women during pregnancy, this minimizes the risk of miscarriage and diseases that occur in the fetus against the backdrop of severe stress experienced by the mother.

How to reduce stress with the mbsr program

And a bit more

  • Restoration of physical form. Mindfulness helps a person cope with various problems of eating behavior, as well as return the taste not only to food, but also to life. When a person learns to notice satiety, she no longer needs to indefatigably “swallow” everything in a row, or, conversely, to categorically refuse pleasures.
  • Healing from PTSD. PTSD is a post-traumatic disorder that occurs mainly when a person enters conditions that are completely abnormal for the psyche and health in general. For example, he survived sexual violence, a catastrophe, went through a war, or turned out to be an accidental witness to a murder. There can be many reasons, the consequences are basically the same. This disorder makes itself felt in the form of obsessive thoughts, flashbacks (when it seems quite realistic that you have returned to the situation and are living it again), depression, uncontrolled aggression, and so on.
  • Restoration of professional fitness. In order to avoid the effect of burnout in people in helping professions, it is extremely important to practice MBSR. This is especially true for medical staff whose activities are associated with serious illnesses and mental disorders.
  • Strengthening the bond with the child. When a person is in a difficult state, he unconsciously can “break down” on loved ones. Basically, children fall under the “hot hand”, as they are safer objects for relieving aggression. After all, they are obliged to obey and, so to speak, will not go anywhere and will not give back. Thanks to mindfulness techniques, parents and children spend time together in a more quality, calm and enjoyable way. Which cannot but affect their relationship, which becomes more trusting and close. And children, by the way, develop more actively and acquire social skills, learn about themselves.
  • Increasing self-esteem. The person becomes more mature and self-confident. She understands what else is worth learning, and what she can already actively use.

How to reduce stress with the mbsr program


The standard program lasts from 8 to 10 weeks. The number of participants varies depending on the topic, the minimum is 10 people, the maximum is 40. There is also a need to create same-sex groups.

Mostly, for example, with survivors of sexual violence who cannot afford to relax and generally be around members of the opposite sex.

Classes are held once a week and last about 1 — 2 hours. At each meeting, participants learn a new exercise or technique. And they are obliged to practice at home on their own every day, so that there really is a positive effect from work.

The program includes the so-called «body scan». This is when a person focuses on sensations, trying to feel absolutely every cell of his body. He also observes his breathing, the sounds that are carried in space, how he communicates with other people.

Aware of every action and even thought. Learns without value judgment and acceptance of the surrounding reality as it is. In general, finds harmony and inner freedom.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! Finally, I want to recommend you an article that indicates the benefits of meditation, perhaps this will inspire you to start leading a healthy lifestyle and become more conscious.

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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