How to reduce pain during menstruation?

How to reduce pain during menstruation?

The pain syndrome (algomenorrhea) that often occurs in this situation can significantly darken the everyday life of a young girl or woman. Statistics on the frequency of occurrence of menstrual pain states that at least 60% of women of reproductive age are affected by this condition. The pain can be so severe that convulsive conditions develop against its background, and even fainting.

Given that menstruation is an absolutely physiological process, the appearance of the above symptoms can be regarded as a variant of deviation from the norm. Specialists in the field of gynecology strongly recommend that you undergo a series of necessary diagnostic procedures that will allow you to find out the true cause of the formation of these pathological symptoms. Pain is a signal of the body that even such a physiological process as menstruation was disturbed by the action of certain factors.

The appearance of pain in this case can be triggered by the following factors:

  • Violation of the function of the nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems;

  • As a result of congenital anomalies in the development of the organs of the reproductive system;

  • With connective tissue dysplasia.

Below will be described in detail the ways to relieve pain during menstruation, which can be used by every woman suffering from this disease.

How to relieve menstrual pain for young girls?

Pain that occurs during menstruation can be divided into primary and secondary. The first group includes those pain sensations that previously did not make themselves felt from the very moment of the onset of the first menstruation in a girl. Secondary pain sensations include the pain that is formed in women over 35 years old under the influence of hormonal disorders, diseases of the inflammatory and infectious nature of the pelvic organs, as well as as a result of previously undergone surgical interventions.

Most women claim that the primary pain syndrome during menstruation spontaneously disappears after the first birth, which is due to the formation of uterine contractility. This information has been confirmed clinically. If the symptoms of algomenorrhea do not disappear after childbirth, or if there are difficulties in conceiving a child against the background of painful menstruation, then the woman is recommended to undergo a detailed examination. The examination plan should include a visit not only to a gynecologist, but also to an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist, a psychotherapist, an osteopath and a tuberculosis specialist.

The most likely cause of pain syndrome (algomenorrhea) are systemic diseases, which include connective tissue dysplasia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, varicose veins of the lower extremities and pelvic organs. One of the main causes of the primary pain syndrome during menstruation can be attributed to tuberculous lesions of the organs of the reproductive system, which in turn leads to the development of various anomalies.

Diseases associated with a violation of the psycho-emotional sphere can also be the result of a tuberculous lesion of the genitals.

After analyzing the above material, the primary task can be considered the complete elimination of organic and systemic pathologies that can act as the main cause of algomenorrhea in women and girls.

Non-medicated ways to relieve period pain

How to reduce pain during menstruation?

For the complete or partial removal of pain during menstruation in women with the primary form of this pathology, non-drug therapy is often sufficient, which is aimed at eliminating the main factors that can cause this condition.

Elimination of stress

As trite as it may sound, every woman should find the strength in herself to deal with stressful effects on her own body. The modern situation dictates its own rules and rhythm of life, as a result of which a failure in the body may occur. The abundance of everyday information (which is not always positive) exposes the female body to constant emotional upheavals and stress.

The ability to control one’s emotions and thoughts will allow not only to achieve harmony and internal balance, but also protect against the development of many organic and systemic diseases of the body.

Complete abstinence from alcohol and smoking

Many women can treat this issue with a certain amount of skepticism, and in vain. The exclusion of such addictions can significantly reduce the intensity of pain during menstruation, and this is a fact.

The thing is that the female body is not at all adapted to repel nicotine and alcohol attacks, and the constant intake of these substances into the body is a huge stress for each organ and system. The systematic use of nicotine is the cause of premature aging, and also brings the period of menopause closer.

An alcohol-nicotine “ensemble” is capable of significantly undermining the potential of a woman’s body’s defenses in a short period of time, which can significantly increase the risk of developing malignant neoplasms. Complete cessation of smoking and alcohol consumption is a prerequisite for the correction of algomenorrhea in girls and women.

Yoga and Bodyflex

If a woman is prone to painful sensations during menstruation, then she should definitely limit any physical activity and intimacy during the second phase of the menstrual cycle. But the first phase of the menstrual cycle, on the contrary, should be accompanied by moderate physical activity. Yoga exercises, or Bodyflex, will create the optimal load on the body. The choice fell on these two types of physical exercises not by chance. The thing is that during bodyflex and yoga classes there is a powerful stimulation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Stimulation of blood circulation, in turn, promotes the resorption of the adhesive process, ensures the timely onset of ovulation, and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Compliance with the measure is a prerequisite in this case, therefore, before starting such training, you should first consult the appropriate medical specialist.

Compliance with diet

Proper nutrition is an important criterion for a healthy lifestyle, and can significantly reduce the intensity of pain during menstruation. A few days before the onset of menstruation, you should include as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible in your diet. Overeating should be avoided, and spicy, overly salty and fried foods should be completely excluded.

The amount of fluid consumed should be increased to 2-2,5 liters per day. Daily consumption of tea or coffee should be replaced with vegetable and fruit juices, as well as mineral water.

Exclusion of hypothermia

Clothing that does not correspond to the season can cause the development of hypothermia, and as a result, inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system. Inflammation of the uterine appendages (salpingitis) is a fairly common cause of painful menstruation.

Use of physiotherapy

One of the fairly effective physiotherapeutic methods is electrophoresis in the area of ​​the solar plexus. The appointment of this procedure is carried out exclusively by the attending physician. The course of treatment averages 7-8 sessions.

Compliance with the regime of work and rest

Another prerequisite for the correction of algomenorrhea is the formation of the correct labor regime, which will protect the female body from overwork. The daily need of the female body in sleep is at least 8 hours. Excessive overwork can be the cause of the formation of pain.

Medications to reduce pain during menstruation

How to reduce pain during menstruation?

In case of low efficiency of the above methods, one should resort to methods of drug therapy. Below are the main groups of drugs, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the main causes and symptoms of algomenorrhea in women.


If painful periods were caused by excessive emotional stress and neurosis, then taking sedatives will be the main solution to this problem.

These drugs include:

  • extract of roots and rhizomes of valerian in the form of tablets or alcohol tincture:

  • Trioxazine;

  • Relanium.

Antispasmodics, analgesics, NSAIDs

If the pain syndrome cannot be corrected by the above drugs, then it is advisable to prescribe antispasmodics, such as No-Shpa, Spazgan, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Nise, Ketanov, Butadion, Ibuprofen. The most optimal and safe antispasmodics are No-Shpa (Drotaverine hydrochloride) and Papaverine, the use of which is permissible even during pregnancy. A single dose of No-Shpa is 2 tablets, the frequency of administration is up to 3 times a day.

Before taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), you should consult your doctor, because their action can have an adverse effect on the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.

Hormonal contraceptives

Based on the recommendations of gynecologists, we can say that primary algomenorrhea can be successfully corrected by taking hormonal contraceptives. The most popular are drugs such as Triziston, Yarina, Ovidon, Diane-35, Anteovin, as well as natural progestins (Dufaston).

Multivitamin complexes

Of course, those vitamins and minerals that come with food are subject to more thorough assimilation. When the body experiences a sharp deficiency of important vitamins and microelements, the appointment of multivitamin complexes will completely solve this problem. The most deficient mineral for the female body is calcium. Its reception should be combined with vitamin D3. A good effect is given by the intake of B vitamins (Magne B6), Calcium D3, and vitamin E.

Treatment of secondary algomenorrhea

The appearance of pain in women over 30 years of age is most often due to some kind of pathology of organs and systems. The most likely cause of secondary algomenorrhea is endometriosis, as well as the presence of polyps in the uterine cavity.

Treatment of secondary algomenorrhea should be directed, first of all, to the elimination of the main cause, namely the primary pathology, which led to the development of the pain syndrome.

The main reasons for the formation of secondary algomenorrhea include:

  • diseases of the organs of the reproductive system of an inflammatory nature (salpingitis, salpingoophoritis, oophoritis);

  • malignant tumors of the uterus and ovaries;

  • varicose disease of the vessels of the lower extremities, as well as veins of the abdominal cavity;

  • in the presence of scar formations in the uterine cavity caused by mechanical abortions;

  • consequences of surgical interventions on the uterus and appendages (abortion, curettage).

Often, even the wrong position of the intrauterine contraceptive can contribute to the development of pain during menstruation. To solve this problem, it is enough to remove the intrauterine device. If we are talking about a tumor process, endometriosis, or an adhesive process, then in this case, drug therapy or surgery is recommended. In the postoperative period, it is important to properly organize the rehabilitation of the body, which must necessarily include sanatorium-resort rehabilitation, and physiotherapeutic methods.

To combat the pain syndrome in secondary algomenorrhea, you can use the methods of non-drug therapy.

With the ineffectiveness of non-drug methods, the elimination of the pain syndrome should be carried out under the means of taking medications (analgesics, NSAIDs, sedatives).

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