How to reduce calorie intake

Calorie counting is a popular method of losing weight and maintaining your weight. First, you need to calculate how many calories you actually consume in 1 week and, after analyzing, draw conclusions. And if your diet significantly exceeds the number of calories permissible for your body type and weight, then these rules will help reduce it.

Reduce the amount of fat

Of course, you cannot completely give up fat – because our tissues need nourishment for elasticity and a healthy look. But sometimes eating a lot of fat is unnoticeable – who counts a spoonful of oil when frying eggs or stewing a healthy vegetable stew?

Don’t kid yourself and count every drop of oil, use broth or water to stew, and use a brush or cooking spray to grease the surface of the pan.


Minimize harmful fats, use fermented milk products and vegetable oils as much as possible.

Eat lean meat

An ordinary piece of pork increases the calorie content of your lunch at times. Replace it with chicken, rabbit, turkey fillet or beef – this way you will consume a large amount of protein, useful for the body, and a minimum of animal fats.

But the fat content in fish is not a hindrance for you, on the contrary, a source of beneficial omega-acids and vitamins. Preferably the meat is baked, stewed and boiled or grilled.

Eat more vegetables

The calorie content of vegetables is relatively low, and the benefits and nutritional value are many times greater, even in stews. In terms of saturation, vegetables surpass even meat, and also contain fiber that is useful for digestion. For vegetarians, vegetables and legumes are very important, as they are a source of missing protein and vitamins.

Reduce sugar intake

Every time, think about how sweet you want to eat this or that product, drink. Would it be worse if you add half a teaspoon less to the tea? How much sugar is in tomato paste or commercial juice? Even if you stop buying sweet yoghurts in favor of ordinary yoghurts, you will significantly reduce the calorie content of your diet.

Prefer spices, condiments and herbs to sugar, as well as natural fruits.

Study the calorie content and composition of foods

Do not be lazy and track your reactions to certain foods, read labels and calories, choose less calorie, low fat. If you are on the path of proper nutrition, study information on the Internet and magazines, listen to lectures and online courses – all this will help you reduce the calorie content of your daily diet.

Reduce portion

If you are not ready to part with a high-calorie product, then try to gradually reduce its amount at one time – this will also help to avoid food overload. It is believed that a third of the portion a person eats “on load” until the signal of satiety reaches the brain.

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