How to recover quickly after a workout

After intensive training, you get tired – this is absolutely normal! But in order to train the next day, the body needs to recover.

Apathy, demotivation, muscle pain. Familiar between workouts? This is due to the fact that the body did not recover enough after exercise. In this article, we will touch on the topic of recovery, since the end result of regular and diligent training depends on it.

How to recover after training at home?

If you are exercising at home, then there are 4 universal and affordable tools for restoring the body.

    1. Healthy sleep  During sleep, growth hormone is produced, due to it, recovery occurs. Lack of sleep just the same leads to underrecovery, which will lead to overtraining and then to injury.
    2. Stretching exercises after class  A simple and universal rule: stretch those muscles that were involved in the course of the lesson. For example, you did a few circuits of burpees, squats, push-ups, and jump rope. So, for recovery, it is necessary to perform stretching exercises for the legs, arms, and shoulders after the finish. Hitch.
    3. Drink plenty of water and eat right  Water removes everything processed from the body. Balanced BJU in the diet helps to stay in good shape and prevent muscle acidification.
    4. Cold and hot shower  Good old practice. The temperature difference has a positive effect on the ligaments, blood vessels and connective tissue. Blood circulation and metabolism are activated.

How to recover after a workout in the gym?

Working out in the gym is more convenient in terms of recovery, all due to the fact that there are other recovery tools.

    1. Sauna The oldest way to relieve fatigue. Body temperature rises, breathing and heart rate quicken – arterial blood enters the tissues of the body and decay products are excreted. This leads to faster recovery after a workout.
    2. Revitalizing massage  Thanks to the massage, blood circulation in the muscles and internal organs increases, pain is relieved and regeneration is accelerated. The most important thing is that the session is conducted by an experienced specialist.

How long does it take to recover after a workout?

An important aspect of the recovery process is to listen to your body. For example, you have the first workout of the week on Tuesday, the second on Thursday. But on Thursday morning you still feel pain in your muscles. So it’s better to take your time.

During classes, it is important to make it a habit to warm up and cool down. This can help and speed up the process of muscle recovery after a workout. Also, there is public information:

  • The recovery time for small muscle groups is 48 hours.
  • Large – 72 hours.

This is all true, but the individual characteristics of the athlete are not taken into account. For example, for beginners, the recovery period may take longer. Many go to train according to the schedule, and not according to internal sensations.

When to start training? Let’s remember the beginning of the article: apathy, demotivation, muscle pain. If all these symptoms are absent, but there is a desire to get down to business again, then you can safely proceed.

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