How to recover from the coronavirus?
Konstancin-Zdrój health resort Publication partner

It will soon be a year from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic (the World Health Organization announced it on March 11, 2020). Since then, we have been learning more and more about the disease. We know more and more of its symptoms, which in combination with antigen / PCR tests allow us to identify the coronavirus. An increasing number of convalescents complain of symptoms that hinder their daily functioning, which are the result of passing through the SARS-CoV-2 infection. Worryingly, these complications persist even months after the virus is defeated. Therefore, most patients require long-term rehabilitation under the supervision of experienced doctors.

Complications after infection with SARS-CoV-2

The medical community is increasingly talking about the disturbing symptoms that appear after defeating the coronavirus. What is noteworthy, the complications are reported both by people who went through the disease mildly and asymptomatically, as well as those who required hospitalization and the help of a ventilator. It turns out that complications occur in every age group, including very young convalescents. Fortunately for the so-called We know more and more about pocovid syndrome, so you can undergo appropriate rehabilitation to help reduce the effects of the infection.

The most common complications after COVID-19 concern the respiratory system and they are:

  1. dyspnoea,
  2. reduced respiratory efficiency,
  3. limiting exercise tolerance,
  4. breathlessness, increasing the feeling of anxiety.

But this is not the end. Recuperators also report problems with heart rhythm disturbances and muscle and joint pains during daily activities, which makes any attempt to take up physical activity (even at a low level of intensity) becomes quite a challenge.

Complications also affect the central nervous system. There have been many cases of the so-called brain fog, which can linger for months. The healed person has difficulty concentrating, thinking logically, and having short-term memory. All of this has a negative impact on the ability to perform domestic and professional duties. Moreover, it can cause anxiety, low mood, lack of motivation and nervousness.

Patients who, due to significant breathing problems, were hospitalized and used a respirator, often struggle with difficult memories related to the fear of death, pain, the feeling of loneliness, as well as the effects of prolonged intubation – difficulties in swallowing food and fluids, as well as disorders voice emission.

Rehabilitation after passing COVID-19

The purpose of rehabilitation after suffering from coronavirus infection is to minimize or completely get rid of complications and thus quickly recover. The first institutions in Poland that offer comprehensive help for convalescents are Konstancin-Zdrój Health Resort and Nałęczów Health Resort. There, the patient can count on the help of specialist doctors, psychologists, and physiotherapists, and gains access to XNUMX-hour nursing care.

After the initial medical consultation, the patient undergoes a series of tests, including:

  1. spirometry,
  2. ECG,
  3. endurance test,
  4. general laboratory tests,
  5. computed tomography of the chest (at the request of the doctor).

A thorough personal and medical history allows for the selection of an individual form of therapy that will meet the patient’s expectations (taking into account all comorbidities, e.g. diabetes, arterial hypertension, etc.).

What is the rehabilitation process after undergoing COVID-19? Much depends on the patient’s health and the results of preliminary examinations. The treatments are based on natural raw materials, and the physiotherapeutic treatments meet the current needs of the convalescent.

An important point in the stay are breathing exercises carried out under the supervision of qualified and experienced physiotherapists. They are designed to strengthen the internal and external intercostal muscles, improve the diaphragm, learn to cough effectively, and increase the mobility of the chest. Work on the condition of the respiratory system also involves the use of oxygen therapy and inhalation. The valuable healing properties of the brine have been confirmed by numerous scientific studies. Inhalation treatments provide minerals and microelements that support the regeneration of the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract and stimulate the immune, circulatory and nervous systems.

During the stay at the selected health resort, the patient has the opportunity to benefit from kinesiotherapy, i.e. therapy based on movement. Physical activity is an extremely important element of treatment, which allows you to improve the condition of the entire body. The physiotherapist selects the form of exercise according to the healer’s abilities and, if necessary, uses special devices (e.g. treadmill, cycloergometer). Exercises also take place in posed positions (e.g. drainage) or involve the natural weight of the patient’s body. Spas also offer walking with poles, i.e. the recently popular Nordic walking, which improves the body’s efficiency, strengthens the strength of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, and allows you to benefit from a health-promoting climate.

Last but not least, an aspect worth mentioning is psychological support. Each of the convalescents has access to consultations and workshops with a psychologist. It builds self-confidence in him, helps to get rid of anxiety and regain mental balance.

How to benefit from rehabilitation for people after SARS-CoV-2 infection?

Patients can report directly via the contact details on the website of the Konstancin-Zdrój Health Resort or Nałęczów Health Resort. The necessary condition is to present a positive COVID-19 test result. The stay lasts 14 days, and the patient receives accommodation in one of the two modern rehabilitation facilities and has rooms with bathrooms, also for disabled people. The surroundings of the spas also deserve attention. Forests create a pleasant microclimate that favors rehabilitation and relaxation.

Rehabilitation after COVID-19 takes place both in an outpatient and inpatient setting.

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