How to recognize melanoma? The “ABCDE” principle can save your life

Do you know the principle of “ABCDE”? If not, be sure to watch our video. Knowing and following this rule can save you from malignant skin cancer – melanoma and save your life.

Melanoma is a skin cancer of high malignancy. It is characterized by aggressive growth and early and multiple metastases. In Poland, there are about 2,5-3 thousand. new cases of melanoma, approx. 1,5 thousand detected in the advanced or disseminated stage – reports the “Czerniaka Academy”. It is estimated that the number of melanomas doubles every 10 years.

Meanwhile, melanoma is one of the most easily diagnosed cancers – it develops on the surface of the skin, most often on exposed parts of the body. Detecting it when the disease is not yet advanced, and the doctors’ actions are limited to cutting out the birthmark, allows to cure almost 100% of the disease. sick »- recalls« Czerniak Academy ». That is why it is so important to recognize it quickly and correctly. The ABCDE criteria help in this. Get to know them, for your own good!

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