Kidney stones are clumps that result from the precipitation of compounds present in the urine. This problem occurs when there is too much of a certain chemical in the urine that is normally found in the urine, or when there is a compound in the urine that should not be there.
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1/ 7 Kidney stones
Nephrolithiasis very often requires treatment, which is why it is so important to diagnose it early. What symptoms should worry us? photo: Shutterstock
2/ 7 Pain in the area of the kidneys
One of the first symptoms of urolithiasis is pain in the area of the kidneys. It is acute pain that occurs suddenly. It often radiates to the groin area. In women, it can be felt in the labia, and in men, in the testicles. Often there is so-called “renal colic”, which is pain associated with a strong pressure on the bladder. photo: Shutterstock
3/ 7 Nausea
Nausea is a symptom often not associated with kidney disease. In some cases, vomiting also occurs. If you develop these symptoms regardless of food intake, it may be a signal that you should go to a nephrologist or urologist, not to a gastroenterologist. photo: Shutterstock
4/ 7 Abdominal discomfort
Another symptom suggesting that we may be dealing with a disease of the digestive system and not the kidneys is discomfort in the abdomen. In fact, it is very common with urolithiasis. Sometimes it is typical of indigestion (dyspepsia) – there is pain with a feeling of stomach overflow. photo: Shutterstock
5/ 7 Pain when urinating
With advanced disease, pain may occur when urinating – especially when the stones are naturally excreted. Sometimes there is also hematuria. photo: Shutterstock
6/ 7 Weakness, drowsiness, breakdown
The general symptoms of urolithiasis include weakness, a feeling of discomfort and somnolence. Sometimes there is also an increase in body temperature. If these symptoms appear in conjunction with any of these symptoms, see a doctor immediately. photo: Shutterstock
7/ 7 Bladder infection
In some cases, a side effect of urolithiasis may be a bladder infection, which manifests itself with pain and burning, and frequent urge to bladder. We usually underestimate such ailments and treat ourselves with home remedies. This is a mistake! Each infection should be consulted with a specialist. photo: Shutterstock