How to recognize infection with BA.5 subvariant? This symptom appears first
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Every fourth person suffering from COVID-19 in Poland is infected with the Omikron BA sub-variant. 5. It was detected in winter, but is now dominating the world and displacing other variants. Infected go through it more gently, but become infected faster than each other. One symptom seems to come to the fore, though it comes from a set of traditional ones.

  1. Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 sub-options first detected in February 2022 in South Africa
  2. Health Minister Adam Niedzielski said at the end of last week that in Poland he is responsible for approx. 25 percent. infections
  3. Could this version surprise us? Research is ongoing, but one of the symptoms is more and more characteristic of the early stage of the disease, two others should be especially careful and not ignored.
  4. More important information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Omikron BA.5 – the most common symptoms

Infection with the Omikron mutation in version BA.5 does not differ much from the previous versions of the variants. It most often gives symptoms of a cold, so we may have:

  1. Stuffed nose,
  2. runny nose,
  3. cough,
  4. a headache, but the whole body can ache.

At the same time, patients complain about:

  1. scratching or sore throat,
  2. loss of taste
  3. smell,
  4. and even diarrhea, vomiting,
  5. loss of appetite
  6. high fever
  7. or chills.

They often have no strength for anything and feel tired. These are all the traditional symptoms that have been associated with COVID-19 to a greater or lesser extent so far. Currently, however, one of them stands out above the others, especially in the early stages of the disease. Two more might indicate that the virus is closer to the brain.

The rest of the article below the video material.

BA.5 mutation – one symptom is dominant

The ZOE COVID application (the British application where patients report their ailments) shows that one symptom stands out above others. Namely 82 percent. People infected in the UK report fatigue as an early symptom of infection.

“It is a type of extreme tiredness or depletion that persists despite resting or a good night’s sleep,” says

Preventing COVID-19 fatigue is a kind of everyday helplessness that prevents us from getting out of bed, climbing stairs. Such weakness usually appears in the first week of illness and lasts an average of five to eight days. However, this symptom may last much longer.

This fatigue is also closely related to “brain fog”, that is, a kind of lethargic mind, lack of concentration.

Do you suspect you have COVID-19? Perform the Rapid Saliva Antigen Test to detect SARS-CoV-2 virus antigen at home. The result after just 15 minutes. The test is available at Medonet Market.

Two symptoms of BA.5 that must not be ignored

In addition to the fact that the circulating virus can still cause loss of smell nowadays, although it is indeed less common, it cannot be underestimated. So is tinnitus. As emphasized by the British scientist and creator of the ZOE COVID application, prof. Tim Spector of King’s College London these symptoms may indicate that the virus is located closer to the brain.

Do we stay ill for the same amount of time after BA.5 infection?

Infections from previous pandemic waves lasted slightly longer in patients. Those infected with the Delta variant struggled with the disease for over a week, an average of 9 days. Currently, the disease goes away faster and lasts less than a week – 4-6 days. There are fewer hospitalizations, but re-infections are happening, even among those who are vaccinated. Both scientists and doctors point out that the pathogen now attacks the upper respiratory tract more often than the lower respiratory tract, as it was a few months ago.

Do not risk infection, use a mask in large crowds of people. At Medonet market you can buy Biodegradable FFP2 masks – 25 pieces at a good price.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time Kamila Wykrota, the resilience trainer, will tell us about what resilience is. How does the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and react to adversities affect our quality of life? You will find out by listening to the latest episode of our podcast.

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