The life of an average city dweller is not diverse: during the day we are all immersed in work, and in the evening we are forced to solve daily household problems. Add to this the seasonal depressions and the constant feeling of dissatisfaction and anxiety and, voila! A nervous breakdown is at hand. What to do in this situation and how to «get out of the corkscrew» on your own?
Enemy need to know in person
Anxiety and depression, which many of us simply try to ignore, are serious signs of mental imbalance. Both states, passing into the «chronic» phase, can significantly affect not only the mental background, causing discomfort, but also the physical processes in the body.
An unstable psychological state, a depressing emotional background, increased anxiety and depressive thoughts… All this has its reasons. One of the most obvious is stress. Each person experiences stressful situations in their own way. It is believed that morally more stable and prepared people are not at all susceptible to anxiety states. Experiencing physical and psychological uplift, the influence of adrenaline and their own determination, they easily cope with difficulties. But the adrenaline stamina is replaced by devastation and fatigue, worry about the correct choice and the quality of the result. All this inevitably leads to depression. And this is for morally and physically strong people, what can we say about the more vulnerable and weak?
The main signs of depression
Often a person himself does not realize that anxiety and depression have become his constant companions. Close people who can see the signs of dangerous conditions in time and know how to get rid of feelings of anxiety can help him:
- violation of sleep and wakefulness;
- aggressiveness or tearfulness not characteristic of a person before;
- loss of appetite, change in taste preferences;
- increased talkativeness or, on the contrary, silence;
- change in the usual daily «ritual» schemes, the order of actions honed over the years;
- physical ailment.
Ways to get rid of feelings of anxiety
The treatment of mental ailments, as well as physical ones, does not tolerate amateur performance. An incorrectly chosen method can significantly worsen the condition. To get rid of anxiety, just follow a few proven tips:
- Don’t self-sabotage. Searching for cause and effect can lead you deeper into depression and increase anxiety.
- Refuse to communicate with people who cause internal discomfort, or reduce the time and number of contacts with them as much as possible. These people, like a catalyst, are able to influence your well-being and condition, causing hormonal imbalance in the body with their mere presence.
- Change the environment, rhythm and lifestyle. It is not necessary to do it in a radical way, it is enough to change your habits for a while in order to experience life in a new way.
- Do what you dreamed about, but for some reason were afraid of, for example, if you like to sing in the shower — go to karaoke, want to let off steam — it’s time to visit the gym, love animals, but can’t afford to have a pet? Go to the nearest shelter. In general, live life to the fullest, most likely you will enjoy it and you will acquire useful habits.
- Never drown your depression in alcohol! Do not believe the well-wishers who push you to the bottle — it does not bring relief. On the contrary, after the intoxication passes, the emotional state will noticeably worsen, because you not only did not solve the problem, but also lost time, and even spent money on dubious pleasure.
- Go on a trip, a change of scenery always has a positive effect on your emotional state, because on a trip you will not have to think about the usual problems, which means that the level of anxiety will gradually decrease.
- Medicines should only be taken if prescribed by a doctor. Without an appointment, you can take a complex of vitamins and light sedatives of plant origin.
If none of the proven «home» remedies and methods helps, and the emotional picture becomes more and more surreal, be sure to contact a specialist, having previously studied the reviews about his work.