What, guys, were they scared ?! 😉 Now we will lead you out to clean water! In the article “How to recognize a husband’s infidelity?” description of signs.
A woman always subtly feels deception. The husband behaves strangely and pretentiously, and her heart breaks at the mere word “treason.” You do not want your beloved man to betray you and leave you to the mercy of fate. And any woman will support you in this. Anyone other than the one that seeks to destroy your family …
Signs of cheating on her husband
So, you can recognize cheating by certain signs, here are some of them:
A lot of work
He began to linger in the service, but at the same time he does not tell you anything concrete. From “work” he is terribly tired and he has neither time nor desire for you. There is one job in my head!
At 9 o’clock in the evening, he urgently needs to go to the office, he needs to complete the report, the bosses constantly press on him, the department cannot cope with such a volume of work, every week (or even more often) high bosses come to check …
The list goes on. Particularly insolent males can work even at night.
Someone else’s name
He accidentally called you by someone else’s name (especially if it happened in bed).
Watch your figure!
Suddenly he began to say that you look bad, do not take care of yourself, began to make comments about your figure. This means that he wants to shift the responsibility for his infidelity onto your shoulders and make you the one to blame.
Leave me alone!
Pay attention to your man’s mood. Sex, cheating, and falling in love are all full-fledged physical and chemical processes that have very clear signs.
Either he carelessly has fun, sings, preparing breakfast in the kitchen and flutters around the apartment, hugging and kissing everyone around him, then he gets depressed, becomes withdrawn and irritable.
He often locks himself in the room and asks to be left alone (most likely due to problems at “work”). In fact, he wants to recall his recent adventures in peace and quiet, as well as think over plans for the near future.
Sexual activity
At the beginning of a love relationship on the side, a man, as a rule, increases his sexual activity in relation to his own wife. Sex becomes regular and passionate. But, this will not last long: soon this will certainly be followed by cooling.
You’ve got a wrong number
From time to time they call you, make a wrong number or keep silent on the phone. In especially difficult cases, the accountant Katya calls you and in a languid voice asks to invite your spouse to the phone.
Everything is simple here: the mistress clearly wants you to know or at least guess about her existence. She needs to piss you off and provoke a family scandal so that he once again becomes convinced what a scandalous bitch you are and just an ungrateful woman!
Things to do
After a sudden call to his mobile, he packs up and leaves, without explaining anything or coming up with excuses on the go. He does not have time to think over his lies, he is in a hurry on especially important matters!
Friend in need
If you are not yet married and live separately, he will reschedule your meetings, citing employment or a friend who is always in trouble.
Overnight at another Collie
After spending the night outside the house, he says that he spent the night at Kolya’s because the car broke down. There was no money for the taxi, and the phone was discharged (and Kolya’s too), so he could not call. Kolya confirms all this, embellishing with new details (for plausibility).
Advice to wife
Here are some top tips for your wife not to be stupid:
- Do not try to follow your husband – respect yourself and do not violate his personal space.
- Never dig into his smartphone – don’t dig yourself a hole!
- Do not eavesdrop on his conversations, do not check personal belongings – this is completely humiliating.
- You need to calmly (without shouting) discuss your suspicions with your husband. This will unravel this knot.
- If nothing further changes, feel free to part. Life goes on!
In this video, more information on the topic: How to recognize a cheating husband
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