How to recognize a future husband’s addiction to alcoholism

At the beginning of a relationship, we tend to idealize our beloved, seeing him as a knight without fear or reproach. But in a state of inspiration, you may not notice the first signs of alcohol addiction. The advice of a psychologist will help in the candy-bouquet period to recognize the servant of the “green snake” in a romantic man.

Take a look at his surroundings

Folk wisdom says: «Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.» The environment has a huge impact on a person. If a man’s friends love alcohol, it’s not far from alcohol addiction. It is enough to regularly try strong drinks to develop addiction.

With regular alcohol consumption, special receptors are stimulated. As a result, the metabolism is disturbed, and the body can no longer function without alcohol. Quitting drinking is getting harder. If you want to connect life with a man, change his social circle. Invite in companies where they do not drink alcohol, gradually limit meetings with old drinking friends.

Notice how he relaxes or relieves stress

Modern man lives in a state of constant stress. Negative experiences are often associated with the work process and active communication. If a person has a responsible position, he has to make important decisions or quickly react to a situation, tension accumulates and requires relaxation.

The most common way to relieve stress is alcohol. Alcohol molecules penetrate into the intracellular environment, quickly reach neurons, activating brain receptors. There is a surge of dopamine — the hormone of joy and happiness. A person’s mood rises, he experiences positive emotions.

But with regular alcohol intake, the body stops producing dopamine itself, waiting for “help” from outside. The hormone can no longer function in a balanced way, and it is difficult for a man to control behavior. Alcohol addiction develops. A person every Friday or weekend goes to clubs, restaurants, intending to relieve stress, and looks forward to this event.

So that the first “bells” of alcoholism do not turn into a chiming clock over time, try to persuade your lover to undergo treatment or find another way to get relief, for example, listen to music, play sports or go out of town for a walk. And if a man does not think of rest without alcohol at all, think about whether it is worth continuing the relationship.

Find out if your lover has a hobby

We are talking about spiritual and intellectual hobbies into which a man plunges headlong: board games, wood carving, music, cooking, car repair. A hobby helps relieve stress, broadens one’s horizons, elevates spiritually, and also stimulates the production of dopamine without side effects. The hormone is actively released when a person receives recognition, assimilates information of interest to him, creates something new and unique. Physical activity has a similar effect.

If a man is not interested in anything but a glass, and going to cafes and clubs replace spiritual aspirations and hobbies, this is a signal of alcohol addiction. Joint sports, attending creative meetings, exhibitions, any attempts to introduce a lover to high values ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXband a healthy lifestyle will help save the situation.

Watch how much your boyfriend drinks

Among the lovers of alcohol there are people who are not threatened with alcohol addiction. They know how to stop in time and do not drink more than 100 ml during the evening. Breaks between libations are at least 2-3 weeks. If a man belongs to this category, be calm: he will not become addicted to alcohol, because he has a strong will and is guided by stable principles.

It’s time to sound the alarm when a boyfriend is looking forward to Friday to sit with friends over a bottle, or, having started drinking, cannot stop. At the slightest stress, such a man runs the risk of going into a binge. Since alcohol disrupts the hormonal balance, your lover will not be able to cope with the problem on his own.

Notice if he drinks alone

If a man does not need company or an excuse to drink, this is another unfavorable signal. A person who is not addicted to alcohol will not do this. Alcohol in small quantities gives a feeling of cheerfulness, lightness, happiness. To get quick access to this state, a man is regularly applied to a glass. But he himself is unlikely to recognize the fact of alcohol addiction and will hide the bottle from you.

At the start of a relationship, take a closer look at the person with whom you want to link your fate. A romantic, in the image of which a lover of a glass or two is hiding, can ruin life and cause bitter disappointments in marriage.

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