How to reboot sexual relations in a couple: the secrets of Taoist practices

You have been together for a long time and it seems that you are discussing domestic issues more often than making love … Is it possible to do something to return physical intimacy to the relationship, or is there only cooling ahead? If there is a mutual desire, then there is a chance. And Taoist practices will help with this.


When intimacy in a couple happens less and less, as a rule, both partners think about how to return passion. But who should take the first step?

If you start to find out which of you has done more for the family, this will only make the situation worse. Therefore, the main thing is not to get hung up on grievances, but to start with yourself. Let’s talk about how to restore attraction and bring novelty to intimacy.

Why are we doing this?

Mutual passion gives pleasure to both – both the man and the woman. And now we will talk about female sensuality.

Make love or just cuddle and watch a series? The easier it is for a woman to achieve discharge, the sooner she will choose the first option. That is, you can also watch a movie, but after. Well, if pleasure for her is only a word, then intimacy will not be too desirable.

Therefore, instead of learning to please a man, you need to develop your own sensuality, work on sensitivity and learn how to get a brighter, deeper orgasm.

What I feel?

It is known that most often the most sensitive area we have is outside. But besides this, there are receptors in the vagina itself. And so, over time, without practice and proper stimulation, they can “fall asleep”. Then the excitement becomes not so bright, and it is difficult to achieve an orgasm. How to wake them up?

Let’s turn to anatomy. The entrance to the vagina is a striated muscle. In the depths of the vagina are smooth muscles. The first we can reduce ourselves, the second – no (they are regulated by the autonomic nervous system, like all internal organs). There are receptors here and there. But…

  • The striated muscles of the vagina and the entire pelvic floor as a whole are an area of ​​accumulation of emotional stress. This means that when we are stressed, we reflexively tense this area. If there are many experiences, then the pelvic floor area is in the usual hypertonicity. And where there is overvoltage, the quality of blood supply decreases and innervation worsens – that is, the sensitivity slowly disappears.
  • Smooth muscle muscles, which we cannot use of our own free will, also “turn off” receptors without constant training, and there is no way to feel them, only internal massage will help.

But you can help yourself – let’s figure out how.

Relaxation practices

With striated muscles, everything seems to be obvious: in order to increase sensitivity, you need to relax it. However, habitual tension leads to the fact that the brain no longer feels tension, therefore, it cannot fight it.

Therefore, active relaxation is necessary: ​​for example, breathing exercises from the arsenal of female Taoist practices. Performing these exercises, a woman learns to relax her stomach, lower back and pelvic floor with the help of breathing, coping even with deep tension. Due to this, blood supply improves, and sensitivity increases.

In the case of smooth muscle tension, mention should be made of jade egg exercises. They allow you to move the egg inside the vagina and thus relax the muscles through a gentle massage.

Games for the development of sensitivity

To return intimacy to a relationship, it is necessary to “reanimate” the sensitivity of erogenous zones – both in a woman and in a man.

It is important to note that over time, our erogenous zones change. How to detect and “turn on” them? To do this, you can try the exploration game. It consists in the fact that one partner studies the body of the other – then you can change – with the help of touches or kisses. And he reacts in a certain way.

It is advisable to agree on signals in advance: groaning and moving forward means that it is pleasant here; just a groan is not bad, silence means we are moving on. Let the partner arm himself with a marker and mark the areas that cause the most vivid reaction.

Excitation channels

It is important to remember that each of us has preferences when it comes to the so-called “arousal channels”. There are five of them: sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste.

From intimacy to intimacy, change the dominant channel of excitation: use aromatic oils, ask your partner to blindfold you or, conversely, tie him up, then other senses are activated. Improvise by switching channels and look for the one that will help ignite the fire of passion even brighter.

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