When buying bread in a package, it is worth returning attention to its composition. The rule is that the shorter the list of ingredients, the shorter the list of ingredients better. It would also be good if there was no caramel on this list, powdered chicory or dark malt that would color the bread, pretending it was it’s wholemeal bread. And when we manage to distinguish real dark bread from the dyed one, it should be remembered that the lighter the bread, the less the desired minerals it contains. Therefore, it is better to choose the dark one.
The most important thing when buying margarine is paying attention to the content of trans fatty acids. If the manufacturer of her does not provide, it is better to give up such margarine. And if we find one information, it is good to choose a margarine that contains as little as possible of these fats, preferably less than 0,5 g / 100 g. About the harmfulness of trans fats I already wrote in the article In Poland, we have permission for a silent killer. I encourage you to get acquainted with it.
When we’re on margarine, no we can also forget about butter. In his case, we should pay attention first everything on the content of milk fats. Butter should have these fats from 80 to 90%. And absolutely there can be no vegetable fats in its composition!
Cold cuts and sausages
Here you should pay the most attention to meat content, because we can be surprised when it turns out that this meat is only 20%. Unfortunately, such situations happen quite often. So checking meat content, you need to remember that the more meat, the better, but it should be also pay attention to what kind of meat it is. Better to avoid separated meat mechanically, because it is much less valuable than typical meat. And more You can read about hams in the article by dietitian Karolina Łąkowska Do not eat this ham.
Yellow cheeses
In the composition of cheese in the first place there should be milk. In addition to it, it can also contain other ingredients, e.g. rennet, calcium chloride, etc. The most important thing is not in the cheese it was vegetable fat, because then it is not real cheese, but only a product cheese-like. More on this topic can be found in the article by dietitian Karolina Łąkowska, cheese-like product or cheese.
In the case of eggs, we should always check rearing number. It is located on the shell of each egg, as the first number of the code. Let us not be fooled by the beautiful terms of type Yeah yeah from a lucky hen or eggs from the faucets from the countryside. Until we find the egg number 0 or 1, which indicate organic and free range farming, no we will be sure what breeding the eggs are from.
Frozen fish
When we buy frozen fish, the most important thing is that we should pay attention to the weight of the fish itself. It often turns out that glaze is the majority of the packaging weight. Therefore, it is the weight of the fish itself is the most important for us.
Muesli / cereals
When buying muesli or breakfast cereals the greatest attention should be paid to the amount of sugar and its place on the list ingredients. The farther it is on this list and the smaller it will be its content per 100 grams the better. However, it is worth remembering that sugar sometimes it is hidden under other names, e.g. glucose-fructose syrup, fructose, invert sugar syrup, dextrose, molasses, maltose and many more. You can read more about this in the article Cereals, not as healthy as you think.
Fruit yoghurts
Very common in the case of fruit yoghurts we are a victim of fraud. We believe that the word fruity means you really can find plenty of fruit there. Unfortunately, it often turns out that it is theirs few. Dietitian Łukasz Wiertel wrote about it in the article Danone strawberry yogurt contains half a strawberry! Therefore, always check for what is true fruit content in yogurt.
It may happen that what is in the store it is sold as sauerkraut, it is not really so, because v the composition includes vinegar. So avoid such products. And if you want to meet for more details, I encourage you to read the article by nutritionist Karolina Łąkowska Kiszona or pickled as producers mock us.
Beer is usually drunk for fun, a not for nutritional value, but still worth considering which beer will be more valuable. Therefore, it will be much better to choose real unpasteurized beer that simply has better properties health. But, unfortunately, not always the lack of pasteurization means that such beer it is better than the regular one, because sometimes it turns out that the producers do not they pasteurize the beers, but they also perform microfiltration. Therefore always check the use by date. The best unpasteurized beer, should be allowed for a maximum of 4 weeks.
Main photo: Photo credit: RJL20 / Foter / CC BY-SA
Photo 1: Photo credit: diekatrin / Foter / CC BY-SA
Photo 2: Photo credit: ilovebutter / Foter / CC BY
Photo 3: Photo credit: Nick Saltmarsh / Foter / CC BY
Photo 4: Photo credit: Cha già José / Foter / CC BY-SA
Photo 5: Photo credit: darcy parks / Foter / CC BY
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Photo 7: Photo credit: Valerie Everett / Foter / CC BY-SA
Photo 8: Photo credit: JeepersMedia / Foter / CC BY
Photo 9: Photo credit: eelke dekker / Foter / CC BY
Photo 10: Photo credit: Foter / CC BY-SA
Photo 11: Photo credit: Smabs Sputzer / Foter / CC BY