How to re-seduce her

Surprise her

A real plebiscite! Women vibrate when they are surprised. From the little surprise – a bunch of flower, like that, for nothing – to the total amazement: “I have enrolled us in kite surfing lessons for this summer”, your constantly renewed creativity seduces her more than anything else. It’s up to you to find the keys to her astonishment: take her to see her favorite singer even if it’s not her birthday, prepare a romantic weekend by taking care of the material contingencies and family constraints yourself (no. don’t you have a few children to look after?). Easier still, a phone call to tell him that tonight, you are bringing back sushi, or that on Saturday morning, you have reserved a facial for him.

In short, be creative, by being where it doesn’t expect you! Your couple will thus keep an eternal youth!

Who has not dreamed of forming a couple about his future life: the family, the house, the frolicking children. And today, your couple got lost in the Sunday meals, the living room to repaint and the diapers to change. React! You have to preserve your relationship. Take time ! If you don’t have one, make it up! Remember what you liked to do together at the beginning and do it again. Sometimes ! Going for a beer at the local Irish pub? A classical music concert at the church? A restaurant? The pizzeria where Luigi saved your seat on Friday evening. He will be happy to see you again!

Taking care of her doesn’t mean automatically putting toothpaste on her toothbrush every day. No ! Taking care of her is really listening to her and having little attentions. The same ones you naturally had at the start of your union. Her back hurts ? Give her a little massage. She is cold ? Go get him a waistcoat. Is she having trouble waking up? Bring him coffee in bed. A smile, a look, a caress, do you like it? So, don’t forget these small, explicit gestures.

Take care of … you

To seduce, you have to be attractive! Sometimes stress, fatigue, the constraints of everyday life make you forget yourself. Fault ! You absolutely have to think about yourself and the image you send back. Avoid always dressing the same, out of habit or ease. Modernize yourself, listen to her clothing advice, especially if she is fashion-conscious.

She talks about molluscums and you are completely dumped! She says: “Tomorrow, you take Hugo to his swimming lessons” and you think “yes, but at what time and at what pool”. The gap between professional and family life is immense. And even if your wife is working, she is always zapping between the two. But you, not always. To seduce her is also to listen to her. She needs your support and interest. Just like you, when you tell him about your day at work. Small two-person discussions are often enough to get a better idea. Putting yourself in the other’s shoes also allows you to understand what they are going through and, if necessary, to relieve them a little.

Stay-at-home mom or not, it turns out that women usually do most of the housework. And all of them have a dream, the same: for Monsieur to come home exceptionally early one evening and tell him “Go take a bath, honey, I’ll take care of everything”. Then they wake up! More seriously, many dads participate regularly in the life of the house, but it must be recognized that the schedules are sometimes difficult to reconcile. However, nothing prevents you from fixing certain evenings when it is you who really take the reins, thus freeing the mother for leisure or simply a little rest.

Give him gifts

There are the essential gifts: Christmas, birthday, Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day (isn’t that your mother? So what!). Those dates, you can’t forget them, you know that.

But there are also gifts for no particular reason. A must ! A proof of love. Take her to her favorite store and let her choose a blouse, a pair of shoes, a little gem, whatever she wants. Are you going on a trip? Bring him a trinket. Are you going to the Paris Fair? Bring him an organic olive oil, to taste together. Keep your eyes peeled, there are so often little occasions! From time to time, no obligation… Remember, you have to surprise her!

In pole position in the “manual of essentials to seduce a woman”. Yes, but to re-seduce? It’s the same ! If she knows all your jokes since time, renew yourself! Don’t you make her laugh anymore? Find something else! For example, you can take him to see a show. You will laugh on the spot and you will laugh when you think about it. Better ! By talking about it again, or by telling your friends.

Laughing relaxes and allows you to forget your worries a bit, and laughing together brings you closer together.. Remember, the zygomatics are tireless muscles, take advantage of it.

Desire it

The best way to sexually attract your wife is to show that you want her! The games of seduction are done naturally at the beginning of a relationship, then the routine sets in and we forget. Show your desire, pay attention to yourself to please her, pay attention to her to value her. Show her that she is the woman of your life, before being the mother, daughter, sister or daughter-in-law. It is this role of lover that is most often repressed for the benefit of all the others. And you have the keys to making it reappear, at least every now and then. The more she feels wanted, the more she wants to be desirable. So be the first link in the chain.

Is yours in the sky and his at half mast? Never mind. A little imagination and you will be able to awaken its enthusiasm. Slowly ! Revisit the erogenous zones: what does she like? Whether they scratch her earlobes or tickle the crease in her knees? Hands, tongue, skin… everything is good for browsing your body in search of the thrill. Imagine erotic scenarios. For example, reading an erotic novel with your beautiful voice will surely have more effect on it than yet another evening in front of the Experts. Break the taboos: even if men are more demanding of originality in sexual matters, series like Sex and the City have (a little) upset the received ideas. It is the moment to watch together and to find more “wild” countries without rushing it.

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