Positive, too contrasting with the state of the interlocutors, can be very annoying.
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Is it possible to raise the people around you on a scale of emotional tones, cheer them up, unwind their energy and cheerfulness? — If people want or at least do not resist, it is possible. Sometimes it’s easy: if it’s sour and dreary The easiest way is to place a person surrounded by bright and cheerful people, for example, invite them to Sinton.
However, it should be taken into account that for a person with the “hostile world” attitude, companies with an active, friendly and bright attitude are perceived hard, this is not internally close to him, and such relationships may not seem sincere to him.
Any experiences and emotions are considered sincere as long as they are within the same world. Inside the Beautiful World, you can express different emotions: joy, delight, admiration, keen interest — all this will be sincere. But if a person is at the level The world is good, then these emotions will no longer be sincere. Moreover, the world is ordinary and emotions of a highly joyful tone are incompatible.
Bumping up the emotional tone scale usually doesn’t work. There is a gradual rise from minus to plus.
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The slogan “The world is friendly”, especially “The world is beautiful”, does not convince the inhabitants of the Hostile world. For the inhabitants of the Hostile World, such a view of the world causes protest and rejection, as it is too contrasting with their worldview. More productive is a calm attitude only with elements of friendliness and suggestion “The world is different. More often — the world is ordinary, you need to look closely at people and figure out what they are. There are also normal ones.
There are certain rules on how to lift people with a low emotional tone — up. A sharp rise in the emotional tone scale usually does not work, and a positive that contrasts too much with the state of the interlocutors can be very annoying. A gradual rise from minus to plus works better, so the main rule is to move in small steps, gradually.
If you want to shoot yourself, funny jokes will only piss you off. We need gradualness: from strong experiences you need to bring yourself “to zero”, and not to joy.
If a person close to you is angry or offended at someone, it is better to react to this neutrally, in no way, but to give him the opportunity to express his emotions, to react. When he is relieved, switch him to another question that worries you, which will distract him from experiencing resentment. Your anxiety will be a stepping stone from which you can take the next steps — to calm reflection, and then to humor, and to joy.
A person’s state will change faster and more reliably if, in parallel with these actions, you can also change his physical environment: lift him up if he is sitting, turn him to the window if he is stuck in a corner, move with him to another room or take him outside … Better take a walk together: this folk remedy is one of the best cures for ongoing anger, frustration and depression.