How to raise immunity in an adult: TOP-6 ways
Autumn is the time to strengthen the body and increase immunity. Woman’s Day has chosen five effective ways to protect yourself from colds, stress and fatigue, to maintain a supply of strength and energy.
It is no coincidence that doctors recommend increasing immunity in the autumn period – this is the time when the body is rebuilt, preparing for prolonged cold weather, and gratefully accepts and assimilates all useful substances. Where to begin?
With proper nutrition! Cooked foods retain more nutrients and are easier to digest. On the menu: soups, vegetable stews, potatoes, vegetables. By the way, you can cook in a double boiler! To warm up and warm up the body well, it is good to add certain seasonings to food, such as garlic, pepper, and ginger.
In cold weather, nutritionists recommend eating more fish, meat and dairy products. The fact is, the body must receive a sufficient amount of protein, which will allow the body to withstand various colds.
How to raise immunity in an adult
One of the easiest and most effective ways to cheer up is to take a course of ozone therapy. Those who have tried will never deny myself a second procedure. The fact is that ozone is a powerful antioxidant, it enhances immunity, fights free radicals and is even capable of destroying viruses. For this, it is important to undergo 8-10 ozone therapy sessions 2-3 times a week. The effect will be felt after the first procedure.
How is the procedure performed: blood is taken from a vein, enriched with ozone and returned back. It all takes about 20-30 minutes.
Another effective method is walking. Go out for walks in parks and squares more often. Even if it rains, because, as you know, nature does not have bad weather. And there are benefits from nature!
What to do if a cold comes up?
Microbes enter the body, as you know, by airborne droplets. To get rid of viruses will help a proven method – inhalation. However, breathing over a basin, covered with a towel, is an outdated method; a nebulizer – an inhalation system that, unlike others, creates an aerosol with very small particles, they penetrate deep into the lungs – is much more effective.
If there is a dry throat: after spending a long time in a stuffy room, a sore throat may begin. To alleviate sore throat, folk remedies will help. You can, for example, gargle with warm mineral water or drip almond or olive oil into your nose.
What is important to give up for the sake of health?
It is not recommended to practice strict diets in the fall. By depriving the body of nutrients, we doom ourselves to ailments and colds. Especially harmful are the so-called mono-diets, when all food is based on the use of one product, for example, rice, apples or kefir. Such an approach will instantly weaken the body’s resistance, deprive it of immunity and, worst of all, strength. However, giving up dieting does not mean losing weight control.
Proper nutrition will help you stay in shape. And it will be possible to do express weight loss without harm to health in December, before the New Year holidays. Until then .. it is better to give your body pleasant surprises so that it feels strong and healthy.
How to make a healing bath?
That’s what’s really useful in the fall – warm baths. There are tons of simple recipes to make them useful. For example, you can add aromatic oils. Such baths will boost the immune system, relieve stress and allow you to thoroughly relax. If you pour a packet of good fat milk into the water, you can perfectly soften the skin, and if you add a decoction of herbs there, you can strengthen the body. Turpentine baths are also useful. They are taken for both prevention and treatment of many diseases, including to help get rid of cellulite.
It is useful to lie in a bath for 15 – 20 minutes and it is better to do it at night. But pay attention, if you already have the first signs of a cold (the temperature has risen slightly, a headache has begun, a slight sweat appears on the forehead, etc.), in no case do not take a bath. If the virus has already settled in the body, the humid environment will only cause spread. For colds, dry heat is important!