
Thanks to the efforts of these women, the world saw talented and brilliant children! Each victory for a child is overcoming himself, his fears, a manifestation of character, stamina and determination. How to raise such a child who will be able to win and go ahead to his goal? Real advice from happy moms in front of you!

Their children are winners, participants of the People’s Prize DiviMIR (, they have striking and unique achievements that we are all proud of.

Does your child have a victory, a landmark achievement, or an act that you are proud of? Register your child for the DiviMIR People’s Prize Winners’ Competition for Children until November 12! All details at

Larisa Annenko, son of Maxim Annenko, 9 years old

The main hobby of the child and his achievements: We have been doing mental arithmetic at the Pythagorka Center in the city of Volzhsky, for two years. Participated in 2016 in the city tournament “Merry Soroban”, where he took first place, received a prize – a tablet.

Participated in the second international tournament in mental arithmetic – the absolute champion in the category “Mental counting among schoolchildren”. Absolute Winner Cup. And also the first place in the “flash account” nomination.

From early childhood, Maxim began to show interest in numbers and counting, in solving complex logical problems. Moreover, Maxim himself came up with these tasks. Several times they tried to send the child to sports or dancing. But it all ended in one lesson. Once Maxim asked to enroll him in a math circle. The child was seven years old. When I got to work, I started browsing the Internet. And then quite by chance I saw an announcement about the recruitment of children in the Central Institute of Internal Affairs “Pythagorka”, having signed up and passed the test, we began to study.

How to Raise a Winner? You have to believe in the child, in his abilities. Of course, a lot to do. Well, the most important thing is that every child is talented, the main thing is to see and recognize in which direction. Take into account his interests and abilities. Help develop these abilities. Find good educators. And work in a group: a child – a teacher – a mother.

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? Children after school, like adults after work, get tired and may be in a bad mood. The main thing is to choose a key for this situation. On the way from home to “Pythagorka” I distract my son with questions about what is happening around (what is the weather, nature, passers-by, their mood and appearance). It usually ends with jokes and laughter. Having entered the classroom, the child forgets about the bad mood and switches to classes. Well, then the work of the teachers of the center. And we, parents, trust them, because we see how bright and animated our children come out after school.

To be successful, you need to work hard and practice. And here it all depends on the efforts and diligence of the child. And what if there is no experienced teacher nearby? This is where motivation for a sense of duty and responsibility is needed. The main thing is not to inspire, but to correctly explain and interest the child. Find the pros in each lesson. Explain that the result is visible, that only by exerting all efforts and efforts, you can achieve this result and that you can come to this result yourself. Remember to praise your children and say as often as possible that you love them.

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Vera Bezrukova, son Danil Bezrukov, 10 years old

The main hobby of the child and his achievements: Danil lives in sports, his main hobby is hand-to-hand combat. Has been practicing since the age of 6. Danil is a repeated winner of city and regional hand-to-hand fighting competitions, and in February 2017 he first took 1st place at the championship of the Southern Federal District.

In addition to hand-to-hand combat, Danil goes swimming, because swimming is necessary for hand-to-hand combat, loves boxing, because this sport is interconnected with hand-to-hand combat, attends orienteering lessons, because a real hand-to-hand fighter must navigate in any terrain and situation. Danil himself wanted to go to a cadet school (although it is located far from our house), because the cadet school is a school for real men, and, therefore, it is also associated with hand-to-hand combat. Thus, the son is very fond of this sport, his circle of interests is focused on it, and he is proud of his successes.

Thanks to sports, Danil has a very strong sense of responsibility, I think this is important and, of course, has a positive effect on the result of his education, which is repeatedly emphasized by teachers at school and by the coach.

How to Raise a Winner? Danil was born with us very weak, and the forecasts of the doctors were very disappointing. But I want to advise mothers to follow all the recommendations of doctors, and most importantly – to believe in their child. Always, no matter what happens. Believe until the last second, support him in everything. And the child will feel the support of the main person in his life and go with it to victory. After all, a winner is not always a winner in some kind of competition. Defeating your fear is a victory. Overcoming your complexes is a victory. Believing in yourself is an unconditional victory. And even if there is no prize place, taking part in competitions, entering the ring is still a victory, a victory over oneself.

And I also want to add that you should never compare a child with other children, even if this comparison is in favor of your child. And, of course, to be an example: in the family we often arrange joint sports, and looking at us, our little daughter is engaged in sports.

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? To be honest, Danil always wanted to go to training. Sometimes he didn’t want to go to school for classes, because it’s more interesting in training. So I had to motivate him to school.

Well, if the child categorically does not want to go to training, I think there is no need to push. Perhaps this sport is not suitable for him, so it is necessary to talk to him heart to heart, perhaps he prefers team or game sports to martial arts, or he is closer to chess and swimming. The main thing is to help your child find himself.

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Svetlana Vavilova, son of Alexander Galushkin, 10 years old

The main hobby of the child and his achievements: the main hobby is football. The son began to study as a preschooler in the football section at the Olympic reserve school in Volzhsky. I was able to prove myself and was enrolled in a special class of the Sports Reserve Training Center. For five years in the piggy bank of achievements there are 4 medals for I place, 4 medals for II place and 3 medals for III place; 19 certificates, including one in 2017 for the “Best Team Player”; two personalized statuettes – “The Best Player” and “The Golden Footballer”. In addition to city and regional competitions and tournaments, he took part and has awards for intercity and international sports events. My son always has football with a capital letter, he lives for it!

In second place in terms of importance for the son is school. The diplomas “good student” and “excellent student” alternate with him. As a rule, he takes part in school, city and online competitions on a regular basis. For 2016, of the awards: 4 subject diplomas, 2 certificates of commendation and 2 certificates of participation. For 2017, of the awards: 6 subject diplomas, 1 certificate of commendation and 1 certificate of participation.

She also studies guitar at a children’s music school and has an international laureate diploma of the III degree. In addition to the above, he studies English in depth at the English Club language center and, in order to be a real man, is engaged in WTF taekwondo.

Tips for moms on how to raise a winner. It is very difficult to raise a winner. You spend absolutely all your time with the child and for the child. It is imperative that you strictly adhere to the daily regimen and proper balanced nutrition. Our family has a day off only on Sunday, and then if there is no game or performance scheduled for it. Holidays are the same as weekdays. Wake up always at 07:00, hang up no later than 22:00. Training six days a week, always two a day – football and taekwondo. Vacation time is no different from school time, only instead of attending school – reading fiction from the children’s library, I select additional tasks in school subjects myself on the Internet and in bookstores. I believe that without daily hard work, including on my part, it is impossible to achieve any heights. By the way, earlier, before the birth of a child, I was always pessimistic about the observance of the same daily routine and considered it a relic. However, now I can more than confidently say that the day, scheduled by the minute, brings good results. And a little about nutrition: be sure to observe the time of meals and the diet should be according to age and stress. For example, we eat cottage cheese, meat, vegetables and fruits every day. Yes, I have to be sophisticated, but I don’t give the child substitutes in the form of cheese curds and all kinds of curd masses. But we definitely have carrot cutlets and squash pancakes once a week. In principle, there are no special secrets, just the daily titanic work of a child and parents!

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? The son is still at the age when the authority and words of the parents are not discussed. There was no and no motivation as such. We are constantly talking about the need for all-round personal development. Something like that.

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Olga Vasilieva, daughter of Ksenia Vasilieva, 9 years old

The main hobby of the child and his achievements: classes in the theater studio “Atmosphere”.

– International competition of children’s creativity “Constellation of young talents of the Volga region” in the nomination “Theatrical art” the highest award of the festival – Grand Prix;

– VI International Competition-Festival “Co-Creation” – XNUMXst degree laureate;

– All-Russian open competition-festival of small theatrical forms “Reflection in a drop” (St. Petersburg), nomination “Artistic word” – III place; nomination “Drama Theater” – I place;

– All-Russian children’s multi-genre festival “Zebra 2017” – finalist;

– International television IT-project-competition “ROSSiYa.RU-2017” – 1st place in the “Artistic word” nomination.

Tips for moms on how to raise a winner. Tips for mothers on how to raise a winner are very simple – love your child, value every moment spent with him, live his interests, help him grow and develop creatively, overcoming difficulties, go towards the goal, believe in his success. After all, only with some effort, you can achieve an excellent result! A child surrounded by love, understanding and parental support is already a winner!

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? To be honest, we personally never had to motivate Ksyusha to study in a theater studio. From the age of 4, this is her favorite business, which she has been doing with great interest and passion; it is no longer just a hobby, but the main component of her daily life. Thanks to her hard work and creative growth, she has a large number of worthy awards in her luggage.

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Ksenia Galats, daughters Elizaveta Galats, 14 years old, and Sophia Galats, 11 years old

The main hobby of the child and his achievements: Lisa – choreography (in each competition her ensemble becomes a laureate of the 2st degree). Sonya – vocals (only the first performance was in 1nd place, all the others – exclusively in XNUMXst places).

Tips for moms on how to raise a winner. I always support my children and say that you need to tune yourself with the words: “I will succeed!” I teach not to worry before the performances, but since I am a very demanding mother, I must sort out the shortcomings with them after the performances (I have been engaged in folk dances for 16 years and vocals for 17 years).

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? My daughters always “fly” to their classes, so we did not have such a problem.

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Elena Skobeeva, daughters Daria and Maria Skobeeva

The main hobby of the child and his achievements:

Daria: playing piano and vocals. International festival-competition of children’s, youth and youth creative groups “On the wings of creativity”, held on the basis of the recreation center “VGS” in Volzhsky on April 3, 2016, where Daria received a laureate diploma of the 2nd degree, performing the song “And I would sing and dance”.

In February 2017, Daria took part in the International Competition-Festival of Children and Youth Creativity “City of Courage”, where she became a laureate of the 2nd degree.

In June 2016, as well as in 2017, she took part in the All-Russian competition-show of performers “Baby Stars”, where both times she received a 1st degree laureate diploma.

Maria: dancing and vocals.

April 22 in Volgograd – IX All-Russian competition-festival “Dancing Planet”, Grand Prix.

On April 29, 2017, Maria took part in the city competition “Rhythms of the City” on the basis of the secondary school № 17, where she won the 1st degree laureate diploma.

May 13, 2017 – III International Festival-Competition of Children and Youth Creativity “Star Fiesta” Rostov-on-Don, 2nd and 3rd degree laureate diploma.

Tips for moms on how to raise a winner. If a child does something well, then instead of the usual “You are so great!” I try to say: “Look, you did a great job, and that’s why everything worked out.” It is important that your child understands that a great result is due to the fact that he made some effort.

It is, of course, important for children to feel that their parents are appreciated and supported. But we, in turn, need to adapt them to a reality that is full of difficulties.

Encouraging only those activities that are easy for the child, without insisting on more difficult tasks, this will disorient him. Your child will begin to believe that everything in life should be extremely easy and playful. If something goes wrong with my daughter, I encourage her with the words: “You will certainly succeed, you just have to try again.” Do not leave him (her) alone at the same time – help him cope with a difficult task. Even if the child does not immediately succeed in something, it is important for him to know that you still believe in his success! “I believe in you,” is what children hear from mom and dad, who then grow up to be self-confident people.

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? She explained to her daughter that even super successful children also have mistakes and failures. They just know how not to get stuck on them, to go forward. “You will succeed, you just need to put more effort into it!” My daughter believed in herself and is engaged with pleasure.

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Elena Tereshchenko, son of Artem Popov, 16 years old

The main hobby of the child and his achievements: music, especially jazz. Numerous victories at all-Russian competitions.

Tips for moms on how to raise a winner. You need to love your child, give him a lot of time and energy, believe in his talent, listen to the advice of teachers. In no case should you overpraise or put him on a pedestal ahead of time. Talent without hard work (rehearsals, training) may not develop.

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? This happened sometimes, but very rarely. She just explained that it was his job. Never promised any sweets, cartoons or toys. The child must understand the word “must”. I didn’t have much of a problem with that.

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Yulia Eremeeva, daughter of Alena Apanasenko, 11 years old

The main hobby of the child and his achievements: the main hobby is to write poetry, stories, fairy tales, entertaining stories.

Tips for moms on how to raise a winner. Love your child very much.

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? With a belt (just kidding, of course). I read a work by N.A. Zabolotsky “Don’t let your soul be lazy.”

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Olga Ivanova, daughter of Milena Ivanova, 14 years old

The main hobby of the child and his achievements: sports, athletics. Completed the Candidate Master of Sports (running 60 m), victories in many competitions at the city and all-Russian level.

Tips for moms on how to raise a winner. We must love our children, despite their victories and defeats, and support them in everything.

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? Milena always attends training sessions with great pleasure. For her, one might say, a punishment if for some reason she cannot go to athletics training. There is no need to motivate.

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Natalia Arbina, son Ivan Arbin, 16 years old

The main hobby of the child and his achievements: running 60 m – 7,48 s, long jump from a spot – 2,71 m.

Tips for moms on how to raise a winner. Successful and self-sufficient children grow up only with strong and strong-willed parents. Parents should by their example help develop responsibility and hard work in the child. If you have children, then responsibility for your family is the main thing in your life. The child needs to live in a loving family. That is, in a family where they love him and everyone else. Only in this case, seeing love for himself and giving it to his loved ones, the child can become a champion.

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? By own example and support of the child.

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Olga Nebykova, daughter Tatyana Nebykova, 8 years old

The main hobby of the child and his achievements: theatrical skills. Winner of regional competitions “Grenadiers, Forward – 2016” and “Stalingrad Lilac – 2016”, laureate of the International Festival in memory of I. Talkov – 2017 in theatrical category.

Tips for moms on how to raise a winner. Listen to the child’s wishes, play his games, spend more time with him and trust the growing person.

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? The best motivation is going to the theater, walking in the woods, cycling, or any other pastime.

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Olga Orlova, daughter Irina Orlova, 14 years old

The main hobby of the child and his achievements: it is very difficult to single out the main thing, there are many hobbies. But, probably, the main hobby is study (each academic year ends with a certificate of appreciation). Achievements – victories in intellectual Olympiads of various levels; victories in contests of children’s creativity at various levels (nomination “performing skills”, domra).

Tips for moms on how to raise a winner. Give your child more time and attention when he is very young. Forget about the computer and TV for this time. I assure you, you will not regret sacrificing something for your child’s success.

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? I don’t remember that. He loves all classes and walks with pleasure.

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Elena Rubanova, daughter of Yan Rubanov

The main hobby of the child and his achievements: the main hobby of the child is the children’s theater “My Parnas”. With the help of classes in the theater, Yana achieved victories in various competitions in the nomination “Artistic word. Theatrical genre “. Takes an active part in staging performances, concert life of the theater.

Tips for moms on how to raise a winner. Children should always feel support, great support, care and faith in their parents.

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? The theater is, first of all, a collective. The most important motivation for a child is responsibility. You need to respect and understand those people (parents, teachers) who invest their soul, spend their time and energy for the future result.

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Svetlana Gorbacheva, daughter of Darin Gorbachev

The main hobby of the child and his achievements: my daughter Darina is fond of singing, plays the piano (5th grade of the music school No. 3). Likes to draw, loves his pets (the cat Fluffy, the guinea pig Peach and a small puppy of the Shih Tzu breed Bubo).

Darina is a first-degree laureate of international and regional festivals-contests (“Constellation of Talents”, “Blue Bird”, “Golden Crown”, “Voices of the Volga Region”, etc.) in the nominations “Folk Singing”, “Pop and Jazz Vocal” … He also participates in joint projects both solo and with the pop song collective “Karamelki” of the brass band of the Volga Philharmonic.

Tips for moms on how to raise a winner. The most important secret of the success of our children is our boundless love and faith in their talent. There is such an expression “To love without fear and reproach”, I believe that it is about parental love. And there is nothing more to add if you think about these words – to love without fear and without reproach to love. This is the only way to make our children happy.

And my girl should also feel my warmth (and physically as well) and support – hug, kiss, say the cherished words, known only to the two of us. By his example – his attitude to work, to a favorite business, begun and brought to an end. A positive outlook on life. Using the example of other people.

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? It rarely happens that Darina is simply lazy or really tired and does not want to go to classes. I remind her of those people (teachers) who are waiting for her at this moment, spend their energy and time on her in order to develop in her the talent given by God. And my girl gets up and goes to class, works on. I am very proud of her.

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Natalia Tetenova, son Igor Tetenov

The main hobby of the child and his achievements: Igorek is very fond of singing and playing the guitar. He is a laureate of many all-Russian, international, regional and city competitions.

Tips for moms on how to raise a genius. You should always listen to the desires and hobbies of the child, even if he is 3 years old. I always wanted my son to go in for sports, but when Igor was 3 years old, he was already very good at reading poetry and portraying different roles, so I had to send him to a theater group. There his talent was developed, and now he lives on stage with pleasure.

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? If your child does not want to go to class, you cannot force him, without explaining why he needs it. “If you don’t go to class, you will let your teacher down, you won’t get new skills and knowledge, and you won’t be able to achieve your goals. Even a house is built from small bricks. “

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Elena Fedotova, daughter Daria Fedotova, 12 years old

The main hobby of the child and his achievements: passion for literature and writing their own works. Victories in the district, city, regional and all-Russian stages of the essay competition.

Tips for moms on how to raise a genius. I would not set myself the goal of raising a winner. It is enough to bring up a successful, self-confident, open to everything new, willing to constantly develop and never give up a person. For this, first of all, you need your own example of a strong personality, plus support for the interests of the child and testing his strength, plus natural motherly love, and the result will be another happy person on Earth. Isn’t this the main victory?

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? When my daughter does not want to study, I do not insist and do not force, but start talking to her in order to find out the reason. And if the reason is only laziness, then the main motivation then becomes “playing the picture of the future.” We describe this picture in words, trying to imagine what will happen if mom doesn’t want to cook dinner, and dad doesn’t want to go to work, and doctors don’t want to treat, and the cat doesn’t want to wash, etc.

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Oksana Petrova, daughter Elizaveta Tetkina, son Alexander Tetkin, 5 years old

The main hobby of the child and his achievements. Elizabeth: ceramics, artistic creation. Alexander: ceramics, art, robotics, judo.

Tips for moms on how to raise a winner. Giving advice to parents is a thankless task. Every parent, and especially every mother, knows their baby better than anyone! And the best paths of education are intuitively chosen! Here is an example from my life experience.

Sasha couldn’t draw for a long time. It got to the point that he broke and scattered pencils in anger. Then I came up with a fairy tale about a little boy and magic pencils, which at night, when everyone is asleep, get out of the box and help draw pictures. I told this tale every evening, slightly changing the plot depending on the circumstances. Every night, when our baby fell asleep, I finished painting his pictures. Sasha believed not only in the existence of magic pencils, but also in himself and his strength! About a miracle! The pictures got better every day, and the baby – more confident!

And the general advice in all ages is the same: do not deprive it of attention; be a worthy example; play together, read books, be creative, and most importantly – love!

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? We spent the initial lessons with the children at home. When Sasha was born, Liza, the older sister, who already knew a lot, began to help. We tried to make the learning or creativity process itself interesting, created a positive emotional background – it was just interesting for the children to do something together!

When they began to go to various circles, they tried to focus on society in motivation: “Today you will study ceramics with Vanya, Nastya, Kolya. Imagine how interesting it will be! You can do a lot together! And then – have fun at break! That will be great! “

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Ekaterina Belyankina, Vladimir Masanov, 10 years old

The main hobby of the child and his achievements: violin, 2017st degree laureate of the Bezuglova competition, March XNUMX.

Tips for moms on how to raise a winner. You need to love and believe in your young winner.

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? They explained that we would sell the violin and he would no longer have it. After that, the child studied with redoubled zeal.

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Irina Sokova, daughter of Anastasia Kuvychko, 9 years old

The main hobby of the child and his achievements: Anastasia has been swimming since she was 3 years old, and by her 9 years old she has achieved certain results. This year Nastya completed the 3rd adult category.

Tips for moms on how to raise a winner. Considering the fact that I myself am a master of sports in Russia, throughout the years that we have been swimming, of course, I have been her main adviser and mentor. Who, if not me, can help her with the necessary clarification and explanation of the situation. First of all, I explain to her how important and, most importantly, it is necessary to “get ready” before a responsible start. That the result depends only on herself. That for those minutes, seconds that the distance lasts, you need to “work” as much as possible.

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? We don’t have that. But I explain to the child that if you don’t work out in training every day, then nothing will happen in the competition. And that only diligence, patience, work and the will to win are the key to an excellent result.

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Tatyana Tatarinova, daughters Elena Tatarinova, 12 years old and Ekaterina Tatarinova, 8 years old

The main hobby of children and achievements: Elena is kayaking. 1-3e places in general physical training and in open water competitions. In the near future – getting a discharge. Ekaterina is passionate about rhythmic gymnastics. 3rd place in the open championship “Winter’s Tale” among girls born in 2009.

Tips for moms on how to raise a winner. To raise a winner, you need to understand what the child especially wants to do. And then – to support, to explain that you have to work constantly in order to achieve a positive result. After all, children have a lot of creative potential in any field of activity.

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? I don’t remember a day when girls didn’t want to go to class. Lena always knows by heart what day and what time of training. She is engaged in rowing at the water base, in the pool, in the gym – she always goes with pleasure. And Katyusha reaches out for her older sister and also knows her training schedule and what sports equipment – a hoop, a ball, a rope – should be taken for training.

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Larisa Tikhomirova, daughter of Sofia Tikhomirova, 6 years old

The main hobby of the child and his achievements: Sofia is a creative child. From 2 years old she has been dancing, from 3 years old she has been singing. Loves the stage and the audience, has fun and travels. Winner of many city competitions, participant of the program “Best of all with Maxim Galkin”, finalist of the competition “Morning Star” Yuri Nikolaev according to the results of the jury, twice participant of the program “Boom! Show “on the channel” Carousel “, as well as a participant in local television and radio programs.

Tips for moms on how to raise a winner. Follow your child about his hobbies. Do not force him, but listen to him. Let him try and look for himself. Let him become a Personality.

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? Sofia does everything with pleasure. She herself chose her occupation and enjoys it.

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Tatyana Kharlamova, daughter of Alexander Kharlamov, 9 years old

The main hobby of the child and his achievements: wushu, the absolute champion of the Volgograd region in 2017 in wushu taolu among girls 8-11 years old (1st place in three events = 1st place in all-around).

Tips for moms on how to raise a winner. The main thing is to organize yourself (this is to regularly take the child to training). To be interested in this sport and to support the child in every possible way.

When your child didn’t want to go to class, how did you motivate him? There has never been such a desire in 2,5 years.

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The four participants with the most votes receive prizes from the partners of the website:

Olga Vasilyeva, who received 416 votes, receives a diploma for 1st place and a certificate for the unique Aqua-Tornado procedure at the Eva Health and Beauty Center

Vera Bezrukova, who received 151 votes, receives a diploma for 2nd place and stylish earrings from the fashionable Volgograd designer Olga Smirnova.

Ksenia Galats, who received 109 votes, receives a diploma and a set of fragrant soap from the creative workshop of Maria Kuznetsova “Magic”.

Irina Sokova, who received 75 votes, receives a diploma and a certificate for participation in the master class “Map of desires” from psychologist Natalia Shevtsova.

The winners will receive prizes in the final of the DiviMIR Winners’ Contest, December 5.

Whose parenting advice do you like?

  • Larisa Annenko

  • Vera Bezrukova

  • Svetlana Vavilova

  • Olga Vasilyeva

  • Ksenia Galati

  • Elena Skobeeva

  • Elena Tereshchenko

  • Yulia Eremeeva

  • Olga Ivanova

  • Olga Nebykova

  • Olga Orlova

  • Elena Rubanova

  • Svetlana Gorbacheva

  • Oksana Petrova

  • Natalia Tetenova

  • Elena Fedotova

  • Natalia Arbina

  • Ekaterina Belyankina

  • Tatiana Kharlamova

  • Larisa Tikhomirova

  • Tatiana Tatarinova

  • Irina Sokova

These mothers have already registered their young talents for the children’s competition of winners “People’s Prize“ DiviMIR ”. And you? For the first time in Volgograd, a social project is being held, widely introducing residents to the young representatives of the region’s gold fund – the winning children. Sportsmen and actors, singers and musicians, dancers and scholars, writers and environmentalists, artists and chefs, patriots, volunteers and real heroes who saved people from fire. These children today glorify the Volgograd region in other regions and even countries! The age of the project participants must be up to 17 years old inclusive. The best in 22 nominations will be selected by experts and residents of Volgograd through the People’s Internet voting. And the history and date of victory of each registered child will forever be saved in the online calendar of the legendary history of the region.

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