Astrologers have compiled their own list of recommendations on how to deal with a baby born under this zodiac sign.
Pisces time begins on February 20 and will continue until March 20. Kids-Fish have characteristic features – it’s not a fact that every single one will coincide, because all children are special. But astrologers assure that the zodiac sign under which a person was born influences him from the very first minute. And his character begins to manifest itself immediately. Astrologers have identified 8 typical traits for little Pisces.
They are incredibly sensitive
There are sensitive people, very sensitive people, and there are Pisces. The baby will be your emotional mirror, reading your feelings instantly. On the one hand, it is difficult: if you are upset, the child will also become bored, and then both of you will be sad. On the other hand, in the case of a small Fish, one stern glance is enough to make the baby clear: he is doing something wrong.
They are closed
Pisces will soon discover that being overly attached can sometimes be painful. And that if you step back a little, the experiences will not be so acute. Therefore, sometimes you will have to pull the baby out of his shell. The child should always feel your love and support, otherwise he will withdraw into himself more and more – just to distance himself from unpleasant situations.
They are dreamers
Any writer can envy the imagination of Pisces. Sometimes you may feel that he is deliberately composing something to laugh at you. But this is not the case. Pisces Toddlers simply share their unique worldview with you. There is never malice and a desire to pin up in him. Pisces are born storytellers, encourage their creativity. Just teach how to separate facts from fiction.
They are very gullible
Do not talk to strangers – this little Fish should be taught first of all. They always think only good things about people. Until they are disappointed. Baby Pisces can easily succumb to other people’s influence. And this influence will not always be good. You will have to learn how to unobtrusively form his social circle so that the child does not have a chance to let the villain come to him.
They are very vulnerable
Since Pisces believe in all the best in people, then when something goes wrong, they tend to blame themselves for the overall failure. Never throw careless phrases in front of your child that because of the decree you said goodbye to your career, got fat or lost all entertainment. The kid will immediately take it personally, and his self-esteem, self-confidence will fall below the plinth.
They are addicted
If Pisces are interested in something, they will invest all of themselves in this occupation. Pisces kids are often able to do something for one day at a time. And they are also the ones who often carry with them their favorite toy, which they simply cannot part with. This quality will serve them well: if only the Rybka child is lucky enough to find what he loves, he will reach unimaginable heights of skill.
They are perfectionists
Their little sensitive souls strive for the ideal from birth. If suddenly something does not go as planned, it can hurt the baby Pisces much more than his peers. He wants everything to be as perfect as possible. And being a perfectionist is sometimes very painful – there are so many disappointments.
They are dreamers
Dreaming for little Pisces is a way to cope with the imperfection of the world, to come to terms with the unattainability of the ideal. It is important to teach the child not to drown too much in the world of fantasies and illusions. Otherwise, he can greatly break away from reality and only do what to hover in the clouds.