How to quit smoking once and for all? Get motivated to act today!
How to quit smoking once and for all? Get motivated to act today!How to quit smoking once and for all? Get motivated to act today!

Cigarette addiction is a personal thing – no one will get rid of it for you. Of course, it is also not a simple matter, and for some it seems even impossible. There are many disadvantages of smoking cigarettes: bad smell, faster aging of the body (e.g. earlier menopause), graying of the complexion, yellowed teeth, many diseases – including lung cancer, as well as reduced potency and libido. Even if you are not convinced by the health aspects (although they should be, because smoking shortens youth, and often, unfortunately, also life), count how much money you lose on this habit. If you hadn’t smoked for a year, you’d surely have saved up for that trip, gadget, or other thing you’ve been in the dream about for a long time. That is why it is worth finally taking care of yourself and doing everything to quit the harmful addiction!

Out of 80% of Poles who want to stop smoking, only a handful manage to do so – only 20% of them are treated for addiction. Why this pessimistic accent and why is it so difficult? Unfortunately, as you know, it is in nicotine that the whole problem lies. This inconspicuous ingredient – just like alcohol and hard drugs – makes you quickly enslaved by it. Doctors, however, describe it as a substance more insidious than vodka and drugs, because nicotine does not cause visible intoxication. And yet, it is very harmful and destroys the body. By not changing their behavior as a result of smoking cigarettes, most addicts downplay the problem – since they can’t see the changes taking place in the body (because everything is happening “inside”), they usually do not want to stop smoking.

The basis: strong motivation

According to experts, the majority of people visiting anti-smoking clinics do not want to quit smoking. They go there because the doctor told them to, because the family insists, etc. Therefore, when they get to such a place, the first thing they do is fill out a special motivational test. Without a clear desire to quit, you may fail, or it will take much longer. That’s why you need to find your own reason why you don’t want to smoke, and then set a specific goal for yourself.

The most important thing is to understand what is wrong with smoking. If health issues affect us the most, it is worth delving into this topic. Get rid of anti-passwords like “I have so little pleasure in life, so I guess I can smoke” or “My uncle’s aunt on my mother’s side smoked all her life and she was fine.” It does not mean anything. Firstly, sometimes you may not know about all the ailments that this person is struggling with (and, for example, they have not associated this type of ailments with tobacco addiction), and furthermore – every body is different, so you can never be sure that it is you will not be affected by smoking-related diseases. Following the example of an aunt, uncle, friend of a friend, is only denying the facts and justifying oneself. Remember that the dangerous warnings on the packaging did not come out of nowhere. 

If diseases do not have such an effect on your imagination, find another reason. Maybe aesthetic? After all, it is known that smoking has a negative effect for beauty. If you don’t want to prematurely develop wrinkles, yellow or gray teeth, and feel uncomfortable when others smell you, let this be your motivation. For others, the economic reason will be more important – cigarettes are expensive, so a large amount of money per week simply “goes up in smoke” and never pays off.  

Don’t give up if you fail the first time

The most important thing is to start. You have to set yourself a specific date and try. Even if your nicotine abstinence only lasts a day, don’t despair – after the first attempt, most people relapse. This is completely normal, and according to doctors, those with the most attempts, paradoxically, have the best chance. The first week is the hardest, which is why most people are helped by over-the-counter nicotine substitutes: tablets, chewing gums, patches, inhalers. It is worth turning your problem to an anti-smoking clinic – under the supervision of a specialist, it is much easier to quit smoking. There are even special prescription antidepressants. Remember that “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, so you definitely need to be patient and strong willed.

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