How to Quit Smoking in 5 Days: The Method of American Astronauts

How to Quit Smoking in 5 Days: The Method of American Astronauts

We are sharing a method developed by specialists for pilots who entered the astronaut corps.

Smoking is not a habit, but an addiction. And it is really very difficult to cope with it. If you want to quit smoking quickly and unaided, try this fun week-long method.

Day one

The hardest part is getting started. Should:

  1. Get up half an hour earlier than usual.

  2. Drink two to three glasses of water.

  3. Then take a shower.

  4. For breakfast, eat only fruit and drink fruit juices.

  5. Then do some breathing exercises. To do this, you just need to take a deep breath and exhale. By the way, with the help of breathing techniques, you can also lose weight. Read here how to do it.

  6. It is very important to avoid the company of smokers on the first day, and it is also important to revise your menu during the day. For lunch, eat some salad, light soup, and lean meat. Lunch should be complete, but lightweight. A walk is obligatory right after lunch.

  7. Dinner should also be light. But the most important thing is not to mess around, not sit in an armchair at the TV, not drink alcohol. Go for a walk, play with the children.

Every time, when there is a desire to smoke, drink a glass or two of water and inhale and exhale.

It is imperative to increase physical activity: move less by car, walk more, go up the stairs instead of the elevator to the apartment, do gymnastics in the morning. At least 30-40 minutes a day – a smoker needs it.

Day two

And again an early rise and 2-3 glasses of water on an empty stomach, then breathing exercises.

After breakfast (fruits, juices) try walking or walking at least part of the way to work. Then live according to the recommendations of the first day. Suppress the urge to smoke with breathing exercises, water and juices.

Day three

The same diet: light, low-fat meals. Do not smoke and strengthen yourself in the decision to quit smoking.

Day Four

The craving for smoking has already significantly disappeared, but the diet and routine must continue to be adhered to. It is especially important if you want to smoke, do breathing exercises and drink a glass of water.

Day five

There is a feeling of satisfaction with the successes achieved, confidence in willpower. Follow the regimen and diet for the previous four days. Changes will already begin to occur in the body. But not all of them will please you. For example, at first he will be very hungry. What to do to avoid gaining weight, says the expert.

Leading Researcher, State Research Center for Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

“Quitting smoking leads to an increase in appetite stimulants in the brain and hypothalamus,” Ruzanna Yeganyan, a leading researcher at the State Research Center for Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, told readers. – Imagine how much is going on in the body of a person who quits smoking: catabolic breakdown of glycogen in the liver, normalization of digestive juices. Of course I’m hungry.

What do we have to do: lean on fruits and vegetables. So many toxins have accumulated in the smoker’s body, be healthy! To detoxify, you need to eat foods that are high in fiber. These are not very sweet berries and fruits. You need to consume 20-30 g of fiber per day. 100 g of vegetables contain 2-3 g of it, which means that just a day you need to eat half a kilogram-kilogram of fruits and vegetables. Bananas and legumes are also good at detoxifying.

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